Russia didn't do it

Ace Yonder

Well-Known Member
Glorifying? Is that how it comes off?

I am trying to spread awareness. There have been plenty of cases of child abuse and exploitation among those in power and entertainment. Way more than I ever could have imagined. Britain, Norway, Haiti, Austrailia, Cuba... the list just keeps getting longer.
All you're doing is spreading awareness about how truly stupid you are, just like the idiots who perpetuated the Satanic Panic and the Witch Hunts before that. You are the latest in a long line of mindless pawns waving torches and pitchforks based on rumormongering and conspiracy theories, and I find it repugnant and pitiful. I honestly hope you become implicated in something similar to the McMartin debacle just so you can get a taste of what it feels like to be falsely accused and publicly convicted of something despite all evidence to the contrary.


Well-Known Member
They hacked the election to try to influence the result.
"Hacked the election" = Hacked the DNC's emails

If you truly believe that, then you must also believe that the content of said hacked emails were detrimental enough to the Clinton campaign to influence the general election enough to hand Trump the presidency

So, again, I ask, what was so bad in the DNC emails that could have influenced the American people SO MUCH as to turn a +6% win (according to UB himself) into a loss?

Admitting it was that the DNC fucked Sanders in favor of Clinton will get me on your side. Admit it, that's all it takes. The fact that so many Clinton clingers refuse to admit the misconduct of the way the Democratic primary was held and how unfair it was from the start is what makes me say "Fuck em, then. We don't need them, and I don't want them on my side." I want actual progressives on my side.


Well-Known Member
Why do you think that is? Why do you think what is supposed to be called 'News' has become so diluted today that average people can't tell fiction from reality?
I was born to a family in Appalachia with nothing. We butchered, made lard and cured our meat. We were self sufficient. I have become a successful individual by learning reality. Most people today are snowflakes. Melt at the first warm temp. We have so many people on disability that shouldn't be but since my wife has been in the medical field she witnessed the transition of people on welfare to ssi disability. I on the other hand went to school and obtained skills that allow me to retire and now sit on my butt and not have to learn anymore. I dare say a fair amount of people who are on the web a lot aren't studying for their thesis. We have people at the bottom and top sucking the nation dry. Who cares about news.

Ace Yonder

Well-Known Member
"Hacked the election" = Hacked the DNC's emails

If you truly believe that, then you must also believe that the content of said hacked emails were detrimental enough to the Clinton campaign to influence the general election enough to hand Trump the presidency

So, again, I ask, what was so bad in the DNC emails that could have influenced the American people SO MUCH as to turn a +6% win (according to UB himself) into a loss?

Admitting it was that the DNC fucked Sanders in favor of Clinton will get me on your side. Admit it, that's all it takes. The fact that so many Clinton clingers refuse to admit the misconduct of the way the Democratic primary was held and how unfair it was from the start is what makes me say "Fuck em, then. We don't need them, and I don't want them on my side." I want actual progressives on my side.
No, idiot, it just means that people, like you, were stupid enough to CARE about the leaked emails and play into their game. BTW, red pill worshiping rapists like you are NOT progressives.


Well-Known Member
A couple months ago you couldnt have a thread without an accusation of Pedophelia against Rob Roy...

Now, the same people go out of their way to defend suspected pedophiles...

Buncha short term memory disabled on this forum.... LOL!!! I mean, it couldnt be political.... right?

Ace Yonder

Well-Known Member
I was born to a family in Appalachia with nothing. We butchered, made lard and cured our meat. We were self sufficient. I have become a successful individual by learning reality. Most people today are snowflakes. Melt at the first warm temp. We have so many people on disability that shouldn't be but since my wife has been in the medical field she witnessed the transition of people on welfare to ssi disability. I on the other hand went to school and obtained skills that allow me to retire and now sit on my butt and not have to learn anymore. I dare say a fair amount of people who are on the web a lot aren't studying for their thesis. We have people at the bottom and top sucking the nation dry. Who cares about news.
You clearly had land and available meat to butcher. You think poverty stricken people living in urban slums have the same access to hunting grounds that you were privileged enough to be born into?


Well-Known Member
You clearly had land and available meat to butcher. You think poverty stricken people living in urban slums have the same access to hunting grounds that you were privileged enough to be born into?
In the 50's we had no money and the bank owned the land. My dad worked his butt off. Your point?

Ace Yonder

Well-Known Member
In the 50's we had no money and the bank owned the land. My dad worked his butt off. Your point?
So you paid for the meat you butchered? My point is, the opportunities for self sufficiency which you were privileged enough to have, are not available to most of the people on the bottom who are, in your words, "sucking" off the economy. You're the real snowflake if helping the poorest members of society is such an affront to you.


Well-Known Member
You clearly had land and available meat to butcher. You think poverty stricken people living in urban slums have the same access to hunting grounds that you were privileged enough to be born into?
And I got a Bible and a suitcase for my graduation gift from mom and dad. Your point?


Well-Known Member
You clearly had land and available meat to butcher. You think poverty stricken people living in urban slums have the same access to hunting grounds that you were privileged enough to be born into?
And I sent myself to EE school. Your point? Are you done looking silly yet?


Well-Known Member
"Hacked the election" = Hacked the DNC's emails

If you truly believe that, then you must also believe that the content of said hacked emails were detrimental enough to the Clinton campaign to influence the general election enough to hand Trump the presidency

So, again, I ask, what was so bad in the DNC emails that could have influenced the American people SO MUCH as to turn a +6% win (according to UB himself) into a loss?

Admitting it was that the DNC fucked Sanders in favor of Clinton will get me on your side. Admit it, that's all it takes. The fact that so many Clinton clingers refuse to admit the misconduct of the way the Democratic primary was held and how unfair it was from the start is what makes me say "Fuck em, then. We don't need them, and I don't want them on my side." I want actual progressives on my side.
I believe that Russia hacked the election. So does the intelligence community. I voted for Sanders in the primary here. So, I really don't know what you need me to admit.

I do know that Hillary didn't just barely squeak by in the primaries. There was a lot of separation there.
I didn't like it, but I'm a team player who wouldn't criticize my party's candidate before an election to help the worst candidate of all time take over Washington.

Nobody gets everything they want. Tell me more about Hillary and Wall Street while Trump stuffs the cabinet with Goldman Sachs people.

Surely, you see the incredible irony here. We should be sticking together now. Like they did in 2009.

Ace Yonder

Well-Known Member
And I sent myself to EE school. Your point? Are you done looking silly yet?
Awww did I strike a nerve because I took away a little bit of your victimhood? Keep replying to my post a dozen or so more times and think I'm the one looking silly, you ignorant hick.


Well-Known Member
You clearly had land and available meat to butcher. You think poverty stricken people living in urban slums have the same access to hunting grounds that you were privileged enough to be born into?
Hey Ace. We bread livestock. The bank took the farm you sure know a lot about people.

Ace Yonder

Well-Known Member
Hey Ace. We bread livestock. The bank took the farm you sure know a lot about people.
Farmers are the most pampered group in America, who are gifted with over-representation and endless subsidies. Congrats on being born into redneck royalty and still failing.


Well-Known Member
I believe that Russia hacked the election. So does the intelligence community. I voted for Sanders in the primary here. So, I really don't know what you need me to admit.

I do know that Hillary didn't just barely squeak by in the primaries. There was a lot of separation there.
I didn't like it, but I'm a team player who wouldn't criticize my party's candidate before an election to help the worst candidate of all time take over Washington.

Nobody gets everything they want. Tell me more about Hillary and Wall Street while Trump stuffs the cabinet with Goldman Sachs people.

Surely, you see the incredible irony here. We should be sticking together now. Like they did in 2009.
You just said nobody gets everything they want while simultaneously crying that you didnt get your choice for president...
