I Lost My Virginity When I Was...?

At what age did you lose your v-card?

  • 14 or younger

    Votes: 92 20.1%
  • 15-16

    Votes: 158 34.6%
  • 17-18

    Votes: 110 24.1%
  • 19-20

    Votes: 27 5.9%
  • 20-25

    Votes: 16 3.5%
  • 26-31

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • over 32

    Votes: 1 0.2%
  • still got it!

    Votes: 53 11.6%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
you cant get pregnant from precum or i would be in some serious shit.

precum is like spit if your dick could spit.
LOL.. oh boy how wrong you are..:roll:

That's how I got prego this time.. lol.. luckily we weren't trying to really actively avoid pregnancy so it wasn't a surprise or anything- it was a 'if it happens it happens, if it doesn't it doesn't situation'...

But if you're actively trying to avoid pregnancy, yeah.. pull out method not a good one to go with.. lol..


Well-Known Member
If you are getting pleasing results with your current situation adding a guy to the picture will probably just frustrate and piss you off. Trust me, most men aren't that educated on the female body.

They just jump and pump and will probably leave you wondering why you bothered. Just wait for that special guy that loves your mind and who you are and let him have your gift. Seems like you've got things taken care of for now. :bigjoint:
well that combo is fan-freakin-tastic...lol. buuuuuuut....i would like to add a guy to that mix...im sure it would be even better...honestly...it does NOT take much to turn me on...lol my skin in general is one big erogenous zone...lol ideally i would like to meet a guy who tokes...so its something we could do together...but im at a loss as to where i can meet guys like that where i live...i mean...yea i can go to my local high times store...lol but other than that...i dunno...i think pot smokers should be with other pot smokers...:eyesmoke::blsmoke:


New Member
Too bad you are so far away, My son is 23 and his girlfriend is an uppity little snatch. I'd love to introduce the 2 of you. I'm know he's doing something right, he's had a number of female stalkers. :mrgreen:

well that combo is fan-freakin-tastic...lol. buuuuuuut....i would like to add a guy to that mix...im sure it would be even better...honestly...it does NOT take much to turn me on...lol my skin in general is one big erogenous zone...lol ideally i would like to meet a guy who tokes...so its something we could do together...but im at a loss as to where i can meet guys like that where i live...i mean...yea i can go to my local high times store...lol but other than that...i dunno...i think pot smokers should be with other pot smokers...:eyesmoke::blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
stoney you know im right and you know that man is me.

:hump:oh you know it. might also be because i bring a big blunt to bed with me:bigjoint:
yeah, and it's all good till he needs an ashtray...what? asstray?

kinda nasty story...I once came into a room where the homie was pounding this chick from behind, swilling from a tanqueray bottle, for all of about thirty seconds once he noticed us come in...then he projectile vomited in a way that made it skip up offa her back...

I was so stunned (and stoned) that it took me a full minute to get over my shock and start laughing.

blunts in bed are waaaaay better.


Well-Known Member
Oh baby, you're so wrong,but keep dreaming.Oh if only I had found a guy that made me pop an ovary like my vibrator.I'd have married him.
yeah, just try and kill a spider with your vibe, holmes...

i got a motion with my hand that I can get going for about a minute, that is good human facsimile of a vibrator. after a minute, my arm is tired.

If girls could cum like men, this would be a non issue.

here is a graphic illustration of what men and woman face when, 'turning each other on'.

AND we have to kill the spiders? wtf? if we're making rules, I want to make one called 'head before bed'. (actually, we already have that rule...;-))


Well-Known Member
yeah, just try and kill a spider with your vibe, holmes...

i got a motion with my hand that I can get going for about a minute, that is good human facsimile of a vibrator. after a minute, my arm is tired.

If girls could cum like men, this would be a non issue.

here is a graphic illustration of what men and woman face when, 'turning each other on'.

AND we have to kill the spiders? wtf? if we're making rules, I want to make one called 'head before bed'. (actually, we already have that rule...;-))
i dont need a guy to kill spiders...lol. i dont like to kill anything...especially spiders...i love spiders...and honestly...when it comes to my sexuality...im like a dude...1 switch. lol. im really not that complex of a chick. man...all i need is a good porno...hahaha i dont even need the vibe...i just like it;-). my hand works just fine too.:blsmoke:

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
I don't want to break you, so I'll smile sweetly and say nothing.:mrgreen:
stoney you know im right and you know that man is me.

:hump:oh you know it. might also be because i bring a big blunt to bed with me:bigjoint:
Yeah, if the pussy is that bad, I don't know.
yeah, and it's all good till he needs an ashtray...what? asstray?

kinda nasty story...I once came into a room where the homie was pounding this chick from behind, swilling from a tanqueray bottle, for all of about thirty seconds once he noticed us come in...then he projectile vomited in a way that made it skip up offa her back...

I was so stunned (and stoned) that it took me a full minute to get over my shock and start laughing.

blunts in bed are waaaaay better.
I kill all the spiders around here, everyopne else is arachnophobic.A minute?I'm sorry.It's a nice try.But my vibe doesn't stop till I'm done, lol.Nice illustration.:bigjoint:
yeah, just try and kill a spider with your vibe, holmes...

i got a motion with my hand that I can get going for about a minute, that is good human facsimile of a vibrator. after a minute, my arm is tired.

If girls could cum like men, this would be a non issue.

here is a graphic illustration of what men and woman face when, 'turning each other on'.

AND we have to kill the spiders? wtf? if we're making rules, I want to make one called 'head before bed'. (actually, we already have that rule...;-))