Round 2-Lowryder2-cfl grow.


Well-Known Member
Looking Good! Very curious on your final weight as i want to try and set up a continuous cycle of low ryder plants where i get a harvest of 2 plants every two weeks. long you got left? :peace:

mr west

Well-Known Member
yep and it works really well, i find it best if u keep changing the air by opening the box perodicly. You could prob make a better one than me if u add a fan or two lol.


Well-Known Member
Lol, i can't afford a fan! So i could just hang her in a box then? And openit say once a day? Or leave it open slightly? Wont she take too long to dry then and go moldy? The last thing i want is to fuck it up now lol.

I just went to check her and a few of the big fan leaves that where dieing just basically dropped off when i touched her. Also i noticed that even her smaller leaves around her buds are starting to go yellow, is that ok? She is looking very old now lol.

yep and it works really well, i find it best if u keep changing the air by opening the box perodicly. You could prob make a better one than me if u add a fan or two lol.

mr west

Well-Known Member
its autumn for ur plant as it reaches the end of its life, its quite normal for the leaves to go yello/white and fall off. I have my box open most the time and it takes bout 2-3 days b4 the weed is ready for jars and curing. The more air the better for drying.
YouTube - Ready Set Grow Pt 6
check this link it helped me on drying.


Well-Known Member
Turned the timer so she went to bed eailer again so lights went off at 5:30pm today. Also i had to water her she really looked like she needed it her soil was really dry and her leaves where a bit droppy, only gave her half as much as normal though just incase she gets the chop in the next few days, cos i'm getting inpatient now lol. It seems to be taking forever for her thicomes to turn amber, been looking at them most days and she doesn't seem to have anymore amber ones than she did a few days ago. Come on Trinity hurry up now! lol.


mr west

Well-Known Member
Well if u chop her soon u can always grow another, then see if u can improve. U always make a better chilli the second/third time round or spag bol, which ever lol. Id really love to see a good quality pic of ur trinity, i bet she looks hot lol.


Well-Known Member
Ohhh yes she is one very sexy lady mr west! lmao

Well if u chop her soon u can always grow another, then see if u can improve. U always make a better chilli the second/third time round or spag bol, which ever lol. Id really love to see a good quality pic of ur trinity, i bet she looks hot lol.


Well-Known Member
Yer! lol. But before she does get the chop i will go to the effort of setting it up so i can stand the camrea on something rather than me holding it with my shaky hands lol. Might try and take some good pics of her later on today. I'm thinking about germanting the 3 seeds i have left later on today. And making a box to dry Trinity in. So if i germ my seeds later today do you think Trinity will be ready in a couple of days or so when i'm ready to put my new seeds into my cab? Or do you think i should lay off on germanting the seeds for a couple of days? Opinons please!

u wanna borrow my camera? Then u could get all david baily on trinity lol

mr west

Well-Known Member
good morning hmmm, hopws u an urs on this grey day? In my experiance with seeds they take bout 5-7 days to germ so u should be sorted but dont cut trin till shes ready tho, u know girls dont like to be rushed lol.


Well-Known Member
Morning! I don't do getting up this eairly lol. Apart from that i'm fine. How you? As for Trinity she is her normal self lol. I have never had seeds take longer than a couple of days to germ guess i most have been lucky up too now.

This may be a stupid question but i'm gonna ask anyway lol. Can i say chop some of the lower buds off Trinty just leaving her main bud/ buds? So that then i can have have some of her at to diffrent stages. I'd like it better if i could have some of her that wasn't going to be a complete couchloch high if you get what i mean. Or will it cause her too much stress if chop her lower buds off just leaving her main bud/ buds? Sorry if i didn't explain it very well!

good morning hmmm, hopws u an urs on this grey day? In my experiance with seeds they take bout 5-7 days to germ so u should be sorted but dont cut trin till shes ready tho, u know girls dont like to be rushed lol.

Barking Mad

Well-Known Member
You could germ the seeds now. They don't have to go in the cab straight away.
You could keep them in the window or just under a cfl until trinity is ready.

I know how you feel about wanting to give her the chop.
By the time I have cut and dried my buds the whole grow will have taken 6 months!!
Man I just want to hack 'em down and dry 'em out! I won't though.
If I do I will have Hatch and Mr West telling me I'm a naughty boy!!! lol
I have tested a bit I took from Ivy a few days ago and it was awesome.
Dried it for 5 days and cured for 24 hours.
I am gegtting excited about this, the quality is pleasing already and to think they will keep improving the longer I leave them, Man I can't wait to try some that has been dried properly and then cured for over a week.
It's gonna be killer.

mr west

Well-Known Member
6 months, I vegged my first grow 4 months pushin the whole thing out to 6 months. Now im lucky to veg for 4 weeks lol. As for choppin bits on trinity, I'd say go for it but remember to remember the dry wieght so u can add it to the final dry weight lol. Thats what the first grow is all about, learning which way works best for you in ur own situation. I found tween 8 and 9 weeks was a nice buzzy stone from my dlr's. I like the sofa staple. I harvested my first dlr at 8 weeks 3 days from sprout.


Well-Known Member
I may chop some of her lower buds then. I'm still waiting for my scales to come though the post, it isn't looking to promising though, so i dunno if i'll be able to weigh her which would be a shame.

6 months, I vegged my first grow 4 months pushin the whole thing out to 6 months. Now im lucky to veg for 4 weeks lol. As for choppin bits on trinity, I'd say go for it but remember to remember the dry wieght so u can add it to the final dry weight lol. Thats what the first grow is all about, learning which way works best for you in ur own situation. I found tween 8 and 9 weeks was a nice buzzy stone from my dlr's. I like the sofa staple. I harvested my first dlr at 8 weeks 3 days from sprout.


Well-Known Member
You've got a gorgeous grow going. I just read through the whole damn thing and I say harvest a few of those lower buds for the uppity high and wait another week or two to get lock down. Keep up the patience and it will be rewarding. GL with your next grow.


Well-Known Member
Took some pics with my digital camrea before i chopped some of Trinity's lower branches off. So here as some pics of her before she got a hair cut lol.


Barking Mad

Well-Known Member
She is a beautiful plant hmmm she really is.

I agree, you should cut oif one or two lower branches.
It will be good enough to smoke even if not finished.
Plus it gives you a chance to practice drying out a couple of branches before you do the whole plant.
That's what I have done with mine.
It took 5 days to dry two small branches.
If I want to hurry a little bit of popcorn, I put it by the fan on my PC.
I've done that about 3 times now and its been lovely every time.
Smooth too.
Have you stopped giving her nutes yet?
I should know but I've forgotton.

Don't forget, cut yourself a branch.
No point having it if you can't enjoy it.


Well-Known Member
Erm nutes, let me think a minute. She had some organic nutes when she got repotted when ever that was, and i gave her a small dose of some more of the organic nutes about 1 week or so ago but forgot to mention it sorry! She hasn't had any since then though. I have a a couple of branches hanging now drying out. Also a popcorn bud fell off well by accident i caught it with the sissors lol. So hopefully the popcorn bud should be dry in about 5 or 6 hours, since it's on top of my dvd player.

She is a beautiful plant hmmm she really is.

I agree, you should cut oif one or two lower branches.
It will be good enough to smoke even if not finished.
Plus it gives you a chance to practice drying out a couple of branches before you do the whole plant.
That's what I have done with mine.
It took 5 days to dry two small branches.
If I want to hurry a little bit of popcorn, I put it by the fan on my PC.
I've done that about 3 times now and its been lovely every time.
Smooth too.
Have you stopped giving her nutes yet?
I should know but I've forgotton.

Don't forget, cut yourself a branch.
No point having it if you can't enjoy it.

mr west

Well-Known Member
Edit: lol forgot to congratelulate u on trinitys pics lol.

All this talk of cuttin bits off made me go and cut a few lower branches off my bubbleliciouse and pppcross, it now hanging behinde my light in the veg room and should be good to smoke by tomoz lol. Cant belive i left it 8 weeks b4 i took a tester lol.