Hillary can't be trusted

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Well-Known Member
“We go to Oklahoma, we had 25,000 people. We had 21,000 people in Dallas. We had 35,000 people in Mobile, Alabama. We have these massive crowds,” the Republican nominee said. “You’ve got thousands of people outside trying to get in [today], and this is one hell of a big stadium.”

Trump then mocked the Democratic nominee’s use of scripted speeches, marveling at his own improvisational style even in large venues.

“Do you ever see Hillary Clinton? If she speaks in front of 24 people she’s got the teleprompter,” he jested. “If she came here tomorrow — so look at this place, packed, thousands outside, we actually put screens outside — so, Hillary, if she came here, if she had 500 people I’d be surprised.”
yet at trump turnouts haha


Well-Known Member
“We go to Oklahoma, we had 25,000 people. We had 21,000 people in Dallas. We had 35,000 people in Mobile, Alabama. We have these massive crowds,” the Republican nominee said. “You’ve got thousands of people outside trying to get in [today], and this is one hell of a big stadium.”

Trump then mocked the Democratic nominee’s use of scripted speeches, marveling at his own improvisational style even in large venues.

“Do you ever see Hillary Clinton? If she speaks in front of 24 people she’s got the teleprompter,” he jested. “If she came here tomorrow — so look at this place, packed, thousands outside, we actually put screens outside — so, Hillary, if she came here, if she had 500 people I’d be surprised.”
yet at trump turnouts haha
bernie had some large crowds too.



Well-Known Member
“We go to Oklahoma, we had 25,000 people. We had 21,000 people in Dallas. We had 35,000 people in Mobile, Alabama. We have these massive crowds,” the Republican nominee said. “You’ve got thousands of people outside trying to get in [today], and this is one hell of a big stadium.”

Trump then mocked the Democratic nominee’s use of scripted speeches, marveling at his own improvisational style even in large venues.

“Do you ever see Hillary Clinton? If she speaks in front of 24 people she’s got the teleprompter,” he jested. “If she came here tomorrow — so look at this place, packed, thousands outside, we actually put screens outside — so, Hillary, if she came here, if she had 500 people I’d be surprised.”
yet at trump turnouts haha
Trump is such a bloated jack ass he falsifies every statement. Translate his numbers by xpe.25


Well-Known Member
“We go to Oklahoma, we had 25,000 people. We had 21,000 people in Dallas. We had 35,000 people in Mobile, Alabama. We have these massive crowds,” the Republican nominee said. “You’ve got thousands of people outside trying to get in [today], and this is one hell of a big stadium.”

Trump then mocked the Democratic nominee’s use of scripted speeches, marveling at his own improvisational style even in large venues.

“Do you ever see Hillary Clinton? If she speaks in front of 24 people she’s got the teleprompter,” he jested. “If she came here tomorrow — so look at this place, packed, thousands outside, we actually put screens outside — so, Hillary, if she came here, if she had 500 people I’d be surprised.”
yet at trump turnouts haha
Odds as of November 7 at Bovada

  • Hillary Clinton -550
  • Donald Trump +375
Odds have never been worse for trump than they are right now. Election eve.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
Did I say role model. You know who the role models are in my family..MY FAMILY
Just stop voting against your own interest. and YOU be the fucking role model.
And how would you know my interests?

My interest is to have a healthy economy and strong national defense.

Hillary is for selling favors and diddling little kids.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
I'm in the Philly area. The amount of clinton signs compared to trump signs is hilarious. He doesn't stand a chance in that area. Hillary is pretty much throwing this city a party tonight instead of still campaigning
Well that's because clinton supporters steal all the trump signs.
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