Well-Known Member
@Padawanbater2 @schuylaar @thewhole muppet crew who were also part of this crowd ^^^^^^^^but but but, killary, benghazi, emails, something something, lock her up..
@Padawanbater2 @schuylaar @thewhole muppet crew who were also part of this crowd ^^^^^^^^but but but, killary, benghazi, emails, something something, lock her up..
Sign yourself out of rehab early?@Padawanbater2 @schuylaar @thewhole muppet crew who were also part of this crowd ^^^^^^^^
No, thats just the "jews history" as they call it. An alternate history in their world doesn't acknowledge the holocaust. But don't worry, they will correct what the government schools teach.This is still BASIC history..isn't it?
sounds as if you have a case of psychological projectionSign yourself out of rehab early?
No, I disagree. We were the only ones calling her out for her policy positions; like supporting the Iraq War and the Patriot Act. NAFTA, only supporting a $12.00/hour minimum wage when progressives dragged her to it, didn't support single payer healthcare, supporting the TPP, etc. I can't recall ever bringing up her emails, and I definitely recall Sanders exclaiming during one of the first debates "Enough about the damn emails!", not to mention endorsing her against Trump..@Padawanbater2 @schuylaar @thewhole muppet crew who were also part of this crowd ^^^^^^^^
Given the choice of Trump or Clinton, you decided to keep putting Clinton down. Save the rest of your mumble jumble for your other muppets. Energy you created and co-signed gave us Trump and our new corporate SCOTUS.No, I disagree. We were the only ones calling her out for her policy positions; like supporting the Iraq War and the Patriot Act. NAFTA, only supporting a $12.00/hour minimum wage when progressives dragged her to it, didn't support single payer healthcare, supporting the TPP, etc. I can't recall ever bringing up her emails, and I definitely recall Sanders exclaiming during one of the first debates "Enough about the damn emails!", not to mention endorsing her against Trump..
Is it totally unbelievable to you that actual progressives would disagree with Clinton based on her voting record and previous policy positions when she was first lady?
Why begin the conversation at the point it was down to Clinton v. Trump? For one, its your opinion that talking objectively about her background and voting record affected her detrimentally, for two there was a long time before that point where there were many more options to choose from. People like you ensured Clinton was the Democratic candidate, and 9% of Democrats voted for Trump.Given the choice of Trump or Clinton, you decided to keep putting Clinton down. Save the rest of your mumble jumble for your other muppets. Energy you created and co-signed gave us Trump and our new corporate SCOTUS.
You fucked 12 an hour let along that 15. Learn to fucking pick your battles muppet
I was fine with either Clinton or Sanders. When Sanders decided he could not win nor go any further, he decided to be with her. You decided to continue to bash her.Why begin the conversation at the point it was down to Clinton v. Trump? For one, its your opinion that talking objectively about her background and voting record affected her detrimentally, for two there was a long time before that point where there were many more options to choose from. People like you ensured Clinton was the Democratic candidate, and 9% of Democrats voted for Trump.
So maybe take some responsibility for the candidate you voted for
Hitler didn't use sarin or drop it on his people from aircraft. That also seemed to be important to Spicer.He was corrected and then did a double down mumble about how Hitler didn't go into town to kill innocents.
No..he just rounded them up, loaded them on a train
None of the policy positions you name are worse than what Trump is enacting.No, I disagree. We were the only ones calling her out for her policy positions; like supporting the Iraq War and the Patriot Act. NAFTA, only supporting a $12.00/hour minimum wage when progressives dragged her to it, didn't support single payer healthcare, supporting the TPP, etc. I can't recall ever bringing up her emails, and I definitely recall Sanders exclaiming during one of the first debates "Enough about the damn emails!", not to mention endorsing her against Trump..
Is it totally unbelievable to you that actual progressives would disagree with Clinton based on her voting record and previous policy positions when she was first lady?
Criticizing her policy positions is "bashing her?You decided to continue to bash her.
I didn't go against anyone, I simply didn't support either candidate, so I didn't vote for either. If I voted for Trump, your point would be valid. You can find just as many criticisms against Trump from me as you can against Clinton.When it came down to the final two choices for this country, you decided to go against the one Sanders was for.
Didn't say they were - that'd be a strawmanNone of the policy positions you name are worse than what Trump is enacting.
You got it wrong on one point, Clinton did support single payer healthcare.
Criticizing her policy positions is "bashing her?
How is that "bashing her"? Were all the left wing media outlets "bashing her" too when they reported on that or just me?
Again, how is that "bashing her"? A presidential campaign that meets behind closed doors with members of mainstream media organizations is a pretty clear umbrella issue that affects many different policies including campaign finance reform and foreign and domestic policy. The job of the media is to be objective not give special treatment to the boss (or expected) boss in charge, like they're currently doing with the way the Trump administration is handling Syria: see Brian Williams' report about the attack, this coming from a supposidly 'left-wing' commentator on MSNBC. He called it "beautiful". That's the kind of "objective" reporting you get from corporate shills like Brian Williams and every journalist on the Clinton campaigns 'invite' list during the campaign.
And she admitted to it, and apologized for it, something you still haven't ever actually acknowledged. We were right, you were wrong, even Brazile herself said so.
How is that "bashing her"? Were all the left wing media outlets "bashing her" too when they reported on that or just me?Again, how is that "bashing her"? A presidential campaign that meets behind closed doors with members of mainstream media organizations is a pretty clear umbrella issue that affects many different policies including campaign finance reform and foreign and domestic policy. The job of the media is to be objective not give special treatment to the boss (or expected) boss in charge, like they're currently doing with the way the Trump administration is handling Syria: see Brian Williams' report about the attack, this coming from a supposidly 'left-wing' commentator on MSNBC. He called it "beautiful". That's the kind of "objective" reporting you get from shills like Brian Williams and every journalist on the Clinton campaigns 'invite' list during the campaign.And she admitted to it, and apologized for it, something you still haven't ever actually acknowledged. We were right, you were wrong, even Brazile herself said so.
They cheated during the primary, calling it out is not "bashing her", so try that'd be strike 3 sport, you're out
Right, we both understand you believe me and every other left-wing mainstream media outlet reporting on her health was "bashing her". We are also both aware you believe questioning the Clinton campaign's decision to invite multiple members of the mainstream media to a dinner behind closed doors is "basing her". Finally, we both know you believe reporting on Donna Brazile's misconduct during the Democratic primary that she admitted to and apologized for is also "bashing her", somehow..that was bashing her.
I would condemn Trump for receiving debate questions ahead of time exactly the same, because I'm consistent about it affecting democracy. You know who's not consistent? YOU! When I brought this to attention, you scoffed at me for daring to criticize your dear leader and brushed it off as no big deal, justification being they were holding the debate in Michigan and the question Brazile leaked was about the water crisis (also about capital punishment, but you've never addressed that either). Same thing with the attempt at wooing the press behind closed doors, same thing about his health, although I never saw any reason to question it like I did with Clinton when she had to be carried into a vehicle by staff.trump got questions from fox news, invited press to mar-a-lago, and his health was a serious question mark and what did you do? bashed hillary.
So where's the posts where I ever called Clinton a "cunt", "bitch", "whore", etc.? Half the things you call people here everyday? Can you even find a single one? Every single post I've ever made about how terrible I thought a candidate she was affected her policy positions.none of that had one iota to do with her policy positions either.
no you're not because you didn't.I would condemn Trump for receiving debate questions ahead of time exactly the same, because I'm consistent
Your ire is you're not because you didn't.
and clinton never got any debate questions ahead of time. brazile discussed possible debate topics with her. lots of them. mostr of which never even came up.
you're a shit-weasel hypocrite.
since when is hillary clinton getting pneumonia a policy position?Your ire is unconvincing.
We have the right to criticize the policy positions of our would-be leaders, indeed, as citizens we have the responsibility to do so.
Your blind subservience to the Democratic Party Establishment even in the face of legitimate criticism is costing you credibility.
If Trump received debate questions ahead of time, I would condemn it, just like I did with Clinton (you wouldn't though, so why do you believe it's wrong when Trump does it but not when Clinton does it?)no you're not because you didn't.
Then why will Donna Brazile "forever regret" giving debate questions to the Clinton campaign?and clinton never got any debate questions ahead of time. brazile discussed possible debate topics with her. lots of them. mostr of which never even came up.