not plant related unless they hit lol asteroids

bryan oconner

Well-Known Member
any body watching or reading about these asteroids ? was watching you tube i did not even know we shot nukes up to break up a planet killer . guess we broke it up in smaller pieces can find any new info if were expecting more hits to earth in he next day or so . if were expecting hits then best to get some extra protection over the plants . lol .

bryan oconner

Well-Known Member
glad i found this news out tonight or i would of not gone to work for the last 3 or 4 days . man i have to get to bed i have been up no sleep well over 55 hours . work .


Well-Known Member
That sounds crazy we just lob nukes into outter space without letting the public know about it now ....I'm all for saving the world and stuff but if this is true I'd like to know about it ....that way if we miss I can at least drop my pants grab my ankles stick my ass in the air and kiss it goodbye .......lobbing nukes into space hhhmmmmmm


Well-Known Member
"...used a supercomputer to model nukes' anti-asteroid effectiveness."

"In the 3-D modeling study, run on 32,000 processors of the Cielo supercomputer,..."

I'm really bad at telling when people are trolling or not the world never surprises me so in case anyone is wondering this isn't real news they ran a simulation to see if such a thing would be plausible. Please actually read the news you see and compare it to multiple sources to discern the truth.


Well-Known Member
"...used a supercomputer to model nukes' anti-asteroid effectiveness."

"In the 3-D modeling study, run on 32,000 processors of the Cielo supercomputer,..."

I'm really bad at telling when people are trolling or not the world never surprises me so in case anyone is wondering this isn't real news they ran a simulation to see if such a thing would be plausible. Please actually read the news you see and compare it to multiple sources to discern the truth.
All 2012 haha

bryan oconner

Well-Known Member
so i have been watching some videos . reading the news i can find mostly news from other country then the us . they are building some machines to put up in space the project is expose to be done in 5 years . 2 machines that main purpose is to change the direction on an asteroid that is on an direct coarse with the earth its over a mile long this is 5 years away . this is what i have read the video was taken down i was going to post it now gone ! who knows . i am not an expert by any means . so my advice is enjoy your plants smoke up dont leave extras in 5 years lol .

bryan oconner

Well-Known Member
Nukes dont really do much in the way of moving or destroying asteroids, i would say they would be a last ditch attempt....
idk what to think . they hit it with with a nuke that was 50 times as big as the one they dropped in japan 500 kilo tuns i think . and every other countries hit the shit out of it as well . so were not giving the entire truth . news of this event is not know in the us at all .. nobody heard any thing of it at all . . in other countries it was on the news as an alert top priority . like i said i am not an expert or trying to spread a panic . i dont know what is up just like all of you . im sure its another bull shit think that will pass . if it helps i am full of shit . every body knows that . lol


Well-Known Member
It dosent really concur with modern science, in fact hitting big rocks with nukes in space is thought to be so bad were trying to come up with every idea but that one.

idk what to think . they hit it with with a nuke that was 50 times as big as the one they dropped in japan 500 kilo tuns i think . and every other countries hit the shit out of it as well . so were not giving the entire truth . news of this event is not know in the us at all .. nobody heard any thing of it at all . . in other countries it was on the news as an alert top priority . like i said i am not an expert or trying to spread a panic . i dont know what is up just like all of you . im sure its another bull shit think that will pass . if it helps i am full of shit . every body knows that . lol

bryan oconner

Well-Known Member
my advice is smoke up lol found this . its strange that a lot of news that was on line last night was taken off . this is old news . there is no new updates on this . enough of this bull shit . it time for some plant talk . currently i am vegging twice as long . topping each plant 2 or 3 times depending . i have some with over 30 nodes very exciting what you can do with messing around with different growing techniques . 1000 watts per plant . 6 months in the veg room .pull clones from them wile they are topped so its not just sitting growing .


Well-Known Member
my advice is smoke up lol found this . its strange that a lot of news that was on line last night was taken off . this is old news . there is no new updates on this . enough of this bull shit . it time for some plant talk . currently i am vegging twice as long . topping each plant 2 or 3 times depending . i have some with over 30 nodes very exciting what you can do with messing around with different growing techniques . 1000 watts per plant . 6 months in the veg room .pull clones from them wile they are topped so its not just sitting growing .
Have you got this story mixed up with the Rosetta space probe that they have just smashed into the asteroid it was orbiting?

bryan oconner

Well-Known Member
Have you got this story mixed up with the Rosetta space probe that they have just smashed into the asteroid it was orbiting?
yea i did not sleep i think that night over 2 days lol . you can get very out of it . i dont know if i had is messed up . im sure i screwed a lot of stuff being sleep deprived . coffee does nothing for you when your up that long your body is not tired but your mind will start drifting if you up long enough you feel drunk and actually will start dreaming when your awake .


Well-Known Member
yea i did not sleep i think that night over 2 days lol . you can get very out of it . i dont know if i had is messed up . im sure i screwed a lot of stuff being sleep deprived . coffee does nothing for you when your up that long your body is not tired but your mind will start drifting if you up long enough you feel drunk and actually will start dreaming when your awake .

Try cocaine like the rest of us.. Yupd be surprised how effective it us