My simple view on war


New Member
My simple view on war

i will never leave north american soil to fight.

and no matter how many countries you invade you will never stop radicalists from hating america and wanting to kill. (well unless the government stops pissing other countries off,, which i doubt will ever happen)

let me know what your views on war are


New Member
^^^ Easily said when you live up in the attic while the world's baddest, mutha-fuckin' Eagle is protecting the house downstairs. :blsmoke:

However, with that said, I'm not for war unless threatened. And yes, I would fight that war on foreign soil if necessary. Better to fight on Iwo Jima than in the bay in San Francisco, no? Or in the Charlotte Straits for that matter.



New Member
^^^ Easily said when you live up in the attic while the world's baddest, mutha-fuckin' Eagle is protecting the house downstairs. :blsmoke:

However, with that said, I'm not for war unless threatened. And yes, I would fight that war on foreign soil if necessary. Better to fight on Iwo Jima than in the bay in San Francisco, no? Or in the Charlotte Straits for that matter.

Don't make me laugh, redd. You bragg about staying home and raising a family while the real men were fighting and dying in Nam. Give me a fucking break, fighting, hell yeah.

South Texas

Well-Known Member
Hey Med..... WTF? The MAN was speaking retrospect, but for proper context for people jumping the gun is. "Oh Yeah, I'll go where ever, when ever, to fight & risk my life for people like you & your loved ones so they will not kick your door down in the middle of the night. THAT is what the man was saying!!!! Both are on the same page here. "The Eagle is protecting your house", that is us.
Unless you have willingly put your life at risk for YOUR children & whom you love,.. You will not understand the emotional sacrifice, despite my own family. Did I get off note here, Vee?

^^^ Easily said when you live up in the attic while the world's baddest, mutha-fuckin' Eagle is protecting the house downstairs. :blsmoke:

However, with that said, I'm not for war unless threatened. And yes, I would fight that war on foreign soil if necessary. Better to fight on Iwo Jima than in the bay in San Francisco, no? Or in the Charlotte Straits for that matter.



New Member
Hey Med..... WTF? The MAN was speaking retrospect, but for proper context for people jumping the gun is. "Oh Yeah, I'll go where ever, when ever, to fight & risk my life for people like you & your loved ones so they will not kick your door down in the middle of the night. THAT is what the man was saying!!!! Both are on the same page here. "The Eagle is protecting your house", that is us.
Unless you have willingly put your life at risk for YOUR children & whom you love,.. You will not understand the emotional sacrifice, despite my own family. Did I get off note here, Vee?
Uhhhh, I was in Nam while Vi was sitting home with his lovely wife raising kids. So don't bother with the hero shit, OK cowboy?

South Texas

Well-Known Member
Hats off to you. Question remains is that the Guy was/is a coward, or... was backing you whole heartedly? I've only been wrong 800 times a day, but was the Guy basically saying that when push goes to shove, He, the Eagle will fly? Or You , the Eagle, etc. This is what I read. You know what the fuck I'm asking.


New Member
Thanks, South Texas ... much appreciated. :)

Med, while I respect your military service, that service doesn't diminish the fact that your Marxist politics suck.

And contrary to your ridiculous assertions, I didn't "brag" about staying home with my family. The fact is, the draft was on, and with the kids and all, I wasn't eligible for the draft. Now tell us how your weren't drafted and how you volunteered. ~lol~



New Member
you follow me around like a lost dog.. *laugs loudly* trying to learn something? like how to be a man ?


New Member
you follow me around like a lost dog.. *laugs loudly* trying to learn something? like how to be a man ?
Following you around? Dream on punk. Now if you can't offer anything positive to the political forum ... like some cogent ideas or honorable debate, perhaps you would be happier posting in the newbie grower forum.

And how old are you again?



New Member
A banality, chuck. You're Canadian. Tell us something new. Something interesting. Something we can sink our teeth into.
yea, I'm Canadian

you know

from Canada

you know

that country with free health care

you know

that country that will pay for your post secondary school education if you make less than 30,000/ year

you know

that country that will pay your employer some of your wages to help with the rising cost of everything

you know

that country that raises its minimum wage every year (in a couple years min wage will be over 10$/hour)

you know

that country that has never forced its citizens to go to war

you know

that country that doesnt waste billions upon billions on greedy unnecessary wars

you know

that country that the whole world doesnt hate but in fact loves

you know

that country with a better environmental protection agency

you know

that country with a better educational system

you know

that country with a better economy

you know

that country that DOESNT have a complete moron in charge who can barely speak english

you know

that country that DOESNT have enemies willing to give their own lives to kill

you know

that country that DOESNT spend billions fighting (and losing) a useless war on pot

you know

that country that doesnt have a ridiculous crime rate

you know

that country that doesnt live in fear

you know

that country that doesnt have overpacked jails

you know

that country that never embraced slavery but in fact let slaves come to our country to live FREE

you know

that country that doesnt have the majority of citizens toting guns for "protection"

you know

that country that doesnt have a poverty problem that is spiraling out of control

you know

that country that helps its citizens

you know

that country that doesnt have immense environmental problems

you know

that country that DOESNT think they are the best

you know

or do you?

dont pull that predujuce shit on me


Well-Known Member
^^^ Easily said when you live up in the attic while the world's baddest, mutha-fuckin' Eagle is protecting the house downstairs. :blsmoke:

However, with that said, I'm not for war unless threatened. And yes, I would fight that war on foreign soil if necessary. Better to fight on Iwo Jima than in the bay in San Francisco, no? Or in the Charlotte Straits for that matter.

Nicely said from an armchair quarterback....


Well-Known Member
I've no problem with fighting wars, as long as the reason is just, and as long as my commander in chief has defined the victory conditions. Saying 'mission accomplished' when the mission is just beginning is lame. Refusing to say what 'victory' means is lame. Lying to justify a war is lame. Torturing prisoners is lame.

I won't be fighting in any more wars myself, as I'm just too old. That's a young person's game. But I will do my absolute best to prevent any more of our young people from being sent to die in any more unjust wars.


Well-Known Member
yea, I'm Canadian

you know

from Canada

you know

that country with free health care
Big fracking whoop! You can take your free health care and shove it. I'm not interested in Free Health Care, because I'm one of those unlucky bastards that will get enslaved even further to pay for the damn thing. So take it, and shove it.

you know

that country that will pay for your post secondary school education if you make less than 30,000/ year
It's not like Canada has any really great universities anyway. When Canada has something that'll compare to CalTech, Texas A&M and MIT maybe then I'll be impressed. Besides, it goes back to the concept of there is no such thing as a free lunch. The government doesn't pay for it, some other poor bastard in your country is stuck paying for it. Bloody retarded socialist.

you know

that country that will pay your employer some of your wages to help with the rising cost of everything
ROFLMAO, After they soak your employer for all he's worth in taxes. Might as well just slap him in the face. Oh, here's some of your money back for your employees. Give me a break. Wealth Redistribution, no wonder why it seems like there's only retards in Canada, all the smart Canadians are in the US.

you know

that country that raises its minimum wage every year (in a couple years min wage will be over 10$/hour)
Good for you, you can keep the price inflation that creates, too.

you know

that country that has never forced its citizens to go to war
You really aren't in touch with History are you.

The conscription crisis of 1917

Main article: Conscription Crisis of 1917

A Canadian World War I recruiting poster

After three years of a war that was supposed to have been over in three months, Canada was suffering from a shortage of volunteers. Prime Minister Robert Borden had originally promised not to introduce conscription, but now believed it was necessary to win the war. The Military Service Act was passed in July, but there was fierce opposition, mostly from French Canadians (led not only by Bourassa, but also Wilfrid Laurier), as well as Quakers, Mennonites, and other pacifists. Borden's government almost collapsed, but he was able to form a Union government with the Liberal opposition (although Laurier did not join the new government). In the 1917 election, the Union government was re-elected, but with no support from Quebec. Over the next year, the war finally ended, with very few Canadian conscripts actually participating.

The conscription crisis of 1944

Main article: Conscription Crisis of 1944
As in World War I, the number of volunteers began to run dry as the war dragged on. Mackenzie King had promised, like Borden, not to introduce conscription, though his position was somewhat ambiguous, as he had declared "conscription if necessary, but not necessarily conscription."
With rising pressure from the people, on June 21, 1940, King passed the National Resources Mobilization Act (NRMA) which gave the government the power to "call out every man in Canada for military training for the defence of Canada", and only Canadian. Conscripts could not be sent overseas to fight. English Canadians, expectedly, were displeased and took to calling these soldiers "zombies" who they stereotyped as French Canadians who were "sitting comfortably" while countrymen died.
On April 27, 1942, Mackenzie King held a national plebiscite to decide on the issue, having made campaign promises to avoid conscription (and, it is thought, winning the election on that very point[citation needed]). English Canada was mostly in favour of conscription, but, as expected, French Canada was not. Nevertheless, the vote was yes overall and King was free to bring in a conscription law if he wanted. However, the issue was put off for another two years, until November 1944 when King decided on a levy of NRMA troops for overseas service. There were riots in Quebec and a mutiny by conscripts based in Terrace, British Columbia. An aged Henri Bourassa also spoke out against the decision.
Some 13,000 NRMA men eventually left Canada, but only 2,463 reached units in the field before the end of the fighting. 69 died in battle.

Don't say Canada never forced people to go to war, because it tried twice during both World Wars.

you know

that country that doesnt waste billions upon billions on greedy unnecessary wars
I am only going to say that it was about time we finally stopped pretending everything was all good in the Middle East despite the fact that we were wasting billions flying No Fly Zone Patrols over Iraq. Besides, better to finish the job, and dispose of a tyrant than to let the tyrant continue living. And since we went to war, we might as well finish the job and make sure it's done right so we don't have to go back again.

you know

that country that the whole world doesnt hate but in fact loves
Hard to Hate Canada, they stay in their own country and stay quiet, though now that I think about it, maybe that should worry us. It's the shy quiet one's you got to worry about.

you know

that country with a better environmental protection agency
That doesn't really prove anything.

you know

that country with a better educational system
I can neither Agree, nor Disagree, our public education sucks, but if you can afford a private school or if our politicians would ever stop kissing the ass of the Teachers' Union and force school voucher's down their pedophilic asses maybe it'd be possible for our standards of education to actually increase.

Over $10K/year per student and the schools still can't do their jobs, when private institutions who get maybe $5K/year per student are doing a much better job. Of course, I think part of the problem is that we allowed our teachers' to unionize so we can't terminate the bad ones easily, and then we let the Federal Government centralize the entire thing.

The Principals should be running the schools, not some dumb ass politician in D.C. that is just doing what the lobbyists the Teachers' Union hired is advocating.

you know

that country with a better economy
ROFLMAO, Now you're just being idiotic.

you know

that country that DOESNT have a complete moron in charge who can barely speak english
At least he doesn't sound like a broken record, that keeps on repeating the same two words over and over and over, like it's skipping or something.

you know

that country that DOESNT have enemies willing to give their own lives to kill

you know
They do say that you can judge a person by the caliber of his enemies, so if that holds true for the US then we must be pretty damn scary looking from their perspective. Of course any one that is stupid enough to think that they can have any impact on the US by committing suicide has a rather enormously inflated Ego.

that country that DOESNT spend billions fighting (and losing) a useless war on pot

you know
I'll give you that one, people ought to be free to do what they want as long as it doesn't interfere with the lives of others, Which means letting people toke up if they want to toke up. Personal Freedom, of course as long as we have a government that does not believe in Personal Responsibility it is rather unlikely that we will ever see a government that supports that kind of freedom.

that country that doesnt have a ridiculous crime rate

you know
And that's just inside our government :-), lol. Outside our government, it's not nearly as bad as the media makes it out.

that country that doesnt live in fear

you know
Yeah, lots of people with irrational fear, nevermind the odds of a flight getting hijack make winning the lottery seem easy, and that crime really is a lot lower than the media would have us believe. That is the problem with the media however, they tend to try to sensationalize everything and get people all riled up about bullshit.

that country that doesnt have overpacked jails

you know
Goes back to the waste of effort trying to police people's personal lives by telling them they can't do drugs if that's what they want to do.

that country that never embraced slavery but in fact let slaves come to our country to live FREE

you know
If you're going to attack us on that, don't forget to attack Africa too, because they were the one's that were raiding each other for slaves to sell. Though as a part of the United Kingdom your country did allow slavery, only abolishing it in 1772. So to say your country never allowed slavery is a bit disengenous, and a lie by ommission failing to account for the time before Canada was an independent nation.

that country that doesnt have the majority of citizens toting guns for "protection"

you know
Freedom of choice, if it makes them feel safer to have a gun then that's their right. Of course there is this small thing down here called the 2nd Amendment which does sanctify the right of the individual to own weapons.

that country that doesnt have a poverty problem that is spiraling out of control

you know
I really doubt it's as bad as you make it, but if you have proof, I'll be more than happy to look at it.

that country that helps its citizens

you know
The only help I want from my government is for it to stop bending me over and shafting me with taxes while pretending to be "helping" me. I can help myself, which is what I have been doing despite the best efforts of the government to tax my so heavily that I go crawling to them for help.

that country that doesnt have immense environmental problems

you know
Really shouldn't believe everything you read or hear. Our environmental problems have gotten drastically better. There's no longer acid rain in the North-East (at least not that I've heard about), our air is cleaner (except in LA, but LA is an exception), our water for the most part is cleaner, and getting cleaner. Yes, there's still a lot of work to be done, but to compare the US with Canada is like comparing apples and oranges. Canada is bigger, or maybe slightly smaller than the US (I don't remember) which, and has a drastically lower population. Kind of hard to compare them to each other on environmental issues.

that country that DOESNT think they are the best

you know
Don't think we are the best, know we are the best, but that doesn't mean there isn't room for improvement, like lower taxes, more personal freedom, and a government that doesn't give away fortunes to every lobbyist that promises a campaign contribution.

or do you?

dont pull that predujuce shit on me
Canadians are okay, I wish they'd take more like-minded individuals from America to Canada, then we can compare what happens to both countries in 50 years and actually determine which system, libertarian-capitalism or socialist-capitalism works better. It would make for an interesting experiment in socio-economics.

Though you on the other hand, need to not believe everything you watch on TV, or read in the News, or get shoved down your throat in school. The news is distorted and misleading. "If it bleeds it leads" you know?


Well-Known Member
:rolleyes: Another Republican Nut job who poses as an independent.

Go read what you have written brutal it's Republican party line from start to finish....


Well-Known Member
Easy to call names Dank, but why don't you offer some sort of intelligent debate, I love a good, intellectually challenging argument.

Or, are you afraid that your logic will be crushed under the weight of historical evidence, and reality?


Well-Known Member
Posing as an Independent, no, not really, I find that the Libertarians share more in common with my views than McCain, and besides, Republicans have proven they can cut taxes, what they have failed to show is that they can cut government waste and government bloat.


Well-Known Member
I would if I had time, but alas I have to pick my mother up from the Hospital in an hour. What I would have to say would take a lot more than that.

Keep trying to fool others about you being an independent though, it's great comedy.
for those who don't under stand the difference. ....

Republican National Committee