"science asks for that one "miracle""
--- No it doesn't. I just explained to you that it doesn't.
"You quantify the miracle by saying that science will eventually find the answer"
--- No I didn't, I said it's NOT claimed to be a miracle, and that science says they don't know the answer.
Why do you hear 'it was a miracle' when scientists actually say 'I don't know' ?
Why did you hear me say 'science will eventually find the answer' when I actually say 'science currently doesn't know the answer'.
"See how that works? It's the same as saying "it must be God"."
--- No! We say "I don't know".
You say "It must have been magic".
Just you. Not the science, not the scientists, not me, just you. Free yourself from the fallacy of the argument from ignorance. Learn to say "I don't know" without saying "therefore it must have been a miracle". Don't accept it was a miracle until the evidence points in that direction.
It's okay not to know.
It's okay to be honest that we haven't found the answer, and not pretend that we found the answer must have been a miracle. We haven't.
"You put everyone who believes that life was created into the same basket"
--- No, I talk to people who believe that in many different ways. Some that deny vast fields of science to maintain their fundamentalist religious beliefs, young Earth creationists, even some that are flat Earthers.
And then, I meet believers who are totally reasonable, well educated, even scientists. There's a broad spectrum and I know it.
Pay attention to your surroundings harder and stop depending so much on stereotyping. All you see and hear is what you expect.
"Neither side can put a finger on it, so lets agree on that and move on - for now."
--- I wont stand idly by while silly claims go unaddressed, and I CAN put my finger on the error you're making, and that Terence McKenna was making there.
He didn't look into the science carefully enough.
He didn't bother to find out there are many naturalistic (no miracles) pre-big bang models.
He didn't even bother to find out that 'from nothing' is not the only such model.
He's never heard of eternal multiverse models of any variety, but I'm sure you have. Why didn't you think of them?
Why think everything must have come from nothing (by miracle or otherwise) if God doesn't exist?
That's not what the scientists are saying.