When Does Life Begin ...


New Member
He sure plays a mean pinball, that Vimonster. Just take him with a giant grain of salt. He can sure dish it out, but can't take it worth a damn. Yes we are direct opposites, thank God. I'd sure hate to be affixed with his demons. His sefish demeanor demands total subjugation of all venues, especially politics. By being a salesman most of his life, he has developed the salesman persona, mainly that it's his way or the highway. Life is very simple for him, leave him and his money alone. By forcing people to buy things they don't want or need, (The exact job description of sales), he has set himself up to be the know all be all of everything, especially politics. He actually believes the crap he spews about free market capitalism, because he has benefited from it exclusively. Don't try and convince him that there should be help for anyone by government, that's communism. Hey, I believe in rewarding people for hard work, even beyond a paycheck. I worked hard all my life and only got the paycheck reward, I'm not complaining as my paychecks were good for a worker, and I actually got a pension from the union, not the employer, but the union. There is more to life than money, but money sure makes life easier.
^^^ Hey Chucky ... ^^^ That's the kind of illogical bullshit, Chucky, that emanate from Neo-Marxists like Med-O-Mao. Nothing of substance, no logic and just personal attacks. Even though I wasn't addressing him in this thread, he still insists upon storming in with his flame-throwing tactics. He doesn't know of what he speaks. Take this one quote from his above post, for example:

"By forcing people to buy things they don't want or need, (The exact job description of sales)"

That is so laughable. The man is not only demented, he as no knowledge of what sales is all about. I mean, how can a salesperson "force" a person to buy something they don't want?

I hope, Chucky, that you will try much harder than Med has, but I doubt you will. I mean, are you really serious that you don't know what a Neo-Marxist is?

Bring it on, indeed. LMAO! :bigjoint:

For your enlightenment:

Neo-Marxism is a loose term for various twentieth-century approaches in Marxism and Marxist theory. As with many uses of the prefix neo-, many theorists and groups designated "neo-Marxist" attempted to supplement the perceived deficiencies of orthodox Marxism or dialectical materialism.One such approach might be a 20th century school that harkened back to the early writings of Marx before the influence of Engels which focused on dialectical idealism rather than dialectical materialism, and thus rejected the perceived economic determinism of the late Marx, focusing instead on a non-physical, psychological revolution. It was thus far more libertarian and related to strains of anarchism. It also put more of an emphasis on the evils of global capitalism. Many prominent Neo-Marxists such as Marcuse were sociologists and psychologists. It was bound up with the student movements of the 1960s. Neo-Marxism comes under the broader heading of New Left thinking. Neo-Marxism is also used frequently to describe the opposition to inequalities experienced by Lesser Developed Countries in a globalized world. In a sociological sense, neo-Marxism adds Max Weber's broader understanding of social inequality, such as status and power, to Marxist philosophy.



New Member
That is so laughable. The man is not only demented, he as no knowledge of what sales is all about. I mean, how can a salesperson "force" a person to buy something they don't want?
OK, Bla bla bla, I'm the super sales man, Bla bla bla, Med is demented, Bla bla bla. Hey wadsmith, I've had the high pressure sales assholes try and pitch me, Kirby vacuums comes to mind, New car salesmen come to mind, And......My isnt that a lovely view, It has new appliances, a concrete driveway, new roof, and the toilet has only been shit in once, bla bla bla, bullshit!


New Member
That is so laughable. The man is not only demented, he as no knowledge of what sales is all about. I mean, how can a salesperson "force" a person to buy something they don't want?
OK, Bla bla bla, I'm the super sales man, Bla bla bla, Med is demented, Bla bla bla. Hey wadsmith, I've had the high pressure sales assholes try and pitch me, Kirby vacuums comes to mind, New car salesmen come to mind, And......My isnt that a lovely view, It has new appliances, a concrete driveway, new roof, and the toilet has only been shit in once, bla bla bla, bullshit!
^^^ :bigjoint::bigjoint::bigjoint: ^^^

Sometimes you're pretty funny, Med. Gotta hand it to ya for that one.

I've got to try that tecnique .... "Hey, the best part of this home is that the toilet has only been shit in once!" LMAO!



New Member
i heard men in real estate are typically fags.. just what i hear though... why dont you try some real work Vi?

or are you afraid of little hard work?


New Member
"how can a salesperson "force" a person to buy something they don't want?"

by manipulation. if you didnt need to force people to buy things you would be out a job.

and guess what Vi, i want you to keep replying, it makes me laugh and gives me something to do while my woman is at work, go on, lets play this game, im good at games and i always win.

i just thought i would tell you to put me back on block FOR YOUR OWN sake. oh well... when i get some more time i might go through all your threads and point out every dumb thing you say.... might take while though



New Member
"how can a salesperson "force" a person to buy something they don't want?"

and guess what Vi, i want you to keep replying, it makes me laugh and gives me something to do while my woman is at work
While your "woman is at work?" Typical fucking socialist ... living off of your woman's teat. :lol:



Well-Known Member
"Someone can sell you something, but you don't have to buy it. Once you realize you've boughten into it, that these people have no power at all- you realize you have the power, you give it away"


Well-Known Member
Some good news though on the top news.. abortion rates are the lowest they've ever been..

Funny.. the statistics show it's not teenagers so much getting the abortions these days.. it's older women who have other children getting the most abortions- those that should know better.


" "The states with the most active pro-life laws have seen the biggest abortion declines," he said."


Well-Known Member
Ugh.. how many times does it need to be said in here.. over 90% of those pro-life in here don't even think it should be illegal.. stop spreading lies..


Well-Known Member
LMFAO.. wow.. that explains the cravings.. thanx. :lol:

Edit: and maybe explains how I got pregnant this time around? LMFAO..
I just started thinking of a baby sliding down your digestive track grabbing clumps of food as it goes.... and now I can't stop laughing!:mrgreen: