
I grind my beans fresh each cup. It is a blend of Dark French Roast and a Medium blend, both Starbucks. I premix the beans 3/2.
For medication I like to add a 1/2 gram of quality black Afghan Mazar Sharif or Red Lebanese, which I dry later and smoke the next day. Basically I get high twice from the same hash.

I'm totally lost about how you add hash to coffee- in such a way that you can recover it, dry it and smoke it?
Any recommendations on grind and brews that aren't $500+? I have an older krups, which kicked ass, idk why they stopped making them. The heating element burned out, so I've just been using it like a pour through, but the grinders starting to go, so I need to start looking at replacements.

I need to see if I can get parts, maybe I can rebuild the one I have? Like this
I'm totally lost about how you add hash to coffee- in such a way that you can recover it, dry it and smoke it?
It was an idea from a friend years ago, they did it in the infantry in Cyprus. I only use 1/2 gram for diligence of cost. The hash is the real deal, not homemade. I roll it or squeeze it into a ball, drop in in my Tim Horton's coffee mug, add coffee, sugar, milk and a light stir. At a 1/2 gram the piece is big enough not to come through the sip hole. I often reuse it for a second coffee as well. When to coffee is finished I take the lid off and recover the chunk of hash. I let it sit on a folded paper towel to dry overnight. In most cases the dried out hash becomes crumbly. One time I just cut a slice and did not roll it into a ball. The result was it broke down and I had a bunch of hash chunks in my mouth, which were delicious anyway. This provides a nice mellow relaxed buzz yet somehow energizes me. If you want to use it for a better high just use more hash.

Tastes great, less filling LOL :mrgreen:
I use 60g in the 8 cup / 34oz bodum french press. I use a medium - coarse grind.

I do a 2-pour in the french press, 1/4 of the water, then wait 2 min, then the remaining 3/4 of the water and let steep for 5 more min. Water temp is 196-198 usually. I keep the bodum next to the tea pot filled with hot water, then all of this is covered in large bath towels that I dedicate to the kitchen. This keeps the coffee very hot.
see I don't like that sludgy, silty crap. I always assume it was b/c my grind was too fine.
I am sure you are correct. About 35-40 years ago I worked for a guy who sold beans. He used the big grinder to grind it so fine it was the consistency of icing sugar. It made very strong coffee, which I like, but the sludge was a bit much for me. This guy made it double strength sometimes and if he left his cup on the bench overnight with 1/2 inch or less it would harden. I tapped a few pucks out his cup, it was kind of funny. If you tapped the puck with a hard object it would shatter. :cuss: