Sessions: I'm Shutting Down Colorado

A lot of people have tried it. A lot of people favor legalization. Only about 20% are regular users. We are still a vulnerable minority. Turn up the propaganda to turn opinion and they will turn the hounds loose.

The right wants to use this issue really, really bad.
You're right about this, every word.

It worked out great for Nixon! ...another Republican thug whose contempt for the rule of law was palpable.

We can only hope the current administration is held to the same standard, or if America has completely lost all semblance of accountability.
You are not arguing with Democrats your arguing with left wing liberal's who have hijacked your party. I used to be a Democrat I voted for Clinton Gore and yes believe it or not I voted for Obama's first term. Then the party took the hard left turn. I could no longer identify with the socialist policies and left the party like many others.

Hard left turn? When where? The last time the dems ran a lefty I was in grade school. Since Ronnie Ray Gun the Dems have only featured republican lite candidates starting with Bill I didn't inhale Clinton. The extreme right turn that the ass hat cowering cowards party made is what makes everything look distorted. The left doesn't even know which direction left is their ideology is just less right then the current fascists the Republican Party has become. If you want to vote left you have to look toward independent candidates.

This kind of pathetic opposition is what I was referring to earlier.

Just a dim troll, but the polls were littered with them last November.
We need a credible social Democratic candidate... Just like, say, Bernie Sanders?

The money that owns our political system hates him because they know what kind of threat he represents; the FDR kind.
We need a credible social Democratic candidate... Just like, say, Bernie Sanders?

The money that owns our political system hates him because they know what kind of threat he represents; the FDR kind.
The hypocrite that says the rich need to pay more as he owns 3 houses?
Hard left turn? When where? The last time the dems ran a lefty I was in grade school. Since Ronnie Ray Gun the Dems have only featured republican lite candidates starting with Bill I didn't inhale Clinton. The extreme right turn that the ass hat cowering cowards party made is what makes everything look distorted. The left doesn't even know which direction left is their ideology is just less right then the current fascists the Republican Party has become. If you want to vote left you have to look toward independent candidates.
Bernie is actually the closet major candidate to the political center I've seen in my adult lifetime. Nader and Stein unfortunately didn't get teston with either media or voters.

Interesting how France has a presidential election and the 5 candidates represent the whole spectrum from socialist leaning to communist all the way to right wing nationalist.

Now THAT'S political freedom!

Where has America gone so wrong?
I am a mirror to the Nazis. You're one of those pantywaist "liberals," who would not take up arms against the Nazis. It WILL come to that.
Well try not to get suckered into their fight quite so hard.

And it is their fight; if this country dissolved into violence, do you seriously think the authoritarian Right Wing will be at a disadvantage?

Think, man!