I get sick as a dog from morphine so when at the hospital getting carved open I demand Demerol. Last time my lung collapsed I got neither while he fumbled for a half hour with the rib spreader trying to insert a 3/8" chest tube instead of doing a quick needle aspiration to relieve the pressure and shipping me to the big hospital where they knew what they were doing the first time and put a tine tube in hooked up to Heimlich chest drian valve. I yelled the hospital down for the whole time. I finally learned what real pain feels like. Think about someone sticking a knife in your ribs then twisting it over and over again for a half hour. Never going to bitch about a lousy toothache again! Should have sued. Still could. Hmmmm . . .
I was getting Demerol for my bum shoulder for about 3 years then all this opiod OD crap came up and the doc cut me off about a year ago. Suggested Cymbalta, (seriously addictive and mind altering anti-depressant), instead. 30 50mg Demerol every 4 or 5 months does not a junkie make. I miss it tho. Didn't really need it for the shoulder but take 4 of those puppies and it's a great buzz!
He's OK about using an off-label drug that can really mess you up for something it's reported to help with but not made for but when I asked him to sign my medpot papers he didn't want to because he didn't know how it would affect me. I KNOW HOW IT AFFECTS ME ASSHOLE SO SIGN THE F'N PAPER ALREADY! Must have got his medical license out of a box of Cracker Jacks. South African doctors suck and that's all we get here. Older German south African but the young black fellers aren't any better trained and refuse to sign too because it will make me go insane. (Shakes shaggy mane in disbelief)