Higher CBD strain said to give more of a body high...


Well-Known Member
So I just tried a strain called sour tsunami. Was told it was higher in CBD to give body high vs. "stoned" head high. Got it for pain. Says it's

69% THC
15.5% CBD
17% CBG

My past experiences lead me to be conservative with the more potent weed now a days so I had 3 hits of it (standard pipe) and nothing. Didn't feel high, but body didn't feel dif. either.

(Also have A strain called Harlequin which has about the same percentages.)

Should I just smoke more of it at one sitting?
Something is off...did you feel anything? 69% is fairly whopping; so nada?
nada. And I'm the poster child for lightweight when it comes to smoking/eating cannabis. Got from dispensary so it should be as it says right? My back is killing me and I was looking for relief. Should add that with any narcotics (oxy, vocodin, Xanax) I am a heavy weight. Can take those all day long and be totally functional. (takes care of pain but I'm not loopy) maybe CBD is recognized as a narcotic in my body?
nada. And I'm the poster child for lightweight when it comes to smoking/eating cannabis. Got from dispensary so it should be as it says right? My back is killing me and I was looking for relief.
If your back pain is caused by inflammation, you should get more relief for the root cause from a high CBD strain. However, high THC strains can hit the spot when it comes to relieving severe pain. When combined with narcotic pain killers, you can usually cut the dose in half.
AFAIK there is no bud with that high a percentage of THC, they probably meant to type 6.9% THC. Bring it back Hooka, they fucked up...
You're right, they meant 6.9% this is from the link @Singlemalt posted

Southern Humboldt Seeds Collective - Sour Tsunami
Sour Tsunami was developed by Lawrence Ringo of the Southern Humboldt Seed Collective. The high-CBD version of this strain remains a phenotype, with each seed offering a 25% chance of containing 10% to 11% CBD (and 6% to 7% THC).
nada. And I'm the poster child for lightweight when it comes to smoking/eating cannabis. Got from dispensary so it should be as it says right? My back is killing me and I was looking for relief. Should add that with any narcotics (oxy, vocodin, Xanax) I am a heavy weight. Can take those all day long and be totally functional. (takes care of pain but I'm not loopy) maybe CBD is recognized as a narcotic in my body?
Hooka seriously you need an inversion table. That will help so much. By increasing the intervertebral space for 10-15 minutes you get increased circulation and that helps with pain.
Doll, you got ripped. High CbD is ditchweed, the shit that gave us headaches back in the 60's.
check this


The high-CBD version of this strain remains a phenotype, with each seed offering a 25% chance of containing 10% to 11% CBD (and 6% to 7% THC).

well.... SHIT. I did have a headache last night too. :-/ Can't return, Already opened it. Just a gram anyway.

I need a 69% thc in my line up
You're right, 69 % THC would be insane & is obviously a typo.
I mean the . is only 1.0 to 1 away from where it should be.
AFAIK there is no bud with that high a percentage of THC, they probably meant to type 6.9% THC. Bring it back Hooka, they fucked up...

Yes, I meant 6.9 sorry
I have one. They're awesome and so much cheaper than a chiropractor.
That moment when you are backed over the arm rest of your love seat to see if it helps. lol

It felt nice, not gonna lie, having that pressure back there. My back muscles tend to knot up and be painful when I am having issues around my spine. I imagine it is a dream to get stretched out.
That moment when you are backed over the arm rest of your love seat to see if it helps. lol

It felt nice, not gonna lie, having that pressure back there. My back muscles tend to knot up and be painful when I am having issues around my spine. I imagine it is a dream to get stretched out.
By the way you tell it, you get stretched out all the time!

lol jk jk
My dr says I have the spinal cord of a 90 yr old bricklayer and in my experience the high cbd strains on their own are useless and taste awful.
There must be a garlic/onion terp I'm not a fan of.
But if u mix a lil high cbd with a lil high thc u will probably get some relief.
Cannatonic is one of the worst I've had fwiw.
Penny wise and jillybean are nice for mixing

Good luck hooka