The Big Bang


New Member
This is one theory I'm not too sure of. The theory as I believe it to be is that Time and Space started as a singularity that suddenly explodes and spreads further and further, and in fact is even now still expanding...

Unfortunately, along with this theory, resides the belief that to every positive reaction there has to be a negative one. The 'negative one' in this case is that space will suddenly start to implode back in on itself.

Heaven and Hell, so to speak.

Anyone ever notice how close the word GOD is to GOOD and the word DEVIL is to EVIL. I suppose in those days they had to make it simple.


Well-Known Member
Yea i learned about this, supposivly some thing small enough to fit on a pin point one day just exploded, and for millions of years it was too hot for anything to live, and later on it started to cool down, and hydrogen was formed from the energy given off, then that way burned to make suns, and the suns push them togeather to form helium, and then berillium and shit like that, i dont believe it at all, if we were created by an explosion.. how did there become intelligant life forms, and what would be the negative reaction for earth, a planet with non greedy life forms, but there planet had no natural resources and no pollution


Active Member
there is a theory that once the universe expands to the point where the universe can't expand anymore then the world will implode unto itself, again making a tiny lump of mass the size of a pinpoint. all the matter in the world then compresses again until it can me compressed no more. then the cycle starts again, with a new big bang. weird eh?


Well-Known Member
Ah The Big Bang...
You are correct Skunk. Our universe, Space and time (the four perceived dimensions) began as a singularity and then expanded very rapidly. And is still expanding today.

In the early 20th century most people assumed the universe was static (Unchanging, eternal). But it was discovered by Edwin Hubble that every galaxy is moving away from every other galaxy in all directions, which suggests that they are moving away from some starting point. Thus, the "Big Bang Theory" was born.

It was thought that if there is enough matter this process would eventually slow down and that gravity would pull the universe back together and implode, the so-called "Big Crunch".

About 20 years ago maybe a little more, scientists decided to collect all the data and find out how much the universe has slowed down. Once they collected all the data and looked at the numbers, to their astonishment it showed them that not only was the universe NOT slowing down, it was speeding up.

So the universe will expand forever (At least from a 4 dimensional point of view) and become cooler and cooler.

As for intelligent life forms, They, like everything else, evolved from chemical compounds. Which with time became more complex. They eventually formed things like amino acids, proteins, DNA; the building blocks of life.


New Member
good topic. i love to think about the cosmos. it looks like people summed things nicely.

but i don't know anything that goes on forever, including the expansion of the universe. but i'm not sure what a speeding up might suggest. i've been thinking for a few minutes now.....

maybe i should smoke a j...:joint:



Active Member
This shit makes you really sit back and think about why we are here, and who are we? Shit can make you crazy if you think about it too hard,,LMAO



New Member
Does anyone here believe in Creationism (e.g. God)
I have an old thread about that too, although that debate got very heated. In fact it got closed. A guy called silver nomad just couldn't help but get very abusive. He was on the side of creationism, and couldn't stand my blasphemous attitude. lol.


Well-Known Member
holy shit, The Big Crunch. thats so brutal. i fucking love it. can u imagine how hot that would be? and then the opposite of all that, what if the universe does slowly just cooled off forever? slowly suns burn out one by one, every type of living organism we know of die out. then the robots will be killed off because the lack of energy. finally, all inorganic matter will start dropping out of existence because everything starts approaching absolute zero.

u see, its not the universe that even exists, its the the changing of the universe. so when theres not even enough energy for the little molecules to be bouncing around and everything COMPLETELY stops moving, a flood of nonexistence starts swallowing up the universe. slowly, everything not only freezes to death, but ______.

then BAM! the momentum of negative energy that caused the death of a universe passes into the realm of another, and a magnificent explosion occurs!

big bang seems logical to me. know what would be crazy? if we eventually develop technology that can determine how many times the big bang has happened! it'll be a pay-per-view event with billions of viewers all over the world. the scientist pokes at a few flashing buttons, some bloops and bleeps are heard. everybody stairs at the monitor... and the reading is a sideways eight! bum bum buuummm!

u have just taken a detour through the mind of a sleep-deprived marijuana smoker.:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
The fact that the gallaxies mouve away from eachother at a faster rate just means that the explosion is still going strong and our universe is still just a baby...


New Member
describing anything outside the limits of the expanding universe; the "void", is pure conjecture.

after all, the big bang could have been an experiment gone wrong on a planet of another universe...which was subsequently destroyed by our big bang. how would we know?

the big crunch would be as unnoticable as the expansion of the universe is to us mortal beings living a hundred years or so. no beings would comprehend the large scale collapse going on all around them untill planets actually crashed into one another. but by then, the unstable space would have eraticated life on all planets. (*warning* - pure conjecture alert.) :-)


Well-Known Member
In my experience, most people who I have met that do not believe in the Big Bang Theory, do not understand the Big Bang Theory. The evidence speaks for itself... If there was a giant expansion of the universe that gave us what we see today, then there would be a slight hue of radiation emanating evenly throughout the universe. Guess what. There is. Objects within the universe would be hurled outwards in all directions. Guess what. There are.

Also, lets emphasize 'EXPANSION' Not explosion. In an explosion objects are hurled outwards in all directions and from that instant onward, they begin to slow down due to gravitational pull. What we have here is something different. Objects in our universe not only appear to be moving away from one another, but they appear to be doing it at an increasing rate of speed.

If things continue as they are today eventually the hydrogen will run out and our stars will shut down. The giant stars will become black holes and they will become more and more massive as they eat their way through the galaxies and merge with one another. Eventually the black holes will evaporate and the energy from them will be dispersed over an empty space so vast that our minds could never grasp it. I've even heard talk of subatomic particles being ripped apart by the expansion of space.

And if you really want to trip out, check out quantum mechanics. See how whenever we try to locate a particular subatomic particle it seemingly can exist ANYWHERE in the universe. Objects in one corner of the universe can affect objects at another corner. Or how about super strings? I need to smoke a bowl.... :peace: :joint: