Hillary can't be trusted

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Well-Known Member
she was sec of state. even Donnie said she did a great job. back when he was a registered Democrat.
"Hillary Clinton I think is a terrific woman," he said. "I am biased because I have known her for years. I live in New York. She lives in New York. I really like her and her husband both a lot. I think she really works hard. And I think, again, she's given an agenda, it is not all of her, but I think she really works hard and I think she does a good job. I like her."

Read more: http://www.politico.com/story/2015/12/donald-trump-hillary-bill-clinton-relationship-217191#ixzz4Oss6Mtc2
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Well-Known Member
Hillary is an Anti-Pot, warmongering, racist, elitist bitch that would gladly step on every one of your necks on the way to where she wants to go.

Yep RIU. Anti-Pot. Try and justify that as you type here on the pot forum.


Well-Known Member
Hillary is an Anti-Pot, warmongering, racist, elitist bitch that would gladly step on every one of your necks on the way to where she wants to go.

Yep RIU. Anti-Pot. Try and justify that as you type here on the pot forum.

I thought you might have given up/been banned, good to see you back in the political sections!


Well-Known Member
Hillary is an Anti-Pot, warmongering, racist, elitist bitch that would gladly step on every one of your necks on the way to where she wants to go.

Yep RIU. Anti-Pot. Try and justify that as you type here on the pot forum.
She is a strong supporter of women, families, the middle class and civil rights.

But since you hate 'purples', you could care less.

giphy (3).gif

These children are smarter than you

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
yepper so they can come and bust you for growing,smoking or eating weed, why do you think they want Donald Dump in office, It is so they can come and get you for all we have fought for over the past years.
If the feds wanted weed legal it would of happened already, why not because they Make Millions if not Billions off People like you and I. Bust us and take all you have put it up for sale and keep the money.
He said he would leave it to the states. He is more worried about heroin and other hard drugs that the mexican cartels spread across the nation.

Hillary in her private speeches said she would do nothing for marijuana. She is in with the pharmaceuticals.


Well-Known Member
He said he would leave it to the states. He is more worried about heroin and other hard drugs that the mexican cartels spread across the nation.

Hillary in her private speeches said she would do nothing for marijuana. She is in with the pharmaceuticals.
18 more minutes until the plaintiff in the trump child rape case goes public!

are you excited too?


Well-Known Member
They'd better have that girl in body armor. The Drumpf has ordered plenty of murders, and for FAR lesser 'offenses'.
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