Me and my GF's first grow//closet//cfl//updated with many pics//experts get in here!!


Well-Known Member
They still seem to be shrinking and drying a tad, even though its almost been a week curing. I will re-wight since I see a good bit of moisture coming from the glass when I air it out. WOW curing is a MUST! It really does help improve taste, potency, and smoke. Here are the pics. Its looks a lot less than what it is because the glass jar is SO big but it was all I was able to find that was air tight.



Well-Known Member

I love the jar. =) Gotta feel all fancy n shyt pullin' nuggs outta that to smoke! =)

The second section of my harvest shrunk a bit as well, the first section not as much.. I hadda wait a few days into curing to weigh the last section as well..

And, YES, curing is a must- and soooo worth it.. My first harvest has a 4 week cure now..aand OMG. Put some away to let it cure for a while- you won't regret it... I've got like a quarter of that stuff left.. I won't even touch it.. I wanna taste the 5 and 6 week cure. =)

MM. well enjoy.. =)


Well-Known Member
ive smoked weed that was cured for a year and im not joking it was a hole nother level of high lol. looks good is it the type of weed that a couple hits gets you baked? it looks it. nice job


Well-Known Member
4 hits and Im on cloud 9......Yea its a cool jar Milf. But I guess im shit out of luck of a real weight of the total cause I smoked so much of it and weighed everything at different points of the harvest.

A real good close number would be around 1-1.5 ounces. Still no bad considering one plant. I def have enough to last and Im gonna def keep a bit to cure for a while.


Well-Known Member
Sweet. =)

I wrote down the dried weight of all my samples n everything. LOL.. didn't want people with pitch forks and torches chasing me because I didn't have the exact weight...

:fire: Run.

Jus messin. :blsmoke: Nice grow from beginning to end.. next? :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
lookin bomb homie... yeah like milf said whats next? and when? Ill be having a update tonight on my journal, peep it out ;)


Well-Known Member
Awesome job, man. Gives me hope for my little CFL operation. When you grow again are you planning on going HID or did you like CFL enough to stick with it?

Again, those buds look incredible, man. I'm hoping mine can be 1/10th that nice! Enjoy getting rid of it, and keep everyone here updated when you do start again!


Well-Known Member
how much have you been watering them ive been trying to decide on a good amoutn?

Sorry fellas lost my PC in the mist of everything it died. But anywhoo to answer your question I would say once a day and more when they older is the best schedule. Of course gradually making the amount more and more.


Well-Known Member
Hey you, long time no see. How're things?
Good things are good, not growing now....because the grow room is now mu daughters room.

But im moving out of my current apt into a house, and gonna make sure I got a spot in my basement to do something nice. :mrgreen:

I bought a laptop for the time being until I rebuild a monster machine. I need my games :twisted:

But of course ill be around now, checking shit out. And then when I purchase my house start a grow. Me and my fiance cant wait.