Well-Known Member
bacon and tea?lol, imma B&T junky, only way to start the day!
bacon and tea?lol, imma B&T junky, only way to start the day!
With a passion like that get a BS in Physical Therapy and you can be well compensated for a job you love! We need PT's like you.I passed my "overhead squat assessment " exam today with 95% @ Brookbush Institute.
Not sure why I study anatomy and exercise physiology and corrective exercise and corrective strengthening. I don't work in the industry but I love to study this shit. So far I got my functional anatomy 1, 2 &3 , and overhead squat assessment. I am gaining a lot of knowledge and credits in the field . Next I'm getting certs in goniometry assessment, muscle length tests, and a bunch of other stuff used in physical therapy and personal training.
I have done some amazing work in correcting my own postural dysfunctions , much more than any chiropractor , doctor or physical therapist was ever able to do.
The more I learn, the more I realize how complex workout routining really is. Learning to decipher which muscles are short and overactive and which muscles are long and under active is an art form. There is a lot of different testing and it is a lot of work.
I am feeling good about my studying in the field and have been able to help myself and others with pain and posture dysfunction, and helping to figure out which stretches are needed and which exercises are best for reversal of certain painful conditions caused by common postural faults.
I'm going to keep at it and keep getting more certs. It is amazing work, fascinating stuff .
Thank you for the encouragement C2G !With a passion like that get a BS in Physical Therapy and you can be well compensated for a job you love! We need PT's like you.
I don't think it's to late to expand your horizon especially when doing something you love, so just keep taking classes you enjoy. Yes, once upon a time I was in the medical profession but a car accident put an end to that so I did other things. This life has been quite a fascinating adventure.Thank you for the encouragement C2G !
Would love to work in the industry. If I was in my 20's and had it to do all over again I would stay in school and focus on PT or a field like that. All the studying has been very applicable especially in training and exercise selection and avoiding injuries, as well as correcting postural conditions that kept causing me to get injured. It really has been a golden cure for me in that aspect. And worth every ounce of energy I put into it.
Even in the MMJ field its helpful for me to be somewhat knowledgable in basic anatomy or be able to recognize conditions like anterior pelvic tilt, or others, and be able to suggest stretches and exercises that could be of help to people, or perhaps I could better carry a conversation related to an injury and maybe even provide some insights that might help somebody in pain.
At any rate it is intriguing stuff . If I keep getting credits and enough for a degree that's all great too.
If I remember right, don't you work in the medical field?
Didn't accomplish much today .....but I did learn that Abe likes meth , boners and loves reddan in a serious sexual way ....not just reddans normal hot tub stuff .........I wrote penis on another hundred dollar bill ......went poop several times ....smoked cigarettes....played with my boys ((not my testicles)) my actual kids ....and now I just got home from a quick delivery/quick stop run .....pretty chill day ....if it wasn't for the upset stomach slight headache and sore lungs from my shenanigans last night ....I'd even say I enjoyed it .......... @reddan1981 I thought you were bad .....we learn something new everyday .
Il say one thing nice about reddong ...he is a good sport and he's not the wierdest fuck nugget on here in my eyes anymore .....your in second place now reddan ....congrats
However ,, don't get to excited this doesn't change anything at all whatsoever ....and I won't @ the new biggest fuck nugget because he seriously likes boners for real man boners .
Oh and congrats again reddan he wants to swallow your penis as well a loving he cares about your feelings kind of way of luck to you two .
Your king ---Inda
Get a recommendation from your dad's specialist for another hospitalist. Then fire the incompetent one. I am so sorry Lokie this has to suck badly.I gave my father a bath today.
He has been in the hospital for almost 3 weeks. My mom has been by his side
every day for as much of 24/7 as possible.
She was not able to be with him today as she had some things that needed attention.
Not more attention than dad, just things that could not be put off.
I surmise mom has assisted him with bathing while he has been there as I was told today
he will not allow the nursing staff to help in any way concerning his personal hygiene.
My sister called and asked if I could come and help. Of course I said I would help in any way I could.
It was awkward but I was able to clean him up and make him more comfortable.
Each day, since being admitted, has revealed new evidence that the hospital is incompetent,
inept and insufferable.
Three Dr. attend to him while he is there. 1- a cardiac specialist, 2- a pulmonary specialist
and 3- a Fucktard called a hospitalist dr.
dr. #3 Ill call लिंग or Ling or Lund or in english PENIS.
2 specialist in their own field have said he needs to be in the hospital, 4 different techs say
he should stay in the hospital. Yet dr लिंग comes in daily to say "you are being released today"
which is then escalated to the specialists and overridden resulting in undue stress on the patient
and the family of said patient.
I had a face to face with dr ling, I told him "the next time you come in to say he is being released
I am going to tell you to call a cop"
dr lund is paid by the hospital and in my eyes is trying to push my dad out without concern
of his conditionS. My dad is being treated for multiple issues thus the need for 2 specialists.
I am astounded by the height of ineptitude my father has met with each day he has been in the
hospital. With the exception of a few, the staff have proven to be less than useless. From admissions to housekeeping to nursing to the kitchen to dr DICK.
The only one person that i may, the jury is still out, believe in is the floor's head nurse.
When I made my complaints she listened and was able to resolve some of by concerns by
explaining how hospital shit works. Some but not all by far.
So my dad will stay in the hospital for the short term foreseeable future despite what dr लिंग
has to say.
So to dr
I say
There is much more in the back story but no one wants to read this much, much less a full accounting of 3 weeks of fuckery.
if you have read this far thank you. I feel some better for venting a miniscule portion of a not so
comfortable situation.
I almost forgot
dr lund is a PENIS
You're fired.Then fire the incompetent one.
Need to get him a hotter nurse.I gave my father a bath today.
He has been in the hospital for almost 3 weeks. My mom has been by his side
every day for as much of 24/7 as possible.
She was not able to be with him today as she had some things that needed attention.
Not more attention than dad, just things that could not be put off.
I surmise mom has assisted him with bathing while he has been there as I was told today
he will not allow the nursing staff to help in any way concerning his personal hygiene.
My sister called and asked if I could come and help. Of course I said I would help in any way I could.
It was awkward but I was able to clean him up and make him more comfortable.
Each day, since being admitted, has revealed new evidence that the hospital is incompetent,
inept and insufferable.
Three Dr. attend to him while he is there. 1- a cardiac specialist, 2- a pulmonary specialist
and 3- a Fucktard called a hospitalist dr.
dr. #3 Ill call लिंग or Ling or Lund or in english PENIS.
2 specialist in their own field have said he needs to be in the hospital, 4 different techs say
he should stay in the hospital. Yet dr लिंग comes in daily to say "you are being released today"
which is then escalated to the specialists and overridden resulting in undue stress on the patient
and the family of said patient.
I had a face to face with dr ling, I told him "the next time you come in to say he is being released
I am going to tell you to call a cop"
dr lund is paid by the hospital and in my eyes is trying to push my dad out without concern
of his conditionS. My dad is being treated for multiple issues thus the need for 2 specialists.
I am astounded by the height of ineptitude my father has met with each day he has been in the
hospital. With the exception of a few, the staff have proven to be less than useless. From admissions to housekeeping to nursing to the kitchen to dr DICK.
The only one person that i may, the jury is still out, believe in is the floor's head nurse.
When I made my complaints she listened and was able to resolve some of by concerns by
explaining how hospital shit works. Some but not all by far.
So my dad will stay in the hospital for the short term foreseeable future despite what dr लिंग
has to say.
So to dr
I say
There is much more in the back story but no one wants to read this much, much less a full accounting of 3 weeks of fuckery.
if you have read this far thank you. I feel some better for venting a miniscule portion of a not so
comfortable situation.
I almost forgot
dr lund is a PENIS
^^^ actually that is the better solutionNeed to get him a hotter nurse.