Old School Skunk, who's found it???

Right, and if you're father grew it (as mine did) then you know its no longer readily available. And as I also stated in that comment "I do, however, have a bit of faith that a few select farmers are working to bring it back but as of right now that remains to be seen." Meaning, you'd have about as much chance finding it in pack of Skunk #1 than you would finding Jimmy Hoffa. Ya dig?

Its gonna take hundreds of plants and a farmer with an eye for good selection to stabilize it and bring it to market.

As far as time on RUI? Referencing irrelevant shit like that is nothing more than a fallacious appeal to give validity to ones opinion.

I said I misread it. Got it.....
My dad kept his in a wine chiller. Keeps the inside exactly 47° which is adjustable with a digital setting in increments of 1° I haven't opened it in probably 3 or 4 years.
That really sucks. I always worry about that shit when we're at camp for the weekend. One of these days I'll buy a back-up genny.
And that's what I'm afraid of should we try to germ these old seeds. I don't think they ever saw the inside of a fridge. They'd still be in that footlocker stashed away had my brothers horse not thrown a shoe that day. He was digging around in there looking for a rasp when he found them. I feel the chance of viability has gotta be extremely low this many yrs later
They were in a freezer in an old barn. It was months before I knew what had happened. If I had found them right away, they would have been fine. But going from a frosted up freezer to summer in Florida, in same freezer was too much. Lots of mold and rot from the food and stuff in there too.

But you should try a few, just to see what happens.
You'll have lots of folks in the shadows pullin for him to succeed.

I've posted about this before, but my brother found coffee cans in an old footlocker after my father passed that probably have good genetics but they're so old neither of us are confident we can get them germ. Only one can has a legible label. "78 Red" whatever that could be. Plus, they're kinda sentimental to us so without the room to really dig in and be able to hold onto what we find, we've just left em on a shelf at camp.
Maybe someday....

Could it be an old skool Panama Red. I believe it was around in the 60's if it is panama red from then. I would chance pooping a few. If you do good luck man.Screenshot_20170625-120258.png
as always, "Skunk" is subjective, with some skunks being fruity and some not so much. We may have tried them all and decided for ourselves which is the best for our moment, and now its gone maybe? subjective, but yeah, skunks are still around lol
Could it be an old skool Panama Red. I believe it was around in the 60's if it is panama red from then. I would chance pooping a few. If you do good luck man.View attachment 3966814
hmmm, could be. I'll have to some digging around when I get a chance. I wont have room to do any long flowering strains til next yr.
From what I remember, a lot of what he grew for smoke was done inside cold frames/greenhouses so it wouldn't surprise me if there are some 16+ wkers in there.
It must have been 15 years ago, give or take a few, when I met some people growing Skunk #1, Supa Skunk, Sensi Star, Virginia Mist, etc. They opened my eyes to growing.

Again, I don't know what you thought you bought but it wasn't Skunk. Skunk has never been fruity or sweet, it smells like a skunk.
Again. Not the same. Quit trying to push the skunk#1. Hell the skunk#1 they sell now isn't even the same as it was.
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Imho the skunk #1 of now is garbage. I've grew it out. Didn't even clone it bc the veg was crappy. And it smelled like hay halfway through flower. I popped 3 out of a 10 pack. 1 female 2 males. I gave the remaining 7 to a buddy he popped them all. 3 females. Rest males. He ended up only growing one completely out. Had an electrical issue and lost 2. But he kept one male to breed with that looked pretty good and strong skunky smell. And close node spacing. He said the one female he grew out was subpar taste, smell, yield and smoke.
hmmm, could be. I'll have to some digging around when I get a chance. I wont have room to do any long flowering strains til next yr.
From what I remember, a lot of what he grew for smoke was done inside cold frames/greenhouses so it wouldn't surprise me if there are some 16+ wkers in there.

Old skool PR was a minimum 11 week flower. Some were even longer. It was a good sativa they said though.
as always, "Skunk" is subjective, with some skunks being fruity and some not so much. We may have tried them all and decided for ourselves which is the best for our moment, and now its gone maybe? subjective, but yeah, skunks are still around lol
There is nothing subjective about it though chem. Real RKS is unmistakable. Its not sweet. It doesn't smell like cat piss...hell it doesn't even smell like "roadkill". Roadkill is merely a reference to what a flattened skunk with its piss bag broke smells like. Potent and pungent as hell.
It was all over the east coast up into Canada back in the 80s-90s. Every good farmer worth his salt grew good skunk back then.
The ones that had the road kill and red hairs of the 80's knows. Smells like a skunk humping a dead skunk.

Like you drove by a patch of it and you really were confused for a second if it was a skunk or weed.

Ill admit there are some very skunky strains out there but I've yet to find some.

I've got some seeds I recently found from 20 or so years ago. I'm anxious to try them.
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I'm not claiming I have the original skunk or anything like that. But I do have about 20 seeds of a skunk from around '99 but it is no doubt fire and very very stinky even in veg. It's nothing like skunks you get from breeders from attitude and the like seed banks. I would take what I have over any of those. I have a huge seed collection. When my dad passed I got the entire collection. Probably somewhere in the neighbor hood of 1600-1700 seeds. Alot of them I have never even heard of. And I'm sure some of them are duds. But I can promise there's pure old skool genetics.

Sounds like you have a great collection of genetics.
But I am sorry that you lost your dad.
If anyone thinks that the old skunk flavor was bad in anyway, like I hear people say skunk isn't a flavor they like, NEVER smoked it!
Skunk is one of the best flavors of weed ever!!
It is what weed is, pungent and dank! It is the quintessential flavor that is know.
If you ever smelled skunk cabbage or a skunk that was run over about a half day ago, that's pretty much the stink. Not as much as fresh killed skunk.
Roadkill skunk is Mexican x Afghan. That's why everyone had skunk on the east coast and the South in the early 90's. Never think they had roadkill in Europe. The Mexicans bred afghan indica into their Sativas.
Roadkill does have a cat piss smell because skunk spray does smells like ammonia. I would describe roadkill as Pine and ammonia. The stronger the smell, the more potent the weed was. It has red hairs and is lime green. Shoreline is what you're looking for if you want an old school skunk.