Hillary can't be trusted

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Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
Why are Democrats keeping african americans in poverty?

When 25% of african americans are in poverty and the majority of the poverty blacks live in democrat cities..

Why arent democrat policies helping?
Could it be the 93 crime bill? The curbing of benefits when you get a job or have a husband? The unequal enforcement of drug law in black communities?


Well-Known Member

In metro Detroit, 49% of African Americans who are poor are living in census tracts where at least 40% of the residents are poor, the highest rate among the Top 25 metro areas in the U.S. and seventh among the Top 100 metro areas.

In five-year American Community Survey data from 2009-2013, more than a third of all poor African Americans in metropolitan Chicago live in high-poverty census tracts (where the poverty rate is above 40 percent).
OK, that is a statement of facts. This is not a plan to make things better. You do understand what a plan is, don't you?


Well-Known Member

Do you think the government has helped detroit or chicago? Has obama done ANYTHING for them?
detroit has been in republican control for years and years now. the overwhlemingly republican state legislators even appointed an unlected, hand picked, republican "emergency manager". same in flint.

things just got worse.

you won't even acknowledge this though. because facts are liberal propaganda. widely discredited.


Well-Known Member
Why are Democrats keeping african americans in poverty?

When 25% of african americans are in poverty and the majority of the poverty blacks live in democrat cities..

Why arent democrat policies helping?
Could it be the 93 crime bill? The curbing of benefits when you get a job or have a husband? The unequal enforcement of drug law in black communities?
why do you think democratic mayors have more power than republican state legislators?

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
detroit has been in republican control for years and years now. the overwhlemingly republican state legislators even appointed an unlected, hand picked, republican "emergency manager". same in flint.

things just got worse.

you won't even acknowledge this though. because facts are liberal propaganda. widely discredited.
Years and years? It had decades of money problems because of democrats.

It can only get better when people move back into detroit. Businesses and homeowners.


Well-Known Member
Why are Democrats keeping african americans in poverty?

When 25% of african americans are in poverty and the majority of the poverty blacks live in democrat cities..

Why arent democrat policies helping?
Could it be the 93 crime bill? The curbing of benefits when you get a job or have a husband? The unequal enforcement of drug law in black communities?
You complain and whine but just like Trump say nothing substantive. The question is not what are the conditions in the inner city. The question is what are Rumps plans to improve conditions in the inner cities, as you claim he will do. I listed what he's saying and critiqued them. How about a reply that shows how his plans to cut taxes, build infrastructure (whatever that is), increase the police force without reforming it, charter schools -- most of which are not located in the inner city, unilaterally cancel trade agreements and stop immigration, how do these help inner cities? Please no stupid musings but post something that is better than that.


Well-Known Member
OK, you can quote one person The industrialists were joined at the hip to the Nazi war effort, that is true. Tell me, who owned those factories after the war? Don't most still lie in the hands of those same families?

The same could be said of Ford and GM during the war years. Your argument is invalid.
You implication that the german industrialists participation in the defacto nationalization of production was voluntary is simply false.
You stole my car, it wasn't recovered for a year. After its recovery, its still my car therefore I was in control of it the whole year; is simply not an argument.

Nazis came to power in 1933, inflated the currency to provide public works, subsidies and to re arm, the price and wage controls to curtail the inflation were put into place on 1936. WWII started in 1939.


Well-Known Member
Years and years? It had decades of money problems because of democrats.

It can only get better when people move back into detroit. Businesses and homeowners.
why aren't the republicans doing that then? they are in full control of the city and have been for years and years.


Well-Known Member
You implication that the german industrialists participation in the defacto nationalization of production was voluntary is simply false.
You stole my car, it wasn't recovered for a year. After its recovery, its still my car is simply not an argument.

Nazis came to power in 1933, inflated the currency to provide public works, subsidies and to re arm, the price and wage controls to curtail the inflation were put into place on 1936. WWII started in 1939.
so why did he systematically exterminate socialists?


Well-Known Member
You implication that the german industrialists participation in the defacto nationalization of production was voluntary is simply false.
You stole my car, it wasn't recovered for a year. After its recovery, its still my car therefore I was in control of it the whole year; is simply not an argument.

Nazis came to power in 1933, inflated the currency to provide public works, subsidies and to re arm, the price and wage controls to curtail the inflation were put into place on 1936. WWII started in 1939.
A recurring question in the literature on Nazi economic policy is why the Nazis refrained from
implementing a policy of wide-scale nationalization of private firms [See Buchheim and Scherner (2005)
for a recent example]. Indeed, this question is interesting since the Nazis’ official economic program and
their electoral manifestos regularly included this pr
oposal. However, it is not a central concern of this
paper. It is worth noting that by rejecting large-scale nationalization, the Nazi government joined the
mainstream in Western capitalist countries, which were, in the 1930s, more given to intervention through
regulation and fiscal policy. As explained in Megginson (2005, p. 10), nationalization of private firms was
not a major policy in Western capitalist countries o
nce the worst of the Great Depression was over.


Well-Known Member
You implication that the german industrialists participation in the defacto nationalization of production was voluntary is simply false.
You stole my car, it wasn't recovered for a year. After its recovery, its still my car therefore I was in control of it the whole year; is simply not an argument.

Nazis came to power in 1933, inflated the currency to provide public works, subsidies and to re arm, the price and wage controls to curtail the inflation were put into place on 1936. WWII started in 1939.
The Great Depression spurred State ownership in
Western capitalist coun
tries. Germany was no
exception; the last governments of the Weimar Republic took over firms in diverse sectors. Later,
the Nazi regime transferred public ownership and
public services to the private sector. In doing
so, they went against the mainstream trends in the Western capitalist countries, none of which
systematically reprivatized firms during the 1930
s. Privatization in Nazi Germany was also
unique in transferring to private hands the delivery of public services previously provided by
government. The firms and the services transferred to private ownership belonged to diverse
sectors. Privatization was part of an intentio
nal policy with multiple objectives and was not
ideologically driven. As in many
recent privatizations, particularly
within the European Union,
strong financial restrictions were
a central motivation. In additio
n, privatization was used as a
political tool to enhance support for the government and for the Nazi Party.


Well-Known Member
You implication that the german industrialists participation in the defacto nationalization of production is simply false.
You stole my car, it wasn't recovered for a year. After its recovery, its still my car is simply not an argument.

Nazis came to power in 1933, inflated the currency to provide public works, subsidies and to re arm, the price and wage controls to curtail the inflation were put into place on 1936. WWII started in 1939.
I wouldn't want your car.

Dude, the industrialist owners maintained ownership of their factories. On a war footing in the modern era, all economies are directed by the war time government. Same thing happened during WW1 on both sides of the conflict. Hitler had his country on a war footing earlier than 1939 as part of his plans to expand the territories of the German race while exterminating Jewish, Slavic and other Eastern European people in order to make room for his people's expansion, is that what's confusing you?
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