HES TRADING = Attitude???


Well-Known Member
I made an order at Attitude saturday night, this morning my bank calls me to tell me I'm over drawn..I get a printout and on it is Attitude gifts for $52.11 and also a H E S trading for $52.00....So I'm like "Who the fuck is HES trading?", So I search it and a thread at RollItUp.org pops up....https://www.rollitup.org/newbie-central/20123-hes-trading-everyonedoesit-com-order.html......What What the hell is going on???? Any ideas??? I canceled the H E S charge...But what the fuck???


Well-Known Member
everything was cool, that is attitude. Sometimes I get those duplicate charges on my cc but they usually stay pending and when it finally posts it's either one of the other that posts and the other one is deleted. he uses hes trading also. I don't know why they went both wen through like that but I would check with them to make sure they got paid and that your getting what you paid for. Sometimes banks will deduct what's about to clear through your bank but shouldn't really affect you actual funds until they post, but do whatever makes you feel comfortable and retry again. If you are using your bank cc, you should just go with the reloadable Visa from wal-mart use your name and address but fib a lil when concerning your ss# and dob and it's all good, gives you a lil wiggle room for id fraud is so be needed. But yeah man it was all good, you were charged by the Attitude = Hes Trading all the same, I had both pop up on my cc but only one ever went through after finally posting to my account.
They also state it when you place your order from them that it may come up that way depending on the credit card and who you are banking with.

P.S. get you A Visa reloadable
and load what you are going to
spend, you won't have to worry about
them taking more.


Well-Known Member
Good lookin out guy...Although in the e-mail it said it would come up either Attitude gifts or Attitude T-shirts...either way I feel better now...Just went thru this shit with Dr. Chronic, had to do a charge back on his ass.

Edit: Both charges did go thru...If I were a wealthier man and the bank didn't call ,I might not have ever known. It's all good now tho'


Well-Known Member
cool beans dude, I know I've been going through it with the Doc since July 4th and it has all been bad news with them. Doc did attempt to make things right w/o me knowing but they were jacked too. HIs shipping is just so far out of date and whack but I'm not going to dog him anymore, but I not going to back him neither. I found Attitude through my mishaps with him and they have been platinum for me so you are in good hands. I may be fresh outta grow school but I got my PhD in ordering seeds, lol :lol:


Well-Known Member
i already done heard about 10 orders from ppl wo ordered attitude everyone got thier beans, got mine 3 weeks ago, waiting on my 2 pacs sensi hashplant seeds, gonna be a hashy christmas.


Well-Known Member
So lemme get this straight, you're blabbing about how it shows up on your CC so said LEO surfing around the site can go hmm, then said LEO picks up phone/ sends email to Major CC LEO liaison and says can I have a printout off said CC payments made to said company. In retrospect now how do you feel about potentially compromising the security of fellow community members? Just my take on it... I'm not shitting on you but take a look back at the situation from others end of it. Might as well post pics of packaging IMO...

And if you think this could never happen, think again Western Union sold out and snitched bigger than shit and still do! Thats how people ordering from Marc Emery got popped

Link here on seed scam/ entrapment


Well-Known Member
They charged me twice for one order and both charges went thru...the only way I found out about the charges is cuz I'm broke and the bank called me to say I'm over drawn..I wrote to Attitude to tell them about this and I just got an e-mail back and instead of saying "Oh Shit you were charged twice? Our bad" they basically said "we'll refund your money, have a nice day, order cancelled" They never said anything about the double charge, nothing about why 2 different company names showed up on my statement, nothing about why the totals of the charges were different. If security is a big deal for them, then why no mention of another company name (a company that is no longer in business) in their original confirmation e-mail. If you double charge your customers, those customers might get on-line and talk about it. But I'll be the asshole, I don't give a fuck.


New Member
You don't think the cops can do a google search on where to get seeds from on their own? They can't figure it out unless they come to this site? How could they even find this site?

I think you are freaking out over nothing........:joint:

So lemme get this straight, you're blabbing about how it shows up on your CC so said LEO surfing around the site can go hmm, then said LEO picks up phone/ sends email to Major CC LEO liaison and says can I have a printout off said CC payments made to said company. In retrospect now how do you feel about potentially compromising the security of fellow community members? Just my take on it... I'm not shitting on you but take a look back at the situation from others end of it. Might as well post pics of packaging IMO...

And if you think this could never happen, think again Western Union sold out and snitched bigger than shit and still do! Thats how people ordering from Marc Emery got popped

Link here on seed scam/ entrapment


Well-Known Member
Sometimes I get those duplicate charges on my cc but they usually stay pending and when it finally posts it's either one of the other that posts and the other one is deleted.
That's not really how it works. If there is a charge from two different company names then each company has it's own account with the credit card clearing company. The ONLY way then for this to happen is for them to charge him twice. Which they did.

In fact they double charged me too but from the same company. My second charge was only a few dollars but still, WTF? My guess is it's some kind of charge for a difference in exchange rates but that's fucked up since I paid in pounds sterling with the amount THEY entered into the shopping cart.


Well-Known Member
ordering overseas has two charges one for the item, and another for international currency exchange wich is usualy 5 or 6 dollars, the day after the transaction.


Well-Known Member
Mine were on the same day..One for $52.11 and one (from a company that is no longer in business) for $52.00. How did another company from the U.K. that is no longer in business get my credit card number?? Anyway...I used to order from a spot called weedfarmer but it turned into BuyDutchSeeds and their prices kinda turn me off soooo....Planet skunk maybe.


Well-Known Member
ordering overseas has two charges one for the item, and another for international currency exchange wich is usualy 5 or 6 dollars, the day after the transaction.
Ah, that makes sense then. Last time I ordered I only got one charge but I ordered from another place.


Well-Known Member
So lemme get this straight, you're blabbing about how it shows up on your CC so said LEO surfing around the site can go hmm, then said LEO picks up phone/ sends email to Major CC LEO liaison and says can I have a printout off said CC payments made to said company. In retrospect now how do you feel about potentially compromising the security of fellow community members? Just my take on it... I'm not shitting on you but take a look back at the situation from others end of it. Might as well post pics of packaging IMO...

And if you think this could never happen, think again Western Union sold out and snitched bigger than shit and still do! Thats how people ordering from Marc Emery got popped

Link here on seed scam/ entrapment

cops can't order beans? i don't get it. :confused: