Which process has the highest yield or return for creating concentrate?

So back to what's the elephant in the room you keep trying to hide under a rug

Does the fda know and approve of you using their name to tell people bho is safe and fda aprooved and waving their document around like a victory banner justifying extraction of cannabis oils with butane

The elephant in the room, is your continuing to avoid returning to the thread.

What do you not understand about the FDA's document stating that butane is GRAS? Is it unclear enough to you that you want them to confirm it?
The elephant in the room, is your continuing to avoid returning to the thread.

What do you not understand about the FDA's document stating that butane is GRAS? Is it unclear enough to you that you want them to confirm it?


Sorry but can you please explain to me what GRAS is?
Ignorant means uninformed.
Its only an insult if your stupid and dont know what it means.
Im trying to build no reputation on here. I could care less about that
No i dont really think the gas man sodimises you with a can of butane.
You know what i mean. Everyone here knows what that means. Except you apparently.
Man you are dense.

I didn't say ignorance was a sin, and think the record is clear I'm in command of the English language.

But you used such a crude example to say I was tanking a payoff for my position, which is bullshit and just demonstrates clearly that you that can't carry on a conversation without personal attack. The real question is why in the world would you even say such a thing, knowing full well is is bullshit???

Dont play the ol public information company card. How many start ups have you launched? Says right on your site, you had to pay the bills somehow.
Do you mean the small engine repair starting at age 16 or anything I am currently involved in, which is zero?

We did have to pay the bills and it is a matter of record that it was a black hole financed our of our pocket.

Your playing everyone here for stupid by throwing that out there. Better off saying nothing if what im saying is so outlandish.

It would seem that continuing to throw out lies and personal attacks, instead of process details indicates that it is you that think everyone is stupid.
I know your job what you are doing here and why you have to do it.
You have bussines axes to grind every day.

I don't see how rentals and a stock portfolio count in this conversation.

Your grinding other axes elsewhere right now. You know what i mean.
You pay a monkey boy to monitor forums for you.

No monkeys harmed in the presentation of our blog.
Why would i answer any process questions for you?
Because that is what this forum is for, sharing actual useable information, rather than a hail fellow well met .
You did it wrong.

What part did I do wrong and why? Why should I listen to you without that information to balance my personal experience?
There. Thats why you dont like my method
Wrong techniques wrong equipment wrong materials wrong wrong wrong.

And and and
Ive said everything anyone needs to know about my method and how it works for me and they can learn the rest on their own
Have you figured out yet how i filter out microcarbon? I see you have been searching it.
There is no convincing you if i had mountains of indisputable evidence from god him or her self you would not accept it because it would violate some agreement or cobtract you have with one of your start ups.
You trash talk anything that didnt work for you so as to steer people to butane.
I certainly share with others how I ended up with QWET and BHO after starting with your method.

You just went with butane because it was the new fad that was pushed under your nose with the promise of lots of money and a solid spot in a proprietary niche.

All the good methods were already taken and patented. So you had to steel indras idea

Different designs are patented, but not the process.

Are your refering to Indras idea he shared open blasting through a PVC tube? Not in this lifetime!

FOAF was my inspiration, because being an engineer, I wasn't ignorant enough to use a PVC tube for blasting.

You continue to make my case for me.


Sorry but can you please explain to me what GRAS is?

I means that the FDA says it is Generally Regarded As Safe, and the following:

§ 184.1165 n-Butane and iso-butane. (a) n-Butane and iso-butane (empirical formula C4H10, CAS Reg. Nos. 106– 97–8 and 75–28–5, respectively) are colorless, flammable gases at normal temperatures and pressures. They are easily liquefied under pressure at room temperature and are stored and shipped in the liquid state. The butanes are obtained from natural gas by fractionation following absorption in oil, adsorption to surface-active agents, or refrigeration. (b) The ingredients must be of a purity suitable for their intended use. (c) In accordance with §184.1(b)(1), these ingredients are used in food with no limitations other than current good manufacturing practice. The affirmation of these ingredients as generally recognized as safe (GRAS) as direct human food ingredients is based upon the following current good manufacturing practice conditions of use: (1) The ingredients are used as propellants, aerating agents, and gases as defined in §170.3(o)(25) of this chapter. (2) The ingredients are used in food at levels not to exceed current good manufacturing practice. (d) Prior sanctions for these ingredients different from the uses established in this section do not exist or have been waived. [48 FR 57270, Dec. 29, 1983, as amended at 73 FR 8607, Feb. 14, 2008; 76 FR 59249, Sept. 26,
Different designs are patented, but not the process.

Are your refering to Indras idea he shared open blasting through a PVC tube? Not in this lifetime!

FOAF was my inspiration, because being an engineer, I wasn't ignorant enough to use a PVC tube for blasting.

You continue to make my case for me.

I am only looking for good information and some terms that I see here are applicable to the USA only. I am a licensed medical patient in Canada and we look forward to changes in the near future with regards to concentrates which I personally believe have the greatest medical benefits.

Thanks for sharing!
You're welcome! It seems like we are in a sea of change both here and Canada. With legalization comes regulation.
I could use my #10secondsift and make rosin and probably yield more and quicker than anything else in existence...
Maybe the question shouldn't be which has the highest yield, rather it should be which has the highest yeild for a given volume of cannabis.

I want to do small batches and I typically only have around 1 to 2 ounces of available starting material.

So far for small amounts, it seems that iso butane is the best in that regard.

For large amounts a solvent such as isopropyl or ethal alcohol are best. Though I have read that chloroform is the best solvent to use. That is provided it is pure and devoid of heavy metals that could be present depending on your source.
Maybe the question shouldn't be which has the highest yield, rather it should be which has the highest yeild for a given volume of cannabis.

I want to do small batches and I typically only have around 1 to 2 ounces of available starting material.

So far for small amounts, it seems that iso butane is the best in that regard.

For large amounts a solvent such as isopropyl or ethal alcohol are best. Though I have read that chloroform is the best solvent to use. That is provided it is pure and devoid of heavy metals that could be present depending on your source.

I think you have the last part a little confused? Chloroform is what is stripped in ISO/Ethanol extracts, hence why if you do a long wash time (really anything over 30 seconds, and the material has to be verryyyy cold) your extract will be a darker color. Since ISO/Ethanol is polar, it tends to strip a little more than non-polar solvents (propane, butane, etc)

But I pretty much agree with everything else you said :) I prefer doing an ethanol wash only but if I am going for a "oh la la" extract, I will use butane and then winterize ala ethanol.

I think you have the last part a little confused? Chloroform is what is stripped in ISO/Ethanol extracts, hence why if you do a long wash time (really anything over 30 seconds, and the material has to be verryyyy cold) your extract will be a darker color. Since ISO/Ethanol is polar, it tends to strip a little more than non-polar solvents (propane, butane, etc)

But I pretty much agree with everything else you said :) I prefer doing an ethanol wash only but if I am going for a "oh la la" extract, I will use butane and then winterize ala ethanol.

Chloroform is a chlorinated solvent. Chlorophyll is the one you're talking about lol
If I do an ethanol or isopropyl extraction. Is it possible to distill the product without losing potency?

I'm not too sure about that but I almost feel yes? I don't think you will lose potency but you might lose some weight to it. If anything, I would *assume* it is more potent just like when I distill alcohol. But I think @Fadedawg is the person we would trust a bit more with this answer :)
Haha yes, you are very correct. Sorry everyone a bit on cough syrup! But YES it was Chlorophyll I was talking about haha. Chloroform is what people use to kidnap others :) (joking by the way..ish..)

Lol all good man.

I am going to try chloroform. Supposedly chlorophyll is sparingly soluble in chloroform, but cannabinoids are much more soluble. Plus chloroform has a pretty high vapor pressure which means it will leave the product with only minor heating. Not to mention the low boiling point means you can reflux your product for longer and get the most extract.
I'm not too sure about that but I almost feel yes? I don't think you will lose potency but you might lose some weight to it. If anything, I would *assume* it is more potent just like when I distill alcohol. But I think @Fadedawg is the person we would trust a bit more with this answer :)

What I mean is. By distilling you are boiling off the product leaving behind the unwanted stuff. As you know heat will break down thc into cbd (i think it's cbd), a less desirable product if you are after the high.
Awesome @atrumblood I can't wait to hear your results! When I first started doing polar extracts, if my product came out too green, I would re-disolve in alcohol and place it in the sun. The UV should breakdown some of the chlorophyll and make the extract more amber color. Supposedly it degraded the product, but I couldn't feel the effects of any degrading occurred :)