When to flush???


Well-Known Member
20160922_100755.jpg 6.5wks into flower on a big bidda cheese from seed and just wanted to knie by the look of the pictures im posting here if anyone could tell me when I should start to flush???? I have been eatching the bud development/tris and some are a kittle clear some are cloudy and dome havr amber??? Alot of the hairs have turned brown but some buds dtill have spikey growth on the top???
I dont eant to flush early because I did thst before and could of kept feeding for another week.......I eas planing to start the flush on day 49 though to 63?? That will be in 4days maybe? Depenfing in the advis I get here?


Well-Known Member
So much info out there that says flushing is pointless. Insignificant change to the amount of nutrients in your plant. May even lead to deficiency when your plant needs it most.

But, many people have very successful grows when they flush. Typically it's done 1 week before harvest


Well-Known Member
Sweet!! So I can just keep giving her the same watering/feed pland all the way to the end of harvest?
What about the boosterd and adatives shr has been receiving for the past 6weeks?? Eg: green fuse bloom and pkb?
I thought it was good to flush non organic feed before harvest?
I think I will just stick to my feed plan of water water feed untill the last few days when they eill sit in darkness for 1/2 day and alow them to dry out a little before the chop


Well-Known Member
I flush around 4 to 6 days before harvest 1 time with fox farms sledge hammer and do just plain water untill harvest. I also do a 24 hour dark period before harvest

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
the stuff in your nutes that your plant absorbs are mostly non mobile once absorbed. that means you can pour the whole fucking ocean on that plant, and the stuff you're trying to get rid of will still be there. so all you've done is starve your plant for the last week or two of its life, when it could have been packing on weight and trichs. i've experimented myself, grown plants i've flushed and plants i didn't. ash was the same color, tasted the same, burned the same.....the only difference was the plants i didn't flush looked a little healthier, weighed just a little more....


Well-Known Member
So much info out there that says flushing is pointless. Insignificant change to the amount of nutrients in your plant. May even lead to deficiency when your plant needs it most.

But, many people have very successful grows when they flush. Typically it's done 1 week before harvest
No, no, no...
not "when they flush"
i'm sure you meant, "in SPITE of them flushing"


Well-Known Member
View attachment 3786746 6.5wks into flower on a big bidda cheese from seed and just wanted to knie by the look of the pictures im posting here if anyone could tell me when I should start to flush???? I have been eatching the bud development/tris and some are a kittle clear some are cloudy and dome havr amber??? Alot of the hairs have turned brown but some buds dtill have spikey growth on the top???
I dont eant to flush early because I did thst before and could of kept feeding for another week.......I eas planing to start the flush on day 49 though to 63?? That will be in 4days maybe? Depenfing in the advis I get here?
your plants look great my friend, judging from th look of those fresh white pistils still be thrown up, i'd wait at least another 15 days
and don't flush a thing.
and a wise old dirty hippy once told me
"if you think they are done? Wait another week"
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Well-Known Member
okay...I'll kick off the ongoing debate...why flush? it does no good

PS: nice looking gals
I always link it and I'll link it again.


@RM3 nails it on the head in that thread everyone needs to give it a good read and understand the material being presented. It's not his opinion and it's not a personal study, it's real details and information that show us the fallacy of flushing.

FLUSHING IS A MYTH. Nature doesn't flush it's plants and all anyone is doing is ridding their plants of essential nutrients they need during an important stage of their life just before harvest.

Anyone can claim they can "taste" the difference but there are also growers on this site who have the best bud that oddly enough isn't commercially available so you know it's all personal bias and anecdytiol evidence at best.

bryan oconner

Well-Known Member
what are you feeding them ? organic or chemical . guys and ladies if you dont flush them if your using a (chemical fertilizer) like me might as well throw it away . it will have a serious dark black ash clogging every thing up strong lung burning nasty tasting popping noise wile being smoked . trash . organic nutrients dont need to be flushed that why your dropping major cash on it . after is smoked it should be a grey ash and it should fall apart . not a lot of people do not use a chemical nutrient so if you dont have experience please no comments telling me i am full of shit . and start flush about week 7.5 fresh water for 5 to 7 days is plenty they can survive 2 or so weeks plain water by the way in late flower depending how hard your pushing nutrients . ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... my posts are suggesting about a cherry tomato that you smoke . lmao


Well-Known Member
what are you feeding them ? organic or chemical . guys and ladies if you dont flush them if your using a (chemical fertilizer) like me might as well throw it away . it will have a serious dark black ash clogging every thing up strong lung burning nasty tasting popping noise wile being smoked . trash . organic nutrients dont need to be flushed that why your dropping major cash on it . after is smoked it should be a grey ash and it should fall apart . not a lot of people do not use a chemical nutrient so if you dont have experience please no comments telling me i am full of shit . and start flush about week 7.5 fresh water for 5 to 7 days is plenty they can survive 2 or so weeks plain water by the way in late flower depending how hard your pushing nutrients . ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... my posts are suggesting about a cherry tomato that you smoke . lmao
So lemme get this straight:

Ipower bulbs are better than eye horti.
Run co2 at 2000+ ppm.
Dry your buds at 40% humidity.
Flush your buds for that white ash.
What else did i miss?

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Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
I flush around 4 to 6 days before harvest 1 time with fox farms sledge hammer and do just plain water untill harvest. I also do a 24 hour dark period before harvest
First off is "why"?
Second is "why spend money on something that doesn't work"? For what you think it does....WAIT it DOES "flush" money from wallets!
Third is why "darkness"?

Your just baiting us ain't yah!