A contradiction in thought


Well-Known Member
Some conservatives claim democrats support illegal immigration/amnesty because minority voters tend to vote democratic;

"Rep. Luis Gutiérrez (D-IL) may have let the cat out of the bag when he confirmed the true reason behind his party’s push toward amnesty for illegal immigrants.

Elections. Specifically, amnesty would bring in 4-5 million new Democrats." - "Rusty" - The Political Insider

Some of these same people also claim democrats support abortion because they want to eliminate black people;

"It's stunning how Democratic Party operatives and other pundits and politicians who are expressing outrage over Trump’s words seem unconcerned about the devastating impact that the reality of abortion has on Black Americans." - Frances Rice - The National Black Republican Association

Except black Americans vote democratic by wide margins

So if democrats support illegal immigration/amnesty because immigrants would likely vote democratic, doesn't it follow they would oppose abortion since black Americans are more likely to vote democratic?

No. It wont follow that way.

Republicans will chase down deadbeat dads and force them to pay child support by making them go to work or go without.

A single Black mom with several kids from a few dads,...can`t have that because they wont catch the dad in jail and put him to work. If they do, it wont pay much.

Vote Democrat and survive would prolly be my choice too.

Soon they wont need SNAP, BLM sees to it that they get more free stuff by rioting when a thug gets killed. That`s why the last guys sister spoke out to the press telling these blacks to take that shit to the burbs, they have better shit and we need ours.

There`s a move with her stating that loud and clear with many Blacks cheering her on somewhere in the politics section. I had nothing to do with her saying that to the Press. Did you ?


Well-Known Member
I asked Obama about that JV team,...He told me to keep up with the times. I said What do you mean sir ? He replied that they have grown to a pro team now after stealing Military hardware from the US that lends it to Iraq to fight them. I said OK I understand now, and then told him that this would not have happened if you spanked them down when they were forming into this pro team 4 or 5 years ago. He replied, "Well duh, that was my bad,...but you`ll have to take it up with Trump, he`s the only one threatening to take action against them now if he wins the Election and becomes the leader". I said "well, Do you hope Trump wins?",....he said no.


Well-Known Member
That damn JV team.................
You are a moron. What does the Syrian air forces bombing their own people have to do with this JV team you speak of?

If i were half as dumb as you I would not post - but you are not even smart enough not to. You just keep going, and going, and going... like little racist/fascist energizer bunny.

Enjoy the next four years. She is coming for your guns and "BENGHAZI!!!!" will be her battle cry.


Well-Known Member
You are a moron. What does the Syrian air forces bombing their own people have to do with this JV team you speak of?

If i were half as dumb as you I would not post - but you are not even smart enough not to. You just keep going, and going, and going... like little racist/fascist energizer bunny.

Enjoy the next four years. She is coming for your guns and "BENGHAZI!!!!" will be her battle cry.

Simply asking that question puts you in your first sentence before it.

Apparently, you are half as dumb as ......i.


Well-Known Member
I asked Obama about that JV team,...He told me to keep up with the times. I said What do you mean sir ? He replied that they have grown to a pro team now after stealing Military hardware from the US that lends it to Iraq to fight them. I said OK I understand now, and then told him that this would not have happened if you spanked them down when they were forming into this pro team 4 or 5 years ago. He replied, "Well duh, that was my bad,...but you`ll have to take it up with Trump, he`s the only one threatening to take action against them now if he wins the Election and becomes the leader". I said "well, Do you hope Trump wins?",....he said no.
Is this a "Clint Eastwood talks to a chair at the 2012 RNC" meme?


Well-Known Member
See how that works?
Really. Does that mean you want to talk about the % of blacks on welfare as opposed the % of whites? Whites and blacks do the same things for mostly the same reasons, its the % of each that's the rub. You are very stupid. Playing with my post give me a good reason to play with yours. If you ever post something of value, to you at lest. As I have yet to see any such post.
The smarter blacks take birth control or have abortions if they are not married and vote almost 50 50 while the dumber ones have kids and live on welfare and can be somewhat controlled but vote almost 100% demorat.