What did you accomplish today?

Add it into reservoir. Not sure the recommended dose, as I don't clone in cloners. @tyler.durden How much you using dude?
So what's the cal-hypo used for? Sterilization?
Yeah Tyler, inquiring minds want to know.

You just buy a pound of non-buffered pool shock, I bought 6 from Amazon so I'm set for life. It's also great for emergency sterilization of pond water for drinking when the zombie apocalypse hits. Here's a great brand -


If you take one gram and add it to a gallon of water, you have the exact recipe of EZ Cloner's Clear Rez. They charge $20 for a 16oz bottle, with a $10 pound of shock you can make over 400 gallons of this shit. I never needed it before, but my op contracted some strange airborne fungus that was killing the vast majority of my clones, even in a cold room. I add double the recommended amount, so I do 2 grams per gallon. You only need 15 ml per gallon of rez water, and I add it every 3-4 days. This gives me 100% success rate, even before the fungus I only got about a 70% rate. The shock solution gives me roots every time, but to make the insane, bushy roots I posted, I also dip each clone for 10 seconds in Dip-n-Grow. It's super cheap and works better than anything I've ever seen -


The great thing about the pool shock is I no longer have to think about water temp. My rez water gets up to 88f degrees sometimes in the summer, and with the shock added no pathogens can attack my young clones. The warmth actually makes them root faster! LOVE it...
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Cool. Yeah makes sense. We use it to shock the shit out of pools with bad algae blooms. I wonder if there's a tax or regulation on Amazon chlorine sales or something cuz we do 1lb of calhypo72 for 3.95.
Cool. Yeah makes sense. We use it to shock the shit out of pools with bad algae blooms. I wonder if there's a tax or regulation on Amazon chlorine sales or something cuz we do 1lb of calhypo72 for 3.95.

Yeah, people complain about the Amazon price gouge. I bought 6 lbs for $30, so it's closer to retail price. I was using expensive cloning shit like Hydroguard and Bontanicare's Power Clone solution. But the shock and dip n grow are just pennies and work much better. I read that plants need some chlorine as a micronutrient and they can also use the calcium in the shock, but it sounds like BS to me...