The best way to die. Personal opinion.

I used to assist with picking up dead bodies for a funeral director.

Heart attack victims were obvious and ugly. Vomit everywhere and signs that they struggled, I decided then that heart attacks aren't the way to go.

As a matter of fact, they all looked bad no matter what killed them. The funeral director made them look better with makeup and paint, so that 'peaceful look' is very much faked.

My father suffered from a long illness. That was so hard on him. Our family too. If I could choose I'd choose instant. Tell those in your life you love them, so if you do die suddenly they know how you feel.

What would you rather have though? Instant death or a chance to say goodbye to your loved ones.
I'd rather have time to prepare. Like six months or a year. That'd be a good six months though.
I'd rather have time to prepare. Like six months or a year. That'd be a good six months though.
someone who was friends with my dad when i was kid.. he got cancer, doctor told him he only had so long to live. so this dude went out... took out all kinds of loans, even got his pilots license and a small plane. he went so far into debt because he knew he was going to die.. well he beat the cancer lmao.