Marijuana and Clinical Depression.


Well-Known Member
Have any of you been clinically depressed ever since you started smoking pot? Were you depressed before you started smoking pot? I need some information on this.

I have been diagnosed with clinical depression by my psychiatrist. Ever since I started smoking pot last year I have been seeing the world in a much clearer scale. And it's all negative. I started thinking about how worthless life is and why I should keep moving on in this world. What is the point of living was the question always racing through my head. And I had thoughts of suicide.

Before my psychiatrist diagnosed me with clinical depression, I stopped smoking pot altogether. I did all kinds of research online on the symptoms and if marijuana causes it. Whether it is permanent or temporary, shit like that. I was experiencing all the symptoms. Weight gain, loss of interest, laziness, unable to work, change in sleeping patterns, I had every symptom And I am only 18 years old.

I'm sorry if I'm being a drama queen but this thread isn't about that. I don't need people feeling sorry for me. I want to know if any one else experiences depression prior to smoking marijuana and thats it.

However, I'm still growing my own pot. Not because I want to smoke it but now it has become a hobby. I find marijuana to be one of the best examples of horticulture.


Well-Known Member
have u ever thought u might be smoking
the wrong strain. or even the wrong type
say ur smoking an indica it can cause depression
for u, so try a sativa. that could be the case
or evven just teh streain of weed that u smoke
but idk im just guessing


Well-Known Member
Well in this town dealers don't go by strain. They just sell you a bag and see you later. I always ask my dealer if he knows what kind of weed he is selling me. He always responds with "its good shit."

To be honest, since I live in a suburb of detroit, I think all the weed I buy is transported in kilo bricks. The shit crumbles when I break it up and is ALWAYS flat. But it still gets me a good high


Well-Known Member
well then if thats the case
you should consider buying some
seeds online and growing that.
who knows it might work. but
chances are ur dealer doesnt know what
hes selling you either.


Well-Known Member
This town is close to detroit, which would explain the large number of dealers. But I don't think these idiots know what their doing. Some of them thought an ounce was 10 grams and tried to rip me off when I first tried buying some. And for the low, 90% of the dealers are high school kids.(just makes it easier to run them when they sell me a shitty bag ;)) I buy from only 1 dealer now and he actually knows what he is doing other than not knowing what strain of weed he's selling me. And no, this one isn't a high school student.


Well-Known Member
well you should definatley get him to figure it out
i wuldnt want to smoke something that i dont even
know what it is.


Well-Known Member
There are countless possibilities as to what is depressing you. In my experience, weed always acts as a depressant. The pot may be magnifying your distress.

I smoke weed to calm me down, not jack me up.

Just my two cents......... I hope you find joy :-)


New Member
It's your age, and you're thinking too much. Start exercising, pump the weights, believe me there's no better confidence booster.

I smoke all day long, from the moment I wake up till the moment I go to sleep.

Listen to Dr Skunk and get yourself some muscle tone.


Well-Known Member
whats the point of living??
because its better than dieing.

theres music,
fun, trips, beaches. trees, xtc, beautiful women. warm weather. music festivals. hippie chicks, beer, fast cars, crotch rockets, bon fires. chillin, smokeing super good nuggs.


Well-Known Member
to tell you the truth I used to have some sort of case of depression and felt much like I smoked pot...if anything smoking pot allows me to clear my head and see things in a light I never thought I would see.


Well-Known Member
Yes, some strains do increase depression and others tend to alleviate depression. Because each strain of marijuana can be so completely different in their effects, you cannot accurately generalize and say "Marijuana has such and such effect" on anything. I think that's why so many different laboratory experiments on Marijuana tend to provide conflicting and/or contradictory results: because they are using different strains of cannabis in the research methodology that have totally different effects. One study might use an Indica and conclude that "weed makes you lazy", but some other strains actually seem to increase your motivation. I had one bag of weed that always seemed to make me want to clean up around the house even though I normally DREAD housecleaning - my house was never so clean before (or after) that bag of weed. hehe

Finally, ANY drug in my opinion can seem to "magnify" whatever you are feeling at the time you take them. Personally, I don't ever prefer to take any mind altering drugs unless I am in a good mood to begin with. At best you can only hope to escape the symptoms of negative emotions by taking drugs, but you will never confront or solve the problems that are actually causing those bad feelings to begin with.

I used to suffer from depression a lot myself too, but I learned something very important that helped me: Whenever you are feeling bad, you are ALWAYS focusing your thoughts on negative things. It is literally impossible to feel bad without focusing your mind in some way on something you don't want or don't like. By consistently choosing to focus on what you do want rather than what you DON'T want (or don't like), 95% of your depression will just cease to exist.

For example, you said you were thinking about how life was useless and pointless...but how might you feel if every time you noticed yourself thinking about that, you instead chose to think of just one thing you could do right now to provide meaning to someone in your life (even if only for a few minutes) - and actually did that thing? There is always SOMETHING you can do that is positive in some way, and for the time you choose to focus on any of them, in that moment the world is literally not pointless anymore. When you catch yourself thinking about how somebody did something wrong, try remembering instead a time when that person did something really right...or maybe somebody else who did something right, or even better yet something YOU could do right to make someone else feel good - even if it's just a small thing. The moment you change your focus, the way you feel will almost immediately begin to change in that direction as well.

You might think that sounds cheesy, but if you honestly watch yourself closely you will see that your feelings ALWAYS correspond to the tone of what you are thinking, focusing on, saying to yourself, and believing about yourself and the world around you in that particular moment. You can't always directly choose how you feel, but you absolutely can choose what you will think about and focus on, and when you take control and do that, your feelings will begin to change accordingly. =)


Well-Known Member
Yes, some strains do increase depression and others tend to alleviate depression. Because each strain of marijuana can be so completely different in their effects, you cannot accurately generalize and say "Marijuana has such and such effect" on anything. I think that's why so many different laboratory experiments on Marijuana tend to provide conflicting and/or contradictory results: because they are using different strains of cannabis in the research methodology that have totally different effects. One study might use an Indica and conclude that "weed makes you lazy", but some other strains actually seem to increase your motivation. I had one bag of weed that always seemed to make me want to clean up around the house even though I normally DREAD housecleaning - my house was never so clean before (or after) that bag of weed. hehe

Finally, ANY drug in my opinion can seem to "magnify" whatever you are feeling at the time you take them. Personally, I don't ever prefer to take any mind altering drugs unless I am in a good mood to begin with. At best you can only hope to escape the symptoms of negative emotions by taking drugs, but you will never confront or solve the problems that are actually causing those bad feelings to begin with.

I used to suffer from depression a lot myself too, but I learned something very important that helped me: Whenever you are feeling bad, you are ALWAYS focusing your thoughts on negative things. It is literally impossible to feel bad without focusing your mind in some way on something you don't want or don't like. By consistently choosing to focus on what you do want rather than what you DON'T want (or don't like), 95% of your depression will just cease to exist.

For example, you said you were thinking about how life was useless and pointless...but how might you feel if every time you noticed yourself thinking about that, you instead chose to think of just one thing you could do right now to provide meaning to someone in your life (even if only for a few minutes) - and actually did that thing? There is always SOMETHING you can do that is positive in some way, and for the time you choose to focus on any of them, in that moment the world is literally not pointless anymore. When you catch yourself thinking about how somebody did something wrong, try remembering instead a time when that person did something really right...or maybe somebody else who did something right, or even better yet something YOU could do right to make someone else feel good - even if it's just a small thing. The moment you change your focus, the way you feel will almost immediately begin to change in that direction as well.

You might think that sounds cheesy, but if you honestly watch yourself closely you will see that your feelings ALWAYS correspond to the tone of what you are thinking, focusing on, saying to yourself, and believing about yourself and the world around you in that particular moment. You can't always directly choose how you feel, but you absolutely can choose what you will think about and focus on, and when you take control and do that, your feelings will begin to change accordingly. =)
I know this is over a year old but I think this needs some recognition here. I've been suffering from this sort of depression as well, and it does depend on exactly as this guy said . . . your thought process.

for the past 10 years of my life I've spent ridiculous amounts of time debating life and everything in it, trying to gain some higher understanding but I was answered with a crude cynical truth, the world isn't a nice and shiny place, it's grey and dark, but our minds fill in the beauty.

I mean, a beautiful mountain scene can be just as depressing as it can be the most amazing thing you have ever seen. there are always polar opposites to these situations and I think poeple just need to realize that their depression or their shitty outlook on life can sometimes be as simple as this . . .


I know this is over a year old but I think this needs some recognition here. I've been suffering from this sort of depression as well, and it does depend on exactly as this guy said . . . your thought process.

for the past 10 years of my life I've spent ridiculous amounts of time debating life and everything in it, trying to gain some higher understanding but I was answered with a crude cynical truth, the world isn't a nice and shiny place, it's grey and dark, but our minds fill in the beauty.

I mean, a beautiful mountain scene can be just as depressing as it can be the most amazing thing you have ever seen. there are always polar opposites to these situations and I think poeple just need to realize that their depression or their shitty outlook on life can sometimes be as simple as this . . .
I guess I'm still at the debating stage. It kind of intertwines itself with my aspirations for the future... Get good at trading financial markets -> make some serious wealth -> help fund cybernetics/bionics research; push for it in the government -> get bionic body -> no more depression -> sit in my private library learning the secrets of universe -> vape weed -> fuck bitches -> wisdom

Yeah the last three are a bit whimsical, but I see bionics and human augmentation becoming very real in the coming decades.


Well-Known Member
Man I think you need to lay off the chronic. 18 and clinically depressed? Work with a doctor and tell him every drug you take.
Don't end up a statistic. There is help for you but you gotta find it. Confide in a friend or family member. Or pm me. Don't do anything crazy.