New England outdoors 2016

How you liking those black dogs?Any mould issues?Im thinking about running a few next year!
I like them,had a little mold,thought they would have melted after 3 1/2 days of cloudy, humid and rainy weather as far along as they are.
@MiddlerGuerrilla ,they couldn't take a lot of rain though like middler had this year.
Those are looking great eh Marco
thanks vnsmker
Half of mine fell over. Tied them up. Noticed a caterpillar living in one of my std plants. Chopped the nug. Saw a bit of mold on her too. It sucks. Pure humidity and I got 3 inches of rain yesterday. I gotta get my hands on some of this serenade

Now all my trichomes are covered in dirt speckles. Will that cause issues. Or can I leave it and just trim it off?
Some of it might come off but I've had the same issue before. It sucks customer you pretty much degrade your quality by trying to get dirt off.
Half of mine fell over. Tied them up. Noticed a caterpillar living in one of my std plants. Chopped the nug. Saw a bit of mold on her too. It sucks. Pure humidity and I got 3 inches of rain yesterday. I gotta get my hands on some of this serenade

Now all my trichomes are covered in dirt speckles. Will that cause issues. Or can I leave it and just trim it off?
once dry I find most will blow off,prob c some if scoped
I've got this one plant that just won't finish budding. I'm thinking about pulling it inside and re vegging to use as a mother for clones this winter. Has anyone successfully done this so late into budding
Only got a few girls left just the ones making seed. I got roped off this weekend for my purple grizzly kush. The thing was dank as hell. They left a six footer only had some size buds. I don't understand two of my purple no one's have been budding for six weeks and they still look like there in the third week. Same with the above plant I was talking about reveging witch is an exotic Thai.IMG_20160921_180220999.jpg
Man...I just need to stop messing with my plants. A little while ago I was outside checking them over and bent a main branch too far and it snapped about 1/3 of the way through right at the top of the main stem. I used a bamboo skewer and some painters/electrical tape to mend it together in a splint. Any idea how long it should take to heal up if its not too badly broken?

Also I sampled a little of my small plant thats been green as can be and happy looking. I actually found some tiny green seeds in them. I wonder if someone elses plants pollinated mine. They havent really been stressed at all unlike my 6 footers
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Man...I just need to stop messing with my plants. A little while ago I was outside checking them over and bent a main branch too far and it snapped about 1/3 of the way through right at the top of the main stem. I used a bamboo skewer and some painters/electrical tape to mend it together in a splint. Any idea how long it should take to heal up if its not too badly broken?

Also I sampled a little of my small plant thats been green as can be and happy looking. I actually found some tiny green seeds in them. I wonder if someone elses plants pollinated mine. They havent really been stressed at all unlike my 6 footers
I do that to all my a plants in veg. Keeps them under 6ft and seriously promotes growth.
I notice that with a day or two the leaves start pulling up to the sun. Within a week that knuckle starts to heal. Around the second week the branch picks up most of the way. Sometimes all the way back up. I've never had it happen in flower

I've heard pollen can travel for miles and Miles. Or your plant may have an intersex quality.
Is it alright to use some dolomite lime in your watering solution to naturally bring the ph up?
Once mixed a gallon of nutes usually comes out to ~5.5 ph
Well it's that time of year.Getting close to harvest and wouldn't you know it I spotted my first bud rot and bud worm today.Been dry as a mofo up until this past week and now I'm dealing with this shit.Gonna be a plethora of seeds for next year considering I found a male that was hiding in the weeds.Yea I know I forgot it was there and seeded my whole crop.Oh well such is life.Heres to next year!!!
I've been finding a little too. My Obsession has done pretty well as far as bud rot goes, but she's been the only 1 so far this year.

To make things worse, I'm going on vacation for 8 days. Have a friend to water, but he doesn't know what to look for. I fed heavy & sprayed heavy for mould this morning. Crossing fingers n hoping for the best.20160924_095634.jpg