Here is Trump saying marijuana legalization is bad


Well-Known Member
you mean you looked in the mirror?
can i ask you an honest question before you get banned?

There should be a time limit on how long one can receive anything and these programs they have now are catering to minorities so if you're single, white and male with no dependents, you can forget the system looking out for you. Those are the guys footing the bill these days.

They can't afford to carry the minorities anymore and are finding themselves a minority with no voice.
does your fat slob of a girlfriend not realize that she is white, and being taken care of by the system? (as opposed to your subpar skillset that leaves her dependent on welfare)


Well-Known Member
what do you feel when you see this image?

you must be torn between bullying her because she is overweight and giving her a handout because she is black

must be very difficult for you to see images like this

puts you in a kind of "cognitive dissidence" LOL
Why do you assume she needs a handout?

Doesn't look that poor or hungry to me.