I've had a bit of a weird experience popping my most recent seeds, I popped 45 seeds last Saturday I believe put them in water for 12 hours and then into jiffy pellets under a humidity dome in a room that is usually around 72-75, just like I always do. So since about Monday I have been getting 2-4 popping a day, never more than 4 and at least 2 very day, so I have 18 popped out of the 45 and another 2-3 that look like they will be ready tomorrow.
This is across strains and breeders, popped 12 goji 12 fuzz and 15 magenta hashplant and also 8 mr nice Ortega, every strain has had at least 4 pop but none have had more than half pop yet. Usually for me they will almost all pop within a 2-3 days then maybe 1-2 will be stragglers that might pop like a week later if I remember to keep checking on them.
Anyone else ever have seeds act like this? And what could be a possible solution should I have scuffed them to allow the water to get in there quicker? Not a huge issue as they are all going to end up outside anyways but I just found it kind of odd.