Nevada shooter kills 50+ at Las Vegas concert


Well-Known Member
I'm not going to continue reading all of the douche-beggery and racial slurs.

Did anyone figure out motive yet?

There are a lot of shootings that aren't considered terrorism, even when it is for territory in local gangs.

If anything constitutes terrorism it is gang violence, everything from the Hell's Angels to the Bloods.

Shoot, the Hell's Angels even blew shit up.

This one guy shot at a car because he wanted them to turn the music down.

People are crazy.

The only "terrorism" the system is concerned with is the kind they can use in the media to control the populace and the flow of money.

Your best bet is to buy a gun, be aware of your surroundings and hope for the best.


Well-Known Member
If you own a gun for protection you are
  • much more likely to kill yourself with it than use it for protection.
  • Next most likely is that you or a family member will accidentally hurt somebody with it.
  • Next most likely is that you will intentionally use it on a family member.
  • Next most likely is that you will brutalize your spouse or significant other with it.
  • Next most likely is that you will be hurt when you try to use it in self defense because bad guys have a lot of experience in this sort of thing.
  • Waaaaaaay down on the list is successful use of the gun in self defense or defense of somebody else.
You are a tool and listen to right wing propaganda. I think you should put your gun to it's most common use and save us the expense of keeping your worthless demented ass alive when you get old.
I'm afraid I must disagree. They're the number one suicide device and that is what skews the statistics, with correct storage and responsible use they're just a tool like any other.

I'm all for making them harder to get and requiring training and licensing but it's kind of a shitty way to try get at Conservatives.

I think all the effort and such that goes into gun control (that never actually does anything) would be better if we used it to promote mental health services and stopped the profit angle on all these anti depressant drugs that we still don't fully understand their effect on the brain.


Well-Known Member
Want to wrap your lips around my cock?
REPORTED for multiple blow job solicitations in the forum. This is not the place for your penis to be sucked mmmk

I'd permalink the 14 times you've begged for your dick to be sucked in just the last week but I dont want that shit in my sig. still funny when you see it all at once though.


Well-Known Member
Nope, not racist at all. White people are basically fearful of losing their stuff, which is wrapped up in their status. They will kill to keep their status even when the possession at risk is not worth a human life. Is this a biased statement? Absolutely. Is it unfair? It is, to the 33% of people in the US who don't feel they need a gun to feel safe. People like me, for one. What it is not is racist.

If you own a gun in order to protect yourself, you are fooling yourself that you are safer with it than without it.

Gun nuts in this country are at the root of the reason why the Las Vegas shooter was able to injure about 500 people. Gun nuts are cowards who trade a fake sense of security from an extremely rare event for the kind of tragedy we had last night, which is becoming all too common.

Most gun owners are white. Most gun owners are Republican. All who own them for "safety" are cowards who are partly responsible for the victims last night.
why do black men have guns? are whites burglarizing them? do they need these guns for protection? is this really a white/black gun ownership thing?