Here is Trump saying marijuana legalization is bad


Well-Known Member
Could of predicted that post.

Your like a broken record lil lou, no new material?
I give you a 2/10 for trying to troll.
Don't be angry with ME because you were born with a 2" penis that never grew during puberty, georgie!

Reported as sock account.

The sand is rapidly slipping through the hourglass....


Well-Known Member
Damn, are there any actual (non-sock/redneck) PEOPLE in this thread at this point?? Soooo many socks occupying such a small (crappy) thread, tsk tsk tsk.....

giphy (72).gif

Poooooor socklings, can't stop yourselves from returning for MORE anal reaming, eh? :lol:

Captain Keg

Well-Known Member
Don't be angry with ME because you were born with a 2" penis that never grew during puberty, georgie!

Reported as sock account.

The sand is rapidly slipping through the hourglass....

I take it that really was all the material you had.

Google how to be a troll, I'll be here waiting.

Tip for the future, don't get any of that sand in my sandwich!


Well-Known Member
That dipshit said you're a Jewish convert, presumably from marriage?

Did your wife find it useful being "born Jewish", able to speak Hebrew and shit?
i'm honorary jewish. i fast when they fast, celebrate the seder, l'shanah tova, etcetera.

and yeah, my wife popped out speaking hebrew and controlling the media and banks.


Well-Known Member
Big_Lou has a husband if i am not mistaken.
Reported for homophobic assumptions.

What previous website did you post 40 times per days on before you became infatuated with this website
or is this a totally new way of passing your day?
I take it that really was all the material you had.

Google how to be a troll, I'll be here waiting.

Tip for the future, don't get any of that sand in my sandwich!
@rollitup , ^ Same 'person'!


Well-Known Member
Am I missing something?
cat of stupidity is a carpenter of some sort who cannot even provide for his alcoholic, pill popping wife, @roseypeach . even though they live in some backwoods, low rent, rural-cuck area.

and @Flaming Pie is on food stamps and medicaid too, like roseypeach. roseypeach also collects disability checks when she's not busy growing federally illegal weed, and talking about how those federally illegal mexicans need to go.

oh, and the funniest part of all is that she says white people do not get all the government assistance, you have to be black or something to get it.

you can't make this shit up.


Well-Known Member
kinda like your dignity?

what wife?

again, what wife?

all but YOOOOOOOOSE! isn't that how you spell it in your third grade home room class?

probably that neo nazi shit he and buck like to post pix of here...

fucking racist anti semite assholes!
Do you meet many Jewish Anti-Semites?


Well-Known Member
you have about an hour left on this site until you are banned, and this is the meltdown you give us?

you could be having such a better meltdown, you inbred, racist, welfare loving shithead.

are you just waiting for @roseypeach to douse herself in pills and booze and passout, so you can hump her unconscious body?

don't try to tell me she's not a pill popping alcoholic either. she confided in pinworm, and pinworm does like to gossip!
Have you SEEN her, though?! (SHUDDER) Hell, if I had to see THAT in the mirror I'D be a friggin junkie as well! (On the plus side, at least she gets a bit of pleasure from the black studs that curious cuck hires for her....)