Punching Spicy


Well-Known Member
i'd fight clean, except trump supporters are downright nasty skeeze (kellyanne conway's words) and they don't deserve a fair fight.
You wouldn't know how to fight, kicking your wife doesn't count neither does punching the neighbours dog
I'm not a Trump supporter but I'm willing to step up for one, just for you Bucky


Well-Known Member
It seems old Spicy was out at an Apple store and was confronted by a woman of Indian descent. "What's it like to work for a fascist?" she asked him.

Spicy replied "It's such a great country that allows you to be here."


Fuck this shit. Time to start throwing punches like they are Richard fucking Spencer. Every time you see one of these Trump pricks running around in public - sucker punch them. Every goddamn thing these mean-spirited lying bastards do - most recently the massive payoff for those who don't need it at the expense of the poor called the ACHA - deserves a good face punch or groin kick.

Especially that little fuck-stick known as Jason Chaffetz. If you have an iphone, I strongly suggest gathering all your strength and hurling it at that little fucker's beaver-face.

These people should not be allowed to walk our streets without the fear of having their face incur our wrath.
Jason Chaffetz. I hate that fuck with a white hot heat that probably isn't very healthy for me.


Well-Known Member
Ok, here's another good one. Steve King (R - Iowa) tweeted his support for Geert Wilders and tweeted "we cannot rebuild our civilization with other people's children"

David Duke retweeted it and added "God bless Steve King."

Time for a face-punching fatwa.
Wow! Steve King frequently forgets he's supposed to blow the dog whistle instead of just coming out with it like that. He is not very bright. Can you imagine the fucked up civilization we'd have if it had to be rebuilt using Steve King's children?


Well-Known Member
I have never actually thrown a throat punch. In my mind it sounds cool.
For real?

I've been in around 50 'situations', give or take. The throat is not a favorite target, but only because I am stronger than many and fear unmerited murder/life in prison. I got into it with a guy on the beach one time and ended up hitting him in the side of the head several times with a brick and once in the throat. That particular incident frightened me a bit because I was very young at the time, and when I left him in the sand he was trickling from his eyes and ears, something I'd not seen up until then and an image that haunted me for years. I wanted to care more at the time, I really did, but he was reaching for a very gnarly-looking knife and I didn't much care for the look in his eyes as he reached for it. I noticed a chunk of red brick tied to the remnants of a buoy nearby, and, well...

What about chest shots, any experience with those? They used to make me wince/pull my punches back in my high school days, but I soon embraced the 'striking-through-jello-coated-celery' sensation.
The human ribcage and sternum, if struck with enough force, feels a lot like punching a melon but in reverse.


Well-Known Member
For real?

I've been in around 50 'situations', give or take. The throat is not a favorite target, but only because I am stronger than many and fear unmerited murder/life in prison. I got into it with a guy on the beach one time and ended up hitting him in the side of the head several times with a brick and once in the throat. That particular incident frightened me a bit because I was very young at the time, and when I left him in the sand he was trickling from his eyes and ears, something I'd not seen up until then and an image that haunted me for years. I wanted to care more at the time, I really did, but he was reaching for a very gnarly-looking knife and I didn't much care for the look in his eyes as he reached for it. I noticed a chunk of red brick tied to the remnants of a buoy nearby, and, well...

What about chest shots, any experience with those? They used to make me wince/pull my punches back in my high school days, but I soon embraced the 'striking-through-jello-coated-celery' sensation.
The human ribcage and sternum, if struck with enough force, feels a lot like punching a melon but in reverse.


Well-Known Member
i'd fight clean, except trump supporters are downright nasty skeeze (kellyanne conway's words) and they don't deserve a fair fight.
A complete oxymoron and a myth.

I'm making it home to my family afterwards, via "clean" means or otherwise.

I do support varying degrees of force/inflicted pain, however. Case by case basis.

esh dov ets

Well-Known Member
why not go to white pride rallies or antifa ones and just wait for it to get violent then join your side. you might not get to fight evry time but at least you'd be in the right and have a hobbie.


Well-Known Member
I am a modern guy. Sure, women can fight too.
(Almost) nothing gives me a throbbing boner faster than a tough woman. Her slamming those hips with enough force to leave my balls sore, scratching, nipping, slapping, clenching, etc.etc....it's a big part of why I've always preferred the non-snow white types.

