Hillary can't be trusted

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Well-Known Member
you're not red1966, why does this bother you so much?
Why don't you post that quote? Claiming it bothers me is nothing more than you trying to pretend you are in control. You are not. Hell, you can't even control your own bowels. Probably the reason you're always here. You can't go out in public without people pointing and laughing at you.


Well-Known Member
Why don't you post that quote? Claiming it bothers me is nothing more than you trying to pretend you are in control. You are not. Hell, you can't even control your own bowels. Probably the reason you're always here. You can't go out in public without people pointing and laughing at you.
you seem super upset about some quote that some other person said.


Well-Known Member
I went easy on you Lou as, last time we spoke, you asked me to forgive you for being an old drunk fool.

Are you always an old drunk fool?
"Went easy", lol. Please, don't flatter yourself. Your obsession with me is becoming embarrassing.



Well-Known Member
"Went easy", lol. Please, don't flatter yourself. Your obsession with me is becoming embarrassing.

And with the spin of a politician he chats more shit.

I've only ever responded to your posts...hence...if anyone is obsessed it isn't I


Well-Known Member
Ok Lou, uninterested now in anything you have to say.

There's never been any substance to it.

Now that's three of you unworthy of responding to.

Fogdog occasionally says something of interest


Well-Known Member
And with the spin of a politician he chats more shit.

I've only ever responded to your posts...hence...if anyone is obsessed it isn't I
Ok Lou, uninterested bow in anything you have to say.

There's never been any substance to it.

Now that's three of you unworthy of responding to.

Fogdog occasionally says something of interest
Requiring attention beyond what is normative.
Getting anxious when someone doesn't reply to you on MSN after 15 seconds is being needy.
#deprived #struggling #downtrodden #broke #fine


Well-Known Member
You seem desperate to project this thought upon me. Is it a need to convince yourself that you are not a complete failure or just a ploy to not post this "quote". I'm thinking both.
i don't need to project your racism onto you, you're doing that job for me every time you get super defensive about someone else's quote, red.
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