Pressurized Closed column extraction

I was laughing cause the information is obtuse. Can i first state that puncturing cans is dangerous.more dangerous inside always do extraction outside or risk your life. Useing good equipment having complete understanding of what your doing is important. It will cost at least 1800 dollars for a basic passive setup that could process about 1/2 p. Per extract. Use good equipment. Get a lp gas tank or reclaimation tank. Use proper equipment. When ur tank is filled remember to flip tank as gas is heavy..gas will always try to run from heat n condense to cold. To increase pressue increase heat.. to decrease cool..chill collection for unit for maximum clean extract. Dry ice or liquid nitrogen
@dabbindylan I don't know where someone said puncturing cans or blasting indoors but that shit wasn't me. I understand a lot behind all this but can only do as much as we can w the $$ we have. I've seen good extract come from closed column so I went that route. I couldn't afford closed loop or else I would have.

Now if this is the deciding factor for good extract or not then I can understand this. I just havnt had consistent results w my way so that may be why.

Still going to try fresher material and colder temps before I give up whole heartly.

I was getting better resukts in the winter so that could be why maybe..

Anyways, thanks for dropping some of your knowledge my man instead of being an ass like we thought! Have any more tips we could put to use?
I was laughing cause the information is obtuse. Can i first state that puncturing cans is dangerous.more dangerous inside always do extraction outside or risk your life. Useing good equipment having complete understanding of what your doing is important. It will cost at least 1800 dollars for a basic passive setup that could process about 1/2 p. Per extract. Use good equipment. Get a lp gas tank or reclaimation tank. Use proper equipment. When ur tank is filled remember to flip tank as gas is heavy..gas will always try to run from heat n condense to cold. To increase pressue increase heat.. to decrease cool..chill collection for unit for maximum clean extract. Dry ice or liquid nitrogen
I don't know what thread you read but as far as I can recall no one said to puncture butane cans or to blast in doors. If you would do your research this is not a closed loop discussion this is in regards to a pressurized open blast column that is sold by best value vacs. We are not reaccumulating any gases so no tank flipping shit no tank. Read before you post unhelpful rude comments
sight glasses are worth the investment. If ur not puncturing cans then how are u filling? Ur doing it wrong.inless u have some regulator ive not heard about Or are u just using as a pipe with both ends open? Either way im sure ur yields are low or really dirty. Not to be rude. But if ur not looping then its really a bad way to process ur material
Alright bro obviously you didn't take the time to read this tread or google the apparatus that we are talking about in this thread. So here's a pic image.jpeg
Now please don't insult the process one uses to process material grow up if your gonna be talking to grown folk. This is a variation on open blasting.
@Crippykeeper I don't usually watch hash church but Sam the skunk man was on there and said closed loop extraction is non sense, now he didn't explain why of course but something to think about or maybe research to find out why. I plan on looking into it in a few days or so, just don't have much time right now
@Crippykeeper I don't usually watch hash church but Sam the skunk man was on there and said closed loop extraction is non sense, now he didn't explain why of course but something to think about or maybe research to find out why. I plan on looking into it in a few days or so, just don't have much time right now
I'm guessing the main advantage of closed loop system is the fact that you can recover and reuse the same gas. But I've never used a closed loop system I hope that changes soon so I can't really say what the true advantage is.
@Crippykeeper right that's what I thought and everything stays colder but for whatever reason this kid Brett this week said he used it or something like that or maybe in the past and I don't know the exact words but he was explaining something and then said something like don't get me started they are pointless. Now he didn't elaborate this I remember but worth looking into if the pioneer/inventor of using BHO says so right? I'll keep I posted if I find it and in the mean time, got any pics of your work we can check out? I'm going to take another stab at blasting probably in a week so I'll also post my results
@Crippykeeper right that's what I thought and everything stays colder but for whatever reason this kid Brett this week said he used it or something like that or maybe in the past and I don't know the exact words but he was explaining something and then said something like don't get me started they are pointless. Now he didn't elaborate this I remember but worth looking into if the pioneer/inventor of using BHO says so right? I'll keep I posted if I find it and in the mean time, got any pics of your work we can check out? I'm going to take another stab at blasting probably in a week so I'll also post my results
No haven't blasted anything since last post. The stuff last me a long time I prefer to
Smoke flowers I dab when in a time crunch and need to get blasted but I'll make a run tomorrow or next day and I'll take pics of starting material and and color of butane in pan.
Im not trying to sound like a douche. Theres just a few things id also like to add when u get tap tool. Again stay outside.. Dont try to exceed can pressures. Use iso butane made in America if can does fail at least u can sue a company..learn before u earn that good return..dont exceed 30 psi inless recovering u should never exceed 30 tube while vacuuming.. Invest in better valve be a shame to spray all over
By adding ethynl or pure 99 iso. U can acheive purer product. Just dehydrate or heat till all solvent has perspired. Alcohol will help dehydrate any water and will help release gases if u dont have heat vac oven
@Crippykeeper I don't usually watch hash church but Sam the skunk man was on there and said closed loop extraction is non sense, now he didn't explain why of course but something to think about or maybe research to find out why. I plan on looking into it in a few days or so, just don't have much time right now

Not sure of Sam's context, so I can't comment, but I think it is safe to say that the number of closed loop systems is dramatically on the rise, so not everyone agrees the process is nonsense.

I'm one person who doesn't, having dedicated about a decade doing my part to bring it to its current state, and look at it more like the quality and utility of the various systems that have been developed, varies considerably, and you must pay attention to equipment and operating details to win.

Sam is pretty happy with hash, which is great stuff, but not a suitable form for all applications, so I see them both as just different tools in the same tool box, to be exploited based on their own merits. Try making Holy Anointing Oil, or Holy Shit oil for cancer patients out of bubble or dry sieve..........

I actually embrace a number of processes, and believe that when your only tool is a hammer, everything looks like a nail..............................
PS: We did a lot of open blasting before I started building closed loop equipment, but we took the instructions on how to do so off our SPR site because of the number of brothers blowing stuff up, around innocent bystanders.

I also did experiments with closed tube extraction, to allow soaking and vibration, but moved on because of the quality of the extract produced. The added weight is primarily C-30 constituents, which most of us'ns consider undesirable in a concentrate.

Here is a picture of how I did it with a horizontal tube and unequal vertical legs to allow injection and venting at the same time. The vibrator was donated for the application and was scored at a garage sale used for $0.50.


  • BHO Pressurized and vibrated-1-1.jpg
    BHO Pressurized and vibrated-1-1.jpg
    74.3 KB · Views: 22

I agree, a lot of those guys on church are really happy with their own ways and talk bad about everything else. I personally believe closed loop is fine but I admit, I've only read a few hundred pages of forum fodder to make my opinion and havnt tried it before.

I'd love to be able to make quality for my patients w what I have but it doesn't appear that I'll be able to achieve that with this set up.

Can I ask you, a person who I respect and value their opinions, why use BHO over bubble methods. I'm experimenting currently with making bubble and then heating to make a wax. I pressed some bubble last night w a straight iron and was pleasantly surprised with the outcome. Cleaner looking than the wax I usually make.