Which would produce more DO in a DWC?

i made something similar to the sprayer next to a kitchen sink where it has multiple sprays like this:


Cool! I'll set up something like that.
A couple of airstones per pail would make sure they get lots of air for sure. I could use one like yours to run 4 Rubbermaid tubs of plants which I what I'll be doing in a few months. Price ain't bad either. The Maxima-R adjustable dual outlet ones I use just say 2.5psi but no L/min or anything. Runs two 12" airstones real good and they fit nice in the slots along the bottom of the tubs.

I'm going to see about getting one like yours then I can run my two stones per tub in 4 of them.

View attachment 3973230
The pump is pretty powerful! But what I'm finding is that using only 1 airstone/bucket has way better output than 2 airstones. But in larger containers, like yours, you may want two so you can spread them out.
When you get roots like this it doesn't much matter where you put the stone as long as there's lots of air.

View attachment 3975818

F'n, rock on! :clap:

I grew for a couple years back in 2008, via rdwc and aero, and had massive root structures like that. Getting back into it, I decided to do Coco this time. Two months later and I'm dying to get a DWC set up again. Coco is just way too boring for me :D. I tinker, design, and build, so dwc is like a big science project to me lol
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Do you run your tubs sterile? what about your water temps?, just asking as I will be back to bubblers over the winter.

I used to use peroxide for about the first ten years then built a DIY chiller with a gifted water cooler, some 3/8" tubing and a fountain pump in the tub to pump the nutes up through a coil of tubing in the cooler tank and back to the tub. I can easily keep two tubs at 65F no matter how warm the room is so stopped using the peroxide. All the AN nutes I use have some organics in them like aminos that would get destroyed by peroxide so it's only in case of emergency now. Knock wood! :)

I still don't use any beneficial bacteria and don't plan to when I get tubs up and running in the fall.

F'n, rock on! :clap:

I grew for a couple years back in 2008, via rdwc and aero, and had massive root structures like that. Getting back into it, I decided to do Coco this time. Two more than later and I'm dying to get a decent set up again. Coco is just way too boring for me :D. I tinker, design, and build, so dwc is like a big science project to me lol

I got to do enough tinkering to keep the house functioning so good old simple DWC tubs are fine for me. I went thru the tinkering process figuring out how to get DWC to work the easiest when I started doing it in 2001 with no internet and just an idea from stuff I'd read at the library about hydroponic gardening that started with the Mayans.

I started off with Rubbermaid tubs as I figured the pails wouldn't hold enough liquid and with bigger or more plants in each tub it turned out to be a good plan. Pails are fine for RDWC but for single use there's too much monitoring of the pH, ppm and water levels for my liking. I can go three days without even going down to the grow room then just walk in, top up with water, check ppm and toss in a bit of nutes to get it back up to where I want it and go. Easy-peasy.

No holes below the water line means never having leaks. I always have an inspection hole in the lid to check nute levels and take out samples for testing or add more water and nutes. Handy with the DWC ScroG as it's hard to lift the lids off. I use a drill pump to drain the tubs when needed.

I got to do enough tinkering to keep the house functioning so good old simple DWC tubs are fine for me. I went thru the tinkering process figuring out how to get DWC to work the easiest when I started doing it in 2001 with no internet and just an idea from stuff I'd read at the library about hydroponic gardening that started with the Mayans.

I started off with Rubbermaid tubs as I figured the pails wouldn't hold enough liquid and with bigger or more plants in each tub it turned out to be a good plan. Pails are fine for RDWC but for single use there's too much monitoring of the pH, ppm and water levels for my liking. I can go three days without even going down to the grow room then just walk in, top up with water, check ppm and toss in a bit of nutes to get it back up to where I want it and go. Easy-peasy.

No holes below the water line means never having leaks. I always have an inspection hole in the lid to check nute levels and take out samples for testing or add more water and nutes. Handy with the DWC ScroG as it's hard to lift the lids off. I use a drill pump to drain the tubs when needed.


Sounds super easy! How many totes do you have? When I started out I was using 2 totes with 4 netpots in each. I had killer results! Then I started messing around with sprayers and different setups. I'd say I'm happiest with an rdwc. I think I can build it stable enough to avoid problems and constant maintenance, which is what I was going through with my original builds.
I've got a few different lids for the tubs. I've tried 4 or 6 - 5" pots and made one with 12 - 3.5" pots for a DWC SoG type grow. Basically go with the 4 bigger ones for most grows and with the type of setup I'm planning I'm thinking of 4 tubs done ScroG with two plants per tub to get the screens filled up faster so will need to make some more lids.

You can see the tub on the right has just one air line going in and I used to do all my grows with one 12" airstone no problem but went to two a few years ago.

I've got a few different lids for the tubs. I've tried 4 or 6 - 5" pots and made one with 12 - 3.5" pots for a DWC SoG type grow. Basically go with the 4 bigger ones for most grows and with the type of setup I'm planning I'm thinking of 4 tubs done ScroG with two plants per tub to get the screens filled up faster so will need to make some more lids.

You can see the tub on the right has just one air line going in and I used to do all my grows with one 12" airstone no problem but went to two a few years ago.

View attachment 3975915


I love the meat thermometer to monitor water temps! Might have to follow suit.
I've got an Active Aqua 60W, 70 L/min pump coming for my 4x5 gallon bucket UnderCurrent build. An 8 output manifold comes with it.

What I'm wondering is, would 2 air stones per bucket produce more dissolved oxygen than 1 air stone per bucket at twice the pressure (because 4 of the outputs would be shut off)?

I would think 1 air stone at 2x the pressure would be the same air volume as 2 with 1/2. Go with 2 at 2x - if you are using a chiller, then your solution can take the extra DO.

I have a UC 6XL system and when I connected everything as instructed, the aqua pore diffusers that came with it put out almost nothing. The main diffuser, in the epicenter was using all the air pressure. I actually added 2 more air pumps - one feeding just the aqua pore diffusers, and another feeding an additional air stone in each module (except the epicenter). So now I actually have 3 pumps on that system, all going to separate circuits/breakers in case one trips. A pump going out can destroy your whole crop in a short time...
If I run two tubs with two dual outlet pumps I run one line from each pump to each tub and have the air pumps plugged into different circuits so no mater what at least one stone is running in each tub. No problems with breakers tripping and if there is no power it's because of a power failure and we got nothing but that doesn't often happen. In a prolonged outage I have a 12v DC to 120v AC converter I could at least run the air pumps with a car battery. We have a 3500W generator that can be used too if it's going to be out for days. That's mostly to get the furnace running if it's winter when it's most likely to go out. Gets chilly in the house fast when it's -25C outside. :)

I love the meat thermometer to monitor water temps! Might have to follow suit.

It's also to cover the inspection hole in that tub. It reads 8C less than the real temp and it's a pipeline temp gauge I nicked from an abandoned oil well site years ago when I was hauling propane to rigs way up north. Scooped a couple of 150W hps lights too. :)
If I run two tubs with two dual outlet pumps I run one line from each pump to each tub and have the air pumps plugged into different circuits so no mater what at least one stone is running in each tub. No problems with breakers tripping and if there is no power it's because of a power failure and we got nothing but that doesn't often happen. In a prolonged outage I have a 12v DC to 120v AC converter I could at least run the air pumps with a car battery. We have a 3500W generator that can be used too if it's going to be out for days. That's mostly to get the furnace running if it's winter when it's most likely to go out. Gets chilly in the house fast when it's -25C outside. :)
Yeah, I have all sorts of stuff run on a few circuits, and with the warmer months I've needed to run AC in my flower room. The damn thing trips breakers every now and then. That's why I split up the pumps - initially they were all on the same. Bad idea... I've balanced out the load better now, so it's not happening anymore.
I would think 1 air stone at 2x the pressure would be the same air volume as 2 with 1/2.

That's what I would have thought, but it does seem like a single produces more volume. I think what might be happening is, the higher pressure is able to push O2 through smaller pores, making smaller bubbles as well as more DO. But that's just a guess.

Eventually I plan on getting an Alita air pump and a Danner Supreme mag drive water pump. What I'm using right now will be used for backup. Also going to get a Lumatek ballast to replace the Apollo, which I should be ashamed to have hanging on my wall as someone hinted earlier lol.
If I run two tubs with two dual outlet pumps I run one line from each pump to each tub and have the air pumps plugged into different circuits so no mater what at least one stone is running in each tub. No problems with breakers tripping and if there is no power it's because of a power failure and we got nothing but that doesn't often happen. In a prolonged outage I have a 12v DC to 120v AC converter I could at least run the air pumps with a car battery. We have a 3500W generator that can be used too if it's going to be out for days. That's mostly to get the furnace running if it's winter when it's most likely to go out. Gets chilly in the house fast when it's -25C outside. :)

Redundency, I like it!

I'd like to pick up a genny soon. I lose power a couple times a winter. Most the time it's not for long, but it's long enough to lose a DWC grow.
So that blue pail is the controller/rez? Controller I bet as your rez was planned for bigger than that.

You figure those big pipes are going to maintain a good seal on the pails? Just too many points of potential failure for my liking. KISS, (Keep It Simple Stoner), and things go a lot smoother. :)

Looks like a nice, tidy setup.

Long day so hitting the fart bag early.

So that blue pail is the controller/rez? Controller I bet as your rez was planned for bigger than that.

You figure those big pipes are going to maintain a good seal on the pails? Just too many points of potential failure for my liking. KISS, (Keep It Simple Stoner), and things go a lot smoother. :)

Looks like a nice, tidy setup.

Long day so hitting the fart bag early.


I follow the KISS rule most of the time, but some projects are too fun and challenging to pass up :razz:

Yes, the blue bucket is the controller. The color is just for asthetics. 2" pipes will help prevent root clogs as well as maintain a good flow.

I agree that there are an increased amount of failure points, but if done correctly, I think issues can be avoided.

We shall see :grin:
I'd like to imagine my setup would be that nice if i had something besides a filthy old tin shed in the southern heat! once we get away from here i want a nice little walk in lol