1st Blow to Women's rights

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
maybe i am just wrong but i doubt it.. id think if an inspector was coming out the whole place would be looked over.. top to bottom. city, or private
When I bought my house the man just told me what needed to be fixed around the house, what things needed to be changed to pass inspection by the lender, checked the drainage and roof. Gave us a writeup on the condition of home.

Paid 120 i think..

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
does closing their legs prevent cervical cancer?
You can get a gynecology exam without going to PP.

500 for an abortion is dirt cheap too. Considering what it involves.

Sr88 you got 4 bitches pregnant? What does it take to wise you up? Maybe you dont respect women enough to protect them from unwanted pregnancy? Do you only sleep with women who don't respect themselves?

People being irresponsible with their bodies.


Well-Known Member
You can get a gynecology exam without going to PP.
you can also get the same basic medical services from planned parenthood. more options and more competition is better, right?

also, i don't need a welfare mooch like you telling the taxpayers how we should be funding medical care.

Maybe you dont respect women enough
you voted for a guy who said that the women he sexually assaulted were too ugly for him to sexually assault.

Tim Fox

Well-Known Member
lotta men on here deciding what health care services a women should be able to access. for the 3rd time - no federal tax money goes for abortions. this has nothing to fucking do with abortions.
oh you know,, they buy into all the fake news,, and next thing you know,, they think its real,,, such a shame


Well-Known Member
Did anyone ever mention we are 20 trillion dollars in debt? some cuts are going to have to be made...
Yep, "some cuts are going to have to be made". Let's start with cutting corporate welfare.

You are confused about taxpayers paying for abortion. In any case, this thread is about cutting funds for Planned Parenthood. As Buck pointed out, when that's done without care to replace the services PP provides, the cut creates an even costlier public health crisis. What if those services did get passed on to other providers? Last year, the GOP congress tried to block funding to PP. The CBO analyzed this measure and found that PP is efficient with tax payer money and eliminating them would add cost to the taxpayer.

@Flaming Pie

While the cut in federal subsidies to the organization would save $520 million in the short-term, according to CBO, the overall cost to the government would increase to $650 million over the coming decade – or a net increase of $130 million. As part of its analysis, CBO took into account Republican proposals to redistribute the Planned Parenthood funds to other health providers that don’t offer abortion services.

Why should home owners pay $400 to a real estate inspector who's first recommendation is to call a plumber or other professional to evaluate something "just in case"? Your two hours isn't worth it.

And, there is no warranty on your $400 service, is there?


Well-Known Member
Why should home owners pay $400 to a real estate inspector who's first recommendation is to call a plumber or other professional to evaluate something "just in case"? Your two hours isn't worth it.

And, there is no warranty on your $400 service, is there?
Because in almost every case I easily find well over $400 dollars worth of repairs on a house, frequently thousands of dollars of repairs.

If you wanted to get specialists you would have to hire an electrician, a plumber, a window and door specialist, an engineer, a roofer, a HVAC specialist, and a general contractor. Those trades are not trained to systematically go through a home and find problems, they are trained to fix a problem that is shown to them.

So, in addition to having a nightmare of scheduling all those people and the incredible cost as well (sure a roofer will come out for free but try to get an electrician to do that. Hell, just an engineer is over $400). The solution is to hire a home inspector to inform the clients whether they need specialists. The clients then can choose or not choose to have further evaluations by those specialists.

If I miss something I compensate the clients. If I ever missed anything huge I am insured for $100,000 dollars in E&O (errors and omissions) insurance. So yeah, there is a warranty on my inspections and reports.

I do the inspection, walk the clients through and answer all their questions. After they know the condition of the home I ask for payment. I have never had a client indicate that I should not get the full amount and I have always gotten paid. That proves to me my services are valued.