What did you accomplish today?


Well-Known Member
Not the best time of day to be taking pics but i just finished the trim. Tomorrow roof. And then on to a bunch of other shit. Oh yeah, and fish everyday. And gardening. IMG_3395.JPG IMG_3396.JPG
Waiting on a special order door handle and a window that I'll cut in later.

I'm in, including roofing tomorrow, 2000 on the dot. But that's because i used plywood not osb on subfloor and roof. Not bad i guess for an 8x16 shed?


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
Not the best time of day to be taking pics but i just finished the trim. Tomorrow roof. And then on to a bunch of other shit. Oh yeah, and fish everyday. And gardening. View attachment 4033883 View attachment 4033884
Waiting on a special order door handle and a window that I'll cut in later.

I'm in, including roofing tomorrow, 2000 on the dot. But that's because i used plywood not osb on subfloor and roof. Not bad i guess for an 8x16 shed?
WOOT I just finished the trim too! Annie 9 Plants 0!! I am now drinking all the alcohols on the planet!


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Eggs, sausage, english muffins, cornbread, coffee, and oj for breakfast. Watered and did some maintenance in the garden. Then I collected all the fucking cardboard around here, between my roommates eBay addiction and me ordering car parts online it builds up fast, and did a dump run. Stopped to grab some butane and ended up buying a new bong, so I'm gonna test it out now.

Chunky Stool

Well-Known Member
Well shit.
So I'm sitting in my favorite chair having coffee, when I hear some strange noises. Just as I'm wondering WTF it is, I hear something run across the attic floor -- right over my head! :shock:
That's just great. Probably got a family of raccoons or possums up there. Sounded too big to be rats.
I may dispatch them myself but it won't be pretty. I'd like to use a .22 with CB caps, but they could suffer if shot placement isn't perfect. It would also be messy.
I wonder how much an exterminator costs.
What would you do?
I've killed lots of critters in my day and blood doesn't bother me. 8)


Well-Known Member
Well shit.
So I'm sitting in my favorite chair having coffee, when I hear some strange noises. Just as I'm wondering WTF it is, I hear something run across the attic floor -- right over my head! :shock:
That's just great. Probably got a family of raccoons or possums up there. Sounded too big to be rats.
I may dispatch them myself but it won't be pretty. I'd like to use a .22 with CB caps, but they could suffer if shot placement isn't perfect. It would also be messy.
I wonder how much an exterminator costs.
What would you do?
I've killed lots of critters in my day and blood doesn't bother me. 8)


Well-Known Member
Well shit.
So I'm sitting in my favorite chair having coffee, when I hear some strange noises. Just as I'm wondering WTF it is, I hear something run across the attic floor -- right over my head! :shock:
That's just great. Probably got a family of raccoons or possums up there. Sounded too big to be rats.
I may dispatch them myself but it won't be pretty. I'd like to use a .22 with CB caps, but they could suffer if shot placement isn't perfect. It would also be messy.
I wonder how much an exterminator costs.
What would you do?
I've killed lots of critters in my day and blood doesn't bother me. 8)
I'd take care of it myself; traps first, if that fails then gotta kill them. Be careful though, raccoons can be rabid. Then seal up any possible entry ways