What are America's top 5 policy blunders of the past 50 years?


Well-Known Member
1. The Iraq War - this includes the invasion, the de-Baathification of the Iraqi military/government & ignoring the results of the 2010 democratic election

2. Deregulation of the financial industry by enacting the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act and eliminating the protections provided by the Glass-Steagall Act leading to the global financial crisis of 2007-2008

3. The War on Drugs with the enaction of the Comprehensive Drug Abuse Prevention and Control Act of 1970

4. The militarization of America's police forces across the country

5. The subversion of democracy and transition to oligarchy with the enactions of Buckley v. Valeo, First National Bank of Boston v. Bellotti, Citizens United v. FEC & McCutcheon v. FEC

Runners up

-No Child Left Behind
-The Defense of Marriage Act
-Don't Ask, Don't Tell
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Well-Known Member
American Recovery and Reinvestment Act
Affordable Care Act
War on Poverty (52 years)
War on Drugs
The entire New Deal (over 50 years ago, but every year it continues is an affront to sanity)


Well-Known Member
If I had to pick one, it would be the failure of our political leadership to acquaint Americans with certain realities.

We were not always going to be riding a fat wave resulting from worldwide devastation created by two world wars which left most of the rest of the world impoverished.

We were not sitting on an inexhaustible supply of fossil fuels that we could count on making us go forever.

We could never afford to squander this nation's resources to the extent we have.

We could not do anything we want to the environment without it having a long term effect.

All the other shit is tinker toys or lego blocks. The "greatest generation" were a bunch of cunts.


Well-Known Member
1. Downing Street Memo
2. NSA Surveillance Controversy
3. The Keating Five
4. Teapot Dome Scandal
5. Abu Gharib Prison Atrocities
6. Pentagon Papers
7. Clinton Lewinsky Scandal
8. Iran – Contra Affair
9. Marilyn Monroe and the Kennedy’s
10. Watergate Affair

Downing Street Memo (Year: 2002)

In a strange case, the ‘Downing Street Memo’ scandal was exposed by the UK press. The London Times released details of a memo which showed that President George W Bush had plans to give out false information about Saddam Hussein’s weapons of mass destruction. The supposed aim of this exercise was to project a just cause for initiating a war on Iraq. The memo which had this damning information found its way to British PM Tony Blair’s office through the British intelligence channels and made headline news in the UK. But the story was handled with extreme caution by the US press and a lot was hush-hushed.



Well-Known Member
A GREAT thread

As Vostok alludes to, so many to choose from.

If I may, I'd like to expand the parameters slightly as my Number 1 pre dates 50 years.

Operation Ajax.

That opened a can of worms that are still wriggling away today, including (one can make a case for) both Iraq wars.


Well-Known Member
but MK Ultra...not top of list but WTF!!!

Oh yeah, that forced sterilisation programme wasn't good either, it gave a certain Austrian with a shit mustache ideas


Well-Known Member
In no particular order...

•Nation building
•Nation building
•Nation building
•Nation building
•Nation building


Well-Known Member
Most of these aren't really blunders though. Awful and immoral? Sure. Accidents or mistakes? No.
I see your point.

To me they were a mistake from where the world is to where I'd like to see it.

...but some of these have been V profitable for America in terms of finance and power.

For me, it's a mistake to prioritise these things but you make a valid point

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
War on drugs - destroyed personal liberty (if it ever even existed)

Gold standard shit canned / fucked up monetary policy

Foreign military adventures

Destruction of free market via crony capitalism / regulation (we should already have flying cars)

Designated hitter rule - ruined baseball strategy


Well-Known Member
bravo for bringing up the gold standard, the consequences of which can not be over stated.

Oversight on my behalf.

I know fuck all about baseball though.

Why couldn't you guys just get down with cricket?


Well-Known Member
War on drugs - destroyed personal liberty (if it ever even existed)

Gold standard shit canned / fucked up monetary policy

Foreign military adventures

Destruction of free market via crony capitalism / regulation (we should already have flying cars)

Designated hitter rule - ruined baseball strategy
Um, do we have the technology for flying cars?

As far as I know they're still struggling with computer operated version. Some guy just got killed not too long ago testing one. Tesla?