Can we generalize the effect of being High?


Well-Known Member
If we ever want the world to understand smoking, we all need to analyze and agree on what smoking marijuana does to your mind and simplify it for the people who don't know and don't accept it's effects on people.

If I had to Analyze what Marijuana I'd say....

90% of people who have smoked and DONT like it, say they dont like it because it makes them Think too much. Even people who thought it didnt make them think much, I sat asked them questions and talked about it effects and agreed that it actually DID make them think alot, they just werent able to realize or make sense of their thoughts.

If I had to say in the most basic sense what it does to me. It indeed simply Makes me Think ALOT. I like thinking and sometimes when thinking too much its tough to organize and handle all the thoughts, but i still do and use it to my advantage. However Ive noticed most people dont like to think, and thus stick to the vice of Drinking alcohol, which helps you NOT THINK. I think most substances all have the same BASIC EFFECT on everybody. The differences people describe are just simply the obvious conditioning of being different people.

I believe Marijuana makes you Think alot.


Well-Known Member
i don't really think alot, i just listen to music, movies, talk to people.. i talk ALOT when i'm perfectly high...


Active Member
i don't really think alot, i just listen to music, movies, talk to people.. i talk ALOT when i'm perfectly high...
If you're talking alot then you are thinking alot. I like to type when I am high because I can type faster than I can speak (without getting my words jumbled up) I feel I write the best in the post-peak period when I have a focused clarity.


Well-Known Member
lol tru.. supposedly i'm really fucking funny when i talk when i'm high.. really.. philosophical like.


Well-Known Member
smoking is more social, and sometimes I just want to chill, and say shut hell to person beside me, can you see Im chillin.


Well-Known Member
whenever i smoke pt i just get thrown into a fit of rage and i fuck people up

no im kididng, i just get very social and satisfied with life, i LOVE the part about overthinking everything, its the icing on the cake


Well-Known Member
WOW!! thats funny you should mention that... i'm watching super high me right.. now...


Well-Known Member
Marijuana is simply one of the most unique thing. Smoking weed just makes me think about everything, it makes me think about my life, my future, how i feel about things, it makes me think of crazy ideas, ideas i could of never think of sober minded. My visual when i am high is 5x cooler..everything looks more trippy to me, the trees, the clouds/sky..everything..everythings more Chumlie said..sometimes it makes me just want to chill..when i am high sometimes i dont like being around a "shitload" of people, because i just want to chill and relax and THINK..i love weed simply because of this :)


Well-Known Member
I think a lot when I'm high. the things I think are pretty funny from what I hear, and are definitely things I would never think of sober. like a few days ago I was watching Meet The Parents and I was texting my friend and it went from, and I quote, friends being "girated hump-machines", to the universe being turned inside out and compressed into one molecule once more so there is no existence/thoughts anymore in the same conversation...not something I would ever think sober hahaha


Well-Known Member
I don't neccissarily* think that you think more. I think that you annalyze the thoughts more closely, and your normal thoughts are slowed down, so you feel like you think more, when you actually are thinking a bit slower. But on the same note, if you think slower, not much slower, but still slower, then you have more time to understand what it is your thinking about. When i get really stoned and think about stuff, when i think about stuff, i understand things, but i kinda explain to myself why i understand things.....idk if you get what im saying, but it makes sense to me. :joint:


Well-Known Member
well if i REALLY had to generalize i would say i feel this pulsing all thru my body and in my mind and i think of really juvinile things and made up words like amajagackity and amajagockity and liek a pulsing beat i also get REALLY HORNY