Community hooker thread

Send me the screenshot of this pm.

I dislike abe for my own reasons but I have chatted with him far more than most of you and calling him a pedo/rapist is low.

Coming from the content police of riu wowzers much amaze

You are a scuzzy rapist apologist @cannabineer for trying to gloss over sf's heinous shit. Man- you aren't much of a man at all. Why don't you speak about rape, and violent crimes, since that's the topic.

Enabler, c2g.
I d making a crack deal and dude goes

"Woah woah you covered in blood young mon, atepnback

Me"you aure I only got 7 brah
"Him"dropnit and take ur dieaiese ass away"

Af +1
I want a pm showing abe is a pedo rapeatar.

Ur boy made a twrrible accuaation. Qhsre i am at that is bad atufd but u aint a dealwr neiyhwr is any of ur old pwraon crew