Hillary can't be trusted

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Well-Known Member
Oh he's gay all right only he's shy,he knows he can come tongue my balls & taint whenever he feels frisky,I'll even feed him a ramen soup & cherry kool aide after he finishes :lol:
Says the guy who was sold in prison ^^^^^^^^.
Is that what they did to you. Feed you ramen soup and kool aid. Did you ever tell the guards or did you learn to like it ?

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
You are the one who keeps trumpeting his whatever they are. I'm completely skeptical and have read up on it. So, tell me something I don't know. I'm saying you are ignorant and supporting a clown. Show me how I'm wrong by posting something convincing to show how Trumps plans to cut taxes, increase spending and institute trade wars will do anything other than balloon the debt while triggering a recession. Something from a few well known economists will do.
Cutting taxes will attract business back from mexico and other countries. Mexico has a 16% business tax.

Please just do some reading. I really dont have time.


Well-Known Member
Final word? Drip. Didn't you hear him say that new evidence and information keeps coming in every day? Drip. You are getting way ahead of yourself buddy. Drip. This will be a major topic up to election, and then after it. Drip
Will you accept Comey's decision if he says there was nothing found to justify charges?

I will.

This is getting fun. You and Pie can't accept the workings of the US justice system. I guess like Trump you'd prefer a dictatorship.


Well-Known Member
Cutting taxes will attract business back from mexico and other countries. Mexico has a 16% business tax.

Please just do some reading. I really dont have time.
you're very active today. all sugared up with more non-scandal.

is that kind of an admission that your relative silence the last couple weeks means you know how bad you are going to lose?


Well-Known Member
Cutting taxes will attract business back from mexico and other countries. Mexico has a 16% business tax.

Please just do some reading. I really dont have time.
How are Trumps tax cuts different from Bush's? Why do you think the effect will be different this time?


Well-Known Member
but if you were you would go balls to the walls. The only question is would you prefer top or bottom
With another man? To be honest, I don't know. I've never really thought about it.

Your wife has the right to know you're on the down low. Especially if you're sleeping around with other men.


Well-Known Member
Please just do some reading. I really dont have time.
You seem to misinterpret what I'm doing. I'm challenging you. I'm saying you don't know jack shit about these issues other than your obsession with other women's fetuses. I don't think you've read up on the issues and thought things through. Yet you keep telling us how great it's going to be. There are a lot of very smart people who've looked at Trump's economic ideas -- one can hardly call them plans -- and compared WHAT HE SAYS to Clinton's economic plans -- yes, plans, with details and specific actions, as well as what she says. Conclusions overwhelmingly are that Trump's ideas if enacted would trigger recession and balloon the debt. Clinton's plans would grow the economy yet also incur additional debt, but something like a trillion dollars less over ten years than under Trump.

I challenge you to put forth a logical argument that is backed up by leading economists who can as least undermine this conclusion. Proof is not necessary but valid sources are. Do you want to remain the village idiot of this site or do you want to step up your game past just repeating what FOX news hands you to in baby pablum form?

All of this is too much information for you. So I'll make it easy for you. Trump would end a woman's right to choose whereas Clinton would not. That is all you need to know to make a decision.


Well-Known Member
With another man? To be honest, I don't know. I've never really thought about it.

Your wife has the right to know you're on the down low. Especially if you're sleeping around with other men.
I agree. Your wife should know if you are sleeping around with men....or women for that matter.
I myself don't prefer men, but I will not knock you for your preference. In fact I say you should embrace it. Think about if you would prefer bottom or top and go for it. Let us know how it went. Good luck


Well-Known Member
You seem to misinterpret what I'm doing. I'm challenging you. I'm saying you don't know jack shit about these issues other than your obsession with other women's fetuses. I don't think you've read up on the issues and thought things through. Yet you keep telling us how great it's going to be. There are a lot of very smart people who've looked at Trump's economic ideas -- one can hardly call them plans -- and compared WHAT HE SAYS to Clinton's economic plans -- yes, plans, with details and specific actions, as well as what she says. Conclusions overwhelmingly are that Trump's ideas if enacted would trigger recession and balloon the debt. Clinton's plans would grow the economy yet also incur additional debt, but something like a trillion dollars less over ten years than under Trump.

I challenge you to put forth a logical argument that is backed up by leading economists who can as least undermine this conclusion. Proof is not necessary but valid sources are. Do you want to remain the village idiot of this site or do you want to step up your game past just repeating what FOX news hands you to in baby pablum form?

All of this is too much information for you. So I'll make it easy for you. Trump would end a woman's right to choose whereas Clinton would not. That is all you need to know to make a decision.
Agents at the FBI call James Comey a dirty cop behind his back. All this new information is really starting to make him look bad. The orders he gave to cover up for Hillary. He is an embarrassment to the agency, and should resign immediately.


Well-Known Member
Agents at the FBI call James Comey a dirty cop behind his back. All this new information is really starting to make him look bad. The orders he gave to cover up for Hillary. He is an embarrassment to the agency, and should resign immediately.
You too think the justice system is rigged. Because Comey didn't produce the result you wanted. 18 months of investigations with up to 1500 agents going through files and finding missing e-mails. Also depositions from witnesses and Clinton herself. Also extending immunity to one witness who then provided testimony that would have incriminated himself but not Clinton. Also Comey knowing he'd be excoriated by congress for giving the decision he made.

Yet you, after reading a couple of comic books and selling your food stamps decide you know better. Rigged. LOL.

Is there any good reason why you shouldn't just join the few other completely useless people on my ignore list? Pie, at least I find entertaining. You on the other hand is just boring. And stupid.


Well-Known Member
Everything is back in play now. Lying to Congress. Lying to the FBI. Destruction of evidence. Spread it all back on top of the table and examine everything closely. Who would have known it would be Weiners cell phone to finally bring down Hill da beast. You just can't make this stuff up! lol
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