What did you accomplish today?

Bob Zmuda

Well-Known Member
You can savagely fuck with somebody if you get their cell number.

Go online and type it in to every mother fucking offer out there. Use his name too.

The phone calls will only last for 5 years or so.

l've done it. It works.
It also works to sign them up to every physical mailing list possible. It overcrowds their mailbox and they constantly have to go to the PO just to get all the excess junk mail.

It helps if most of the mailing lists are for mental health treatment and feminine itch products.

Or so I've heard. :)


Well-Known Member

I have been throwing my family shade for over a month. Eventually my mom shows up with wings and says "listen I know you need your space but tiff has been calling your grandma and aunt looking for you worried as hell, she said call her immediately. Oh enjoy the wings"

I thought my cuzzo just stopped talking to me during my dark period. I immediately texted her and said " I am so sorry big cuz I tought you throwing me shade during my depression and didnt realize I did a number change without talking to you :( forgive me plz"
Her " no fam I was scared and you dropped off tha map even mikey couldn't hit you"
You near dizies house?

Me "fam fuxk dizie i here all night, come meet my wife to be. I got the goods stuff yo. I did a tester on thurs and i tink i had sex with my girl for hours. Bro acream acream scream. Kkk fam no blacks product yo. That nigg hates me, lemme talk to jordon famm. I miss your kids so much. Shay and shany still love me?"

Guys life is better than ever and im 2 weeks kinda sober


Well-Known Member

"Ok are kids ok to come? Or I will leave them with blacks"

"I dont want blacks at my house nobmore cuzzo, we good but dude don't like me. I did some dorty that aint koaher yalnoe? But he can come out fronts no issues"

Cousin: "give me an hour. Finiahing withh D and I will take cab. Ill bring vodka"

Me" dont waste ur money with a nigga cuz. Unless u sucking his D for that B come here for a better deal. Let him know I still mad about that game of darts!!!!!"


Well-Known Member
That looks...good, but WHAT is on that beautiful steak?
I remember looking up prostate biopsies and sepsis while IV bags were running in.

Everytime I'd find something, I'd text the wife.

She finally says, 'quit looking at that stuff, look at porn or something.'

Lol. Wasn't exactly thinking about sex, but I somehow found that amusing.
Sometimes we are to stubborn for our own good.... In Jan. I had a bile duct get plugged with either a gall or pancreatic stone which resulted in a liver, gallbladder and pancreas infection.. Like the dumbness I am had to tough it out for a
Seahawk playoff game and then had to water and trim before going to ER. early Sun. morning.. Had a procedure to unblock bile duct on Mon.. Removed gallbladder on Wed. Antibiotics of all kinds saved my ass..Listened to the next weeks game on the radio driving home on Sun.. probably should have listened and gone in on Fri.. Now she's in charge!
Medicare works... if you get here..
SMH....you guys are all same. I couldn't even give an honest estimate of how many times Mr Tangerine_ put off going to ED til I'd force him. Not anymore though....

Last Sept. he paced the floor all night, got up, worked a 12hr day, came home, skipped dinner, went to bed and again, started pacing the floor. I dug out my med bag, gave him a quick assessment and had to plead with him to go the ED.

I didn't want to scare the kids so I bit my tongue but knew from many yrs in the field he had some type of blockage/CHF going on. He reluctantly went... though he insisted he was merely coming down with a cold (weakness/short of breath) and the ED was unnecessary. o_O

Within an hr of arriving at the ED he was enroute to Brighams in Boston via Life Flight.
He'd suffered a major heart attack approx. 38hrs prior and barely realized it. (its not always the crushing chest pains you see on TV from the Sanford and Sons days)
His ejection flow was at about 14% which is extremely low....barely functioning.
He's all patched up now with a brand new rebuild, lol. Stronger than ever and still stubborn as a mule...but it scared the hell outta me and the kids.

You guys cannot get away with this shit after 40...

Listen to your women!! ;-)

Oh yeah...I almost forgot...FUCK KENNY:P


Well-Known Member
That's got to be exciting.

Great buddy of mine's kid bought a pontoon house boat. Not new, but I'm looking forward to some summer river crusing.
I got a killer spot that me and my buddies can moor our boats up to for memorial weekend on Lake Shasta. I know I'll have it done by then but lots of fish to catch between now and then. Getting very antsy over here.

Bob Zmuda

Well-Known Member
I got a killer spot that me and my buddies can moor our boats up to for memorial weekend on Lake Shasta. I know I'll have it done by then but lots of fish to catch between now and then. Getting very antsy over here.
I'm fuckin dying up here bro. It's never gonna stop snowing and the rivers are gonna be blown to shit till October.

I love boarding but I've had like 60 powder days. I'm ready for fish, summer, camping, shooting etc.


Well-Known Member

This is the aong O meant to post.

What goes on in my head would scare you to death
What goes on in my head will acare you to death

But i try
Try try try
Not to freak out this

Ya try not to freak out


Well-Known Member
I'm fuckin dying up here bro. It's never gonna stop snowing and the rivers are gonna be blown to shit till October.

I love boarding but I've had like 60 powder days. I'm ready for fish, summer, camping, shooting etc.
Dude. It was hailing and raining all day up here in Ptown. I was out there working on the boat still. Lol.
You gonna be able to make your way over here when i get the boat ready and on the fish with the newborn and all?


Well-Known Member
A buddy of mine broke his leg slipping of a ladder. A few inches above the ankle.

They put pins in but he got a staph infection in the bone. Fought infection for 18 months.

They amputated because they couldn't stop the infection.

He's fine now. 2 year ordeal though.

Of course we call him Cap'n Pegleg now.

You can't even tell when he walks.
I too have a friend called peg leg, he lost his below the knee, and you can tell when he walks , I seen it one day while we were laying tile. And another friend named moose same thing with his leg, but he is a roofer, one day he was walking around with a nail in his foot and said hey dude you have a nail in your boot, and he reaches down and starts driving nails in his leg ,fuckin freaked me out, but after that it was a party trick , just something for laughs while smoking weed.