Your Grandpa's Weed or is UV supplementation really needed?


Well-Known Member
I find that starting UV low in veg then in flower but increasing in last 3 weeks of flower builds more resin and buds are not only more potent but gives a more complex high. That is why t5's with ATI bulbs rock as it gives a more complex high with legs. In Michigan here I see allot of days with a UV index of 6 out of 10. So to replicate that is huge. Its about finding lights that can produce like HID while giving a more complex high. Led's can grow some fire also.


Well-Known Member
Let's assume, for arguments sake, that it is not an "optical illusion" generated by "reflection, refraction, absorption" (which "it is"). How is this at all beneficial to cannabis and distinguishes your light from others?

Not trolling, genuinely curious.
His light is complete garbage and his denial of math is an attempt to pull the wool over your eyes. (oldest trick in the old grandpa book)

It's not trolling. It's the truth. Math will protect you from his bullshit.
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Well-Known Member
I find that starting UV low in veg then in flower but increasing in last 3 weeks of flower builds more resin and buds are not only more potent but gives a more complex high. That is why t5's with ATI bulbs rock as it gives a more complex high with legs. In Michigan here I see allot of days with a UV index of 6 out of 10. So to replicate that is huge. Its about finding lights that can produce like HID while giving a more complex high. Led's can grow some fire also.
Colorado's UV index can hit 12 or 13 on that same 0-10 scale, lol. High altitude and low ozone both contribute.


Well-Known Member
His light is complete garbage and his denial of math is an attempt to pull the wool over your eyes. (oldest trick in the old grandpa book)

It's not trolling. It's the truth. Math will protect you from his bullshit.
And you say the same thing about flowerin with T5's,,,,,,,,,

How bout you show us the smoke reports of your buds ???

When was the last time you humbled a grower with a pin joint ???

While you math techies are playin with efficiency, some of us are focusing on truly connoisseur buds and product in preparation of the future when it becomes legal. While you grow rot-gut we're growin 30 yr old single malt

Oh, and I never denied math, I simply stated that plants don't understand it, kinda like that whole inverse square law thing you guys love so much becomin moot as soon as you add a reflective panel to the mix lmao


Well-Known Member
As it becomes more legitimate it will be grown in the sun. I don't even like to post pics of indoor plants because of how much better they do outside. Not to mention the cost of electricity and equipment could be invested in land or a greenhouse.


Well-Known Member
His light is complete garbage and his denial of math is an attempt to pull the wool over your eyes. (oldest trick in the old grandpa book)

It's not trolling. It's the truth. Math will protect you from his bullshit.
Yeah, it's trolling when you made these same points years ago and now can't seem to just let it go.

Plants don't do math, they respond to conditions. Smart people use math to interpret the results and predict future outcomes.

Dumb people misuse math in an attempt to dictate outcomes.

Most of us have long since figured out which one you are, yet your neurotic persistence won't let you just give it a rest.


Well-Known Member
If this is the case then why does outdoor sell at a discount to indoor?
A couple of reasons. Many outdoor growers end up with 100 pounds off 30 plants and don't trim it good. Biggest give away is the way it's trimmed. Indoor will usually look better and may be better quality but it's damn near free to grow outside and these dudes can sell pounds for 800 and still make money. Top quality weed is $45 a pound at the border and they sale it by the ton.


Well-Known Member
No, if outdoor quality was better, it would sell at the premium price. It doesn't, because it isn't better.
Indoor can be better but the profit margin is not good. All the outdoor growers end up giving away the stuff they harvest so much. I meet many growers who make the switch to outdoors and they say it's the best decision of their life. It's also better for the environment and 12 foot sativas are a beautiful thing, but indoor has its place.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I agree with that @ttystikk . What I dont agree with is something grown indoor 3000 a p and something grown outdoor 1000. Those numbers are just fucking dumb. I'll be happy when the scale shifts to something realistic. Yeah , you can see Im not a "for profit" grower....
I happen to agree with you. And I AM a for profit producer of growing equipment; I believe the equipment I'm developing will help reduce costs- and that eventually will have an effect on prices.


Well-Known Member
In a few years flower will be less popular and concentrates like rosin will be what people smoke. Then they won't ask if it's indoor or outdoor.


Well-Known Member
Mexico is by far the largest producer of Marijuana in the world. If and when they turn their product into oil/rosin and smuggle that instead of tractor trailers full of pressed brick weed that will be a game changer.

Lord Kanti

Well-Known Member
My research indicates that there are cannabinoids found in seeded plants that are not found in unseeded plants so there could be an extended entourage effect ? It could also be that the plant gets more serious about protecting the seeds from the UV rays ? There is not a lot of research on this yet but those would be my best guesses as to why it happens.

As for no couch lock, I grow very differently, use a different spectrum, with different lights, different light timings, a sulfur rich medium. I have always (in my thoughts) attributed couch lock to hps lights and 12/12 timing ? But I honestly don't know if it one or combination of all? I actually wanted a couch lock strain for sleep but none I've ever grown have had it and I'm not changin how I grow cause I loves the Grandpa weed 8)
I think the seed claim is bogus. Strongest hits I've ever had have come from seeded bud. I've let my plants catch pollen this last year and I've not noticed a weaker end product. Seeds are fun, like a box of chocolates. One of my recent plants has seeds that could chip a tooth. They're nuts...