Possible contradiction with hippa and leo


Well-Known Member
I been meaning to post this for a while but keep forgetting. I think leos might be able to tell if you have a card just by running your name. I'm not 100% sure because I wasn't paying real close attention but I listen to the police scanner once in a while. They were responding to some complaint about marijuana. There were at some residence and the guy wouldnt answer the door right away. They brought up something about he might be a legal cardholder or something to that extent. The dispatcher said something like I can just run his name. It seemed to me that they could basically tell if he had a card by looking up his name. Again I wasn't paying real close attention so maybe what I thought I heard wasn't quite accurate and I was being paranoid. If so this seems it would be in violation of hippa. I thought all this stuff was supposed to be private. Leos can abuse this so easy and just look up names of anyone they feel like. What is next? Fuck they gonna exploit grows like chomos on the sex offender site? Please tell me I'm wrong and was just being over imaginative.
They cannot just run your name of plate number or address and find your mmj info. I know this for a fact as one of my long time friends was a deputy for 8 years up here and quit because of corruption. He told me point blank the only way to know for sure is if you run the numbers printed at the top of your card.

I hear so many skitzos out there that won't get a card because they think the government is going to come around one day and round them up over a mmj card. FFS....BMP.
Thanks everyone for the responses. Well fuck it I'm going on vacation for a while anyway. And far away from the corruption of Michigan due to dirty cops, welfare pain killer addicted bums, welfare meth heads, and the great seasonal depression in Michigan. Fuck and I used to like winter time.
You guys add a hepa.filter on your outside intakes? If I do, I'll have to add a 2nd 6" 440cfm fan to compensate the filter