Hillary can't be trusted

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Well-Known Member
Oh stop it, you must be smarter than this....

By that I'm assuming you think a smart person would have a preference for either candidate?

To clarify my position...It's akin to being asked

Would I rather be killed by a shark or a boa constrictor.

I may have a mild preference but both options are unpalatable


Well-Known Member
Now I know, PR wise Clinton is much more palatable...but I also know she is corrupt as fuck and in the pay of those who care not about people but about profit

I find both candidates despicable


Well-Known Member

By that I'm assuming you think a smart person would have a preference for either candidate?

To clarify my position...It's akin to being asked

Would I rather be killed by a shark or a boa constrictor.

I may have a mild preference but both options are unpalatable
I know you did not ask me, but you must understand that one of those two will be the next President, right?

This is why you should vote for TRUMP!

Watch the video.


Well-Known Member
I think people should discuss issues with objectivity.

Entering a debate with a biased, predetermined outlook is questionable.

Definitely NOT what I would consider smart


This is bigger than Donald Trump, so let’s just pretend he isn’t even in the picture just for a moment.

The UNDENIABLE corruption in our government is much more of concern. NBC, CNN, ABC, MSNBC and Mainstream Media blackout of the WikiLeaks dumps, suppressing the truth, to working with the government and Hillary's campaign directly. This is Disgraceful and is the definition of State-Run-Media. You see in countries like certain middle east countries and Russia; they have media, but it’s messaging arm of the government. What you are seeing in our media currently is very much resembling that; it’s scary!

If You look at all the Mainstream Media, it’s almost like we’re watching news from another dimension, and there’s not thousands of emails out there showing direct corruption on the part of Hillary Clinton, her campaign, members of government and mainstream media cover-ups.


Well-Known Member
This is bigger than Donald Trump, so let’s just pretend he isn’t even in the picture just for a moment.

The UNDENIABLE corruption in our government is much more of concern. NBC, CNN, ABC, MSNBC and Mainstream Media blackout of the WikiLeaks dumps, suppressing the truth, to working with the government and Hillary's campaign directly. This is Disgraceful and is the definition of State-Run-Media. You see in countries like certain middle east countries and Russia; they have media, but it’s messaging arm of the government. What you are seeing in our media currently is very much resembling that; it’s scary!

If You look at all the Mainstream Media, it’s almost like we’re watching news from another dimension, and there’s not thousands of emails out there showing direct corruption on the part of Hillary Clinton, her campaign, members of government and mainstream media cover-ups.
Lets not pretend. Trump would be a disaster for this nation


Well-Known Member
Fuck no. I took my head out of my ass and evolved. Milo is so fab.

I am one of you now!

Gooble Gobble.
Lol I'm too stoned for this...this...ultra advanced trolling the only logical explication is that you a quantum computer AI super troll. It's powered by tea partier blood....wide open......:cool:


Well-Known Member
This is bigger than Donald Trump, so let’s just pretend he isn’t even in the picture just for a moment.

The UNDENIABLE corruption in our government is much more of concern. NBC, CNN, ABC, MSNBC and Mainstream Media blackout of the WikiLeaks dumps, suppressing the truth, to working with the government and Hillary's campaign directly. This is Disgraceful and is the definition of State-Run-Media. You see in countries like certain middle east countries and Russia; they have media, but it’s messaging arm of the government. What you are seeing in our media currently is very much resembling that; it’s scary!

If You look at all the Mainstream Media, it’s almost like we’re watching news from another dimension, and there’s not thousands of emails out there showing direct corruption on the part of Hillary Clinton, her campaign, members of government and mainstream media cover-ups.
24 more days until Trump gives his congratulations to President-elect Hillary Clinton. Just savor those words for a minute. President elect Hillary Rodham Clinton, 44th President of the United States.
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