What did you accomplish today?


Well-Known Member
fucking ice on my windshield .....first Santa is a heroin addict ....and now Jack Frost is fucking up my rotation......I got gifts to deliver ((definitely not lots of weed))

If I ever see Jack and Santa together ......rat tat tat mother fuckers.

((Where's my cigarettes))

Yes I'm quitting still :finger:


Well-Known Member
I must be pretty special then ;)

Nahhh, distance is the killer. I did not mean to fall in love with someone 600 miles away, it happened though lol. I’m just rolling with the punches at this point.
Cute, funny, chill and butt stuff, the definition of special. ;-)

I want to say do what you think will make you the happiest, but I know that's not always easy. Family and financial responsibilities tend to lock us into place. If those aren't an obstacle, go be happy. :bigjoint:



Well-Known Member
Stopped by my cousin s who I haven't seen in years and he started growing...kinda. Its a shit show, he's got these bugs the likes of which I've never seen. There like milipeeds but don't move and the plants look like shit its a serious infestation so I'm throwing all his 'hard' work into the woods right now much to his dismay.. What are these fucking crabs!?


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
I’ll give you guys his phone number. Call him, tell him to move to Michigan for the hot grower girl 8-)
We're more than willing to stick our noses (and other things) into many issues here, but I'm afraid you are on your own on this one.

So, a sincere good luck to you, Karah!

Just don't look back in 20 years and say, 'I wish I would have'. No regrets, no alibis later, do the best thing for yourself. I hope you pick the right option.


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
Ever cut yourself and not realize it unto until you see blood everywhere? I started noticing red streaks all over the counter and dishes. Somehow sliced the inside of my index finger making breakfasts. Weird thing is i didn't touch a knife, scissors, razor...nothing that could have cut me, so I have no idea how it happened. I'm so fucking accident prone I get random unexplainable injuries...:roll:.
Cuts like that make me ask about your A1C


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
Stopped by my cousin s who I haven't seen in years and he started growing...kinda. Its a shit show, he's got these bugs the likes of which I've never seen. There like milipeeds but don't move and the plants look like shit its a serious infestation so I'm throwing all his 'hard' work into the woods right now much to his dismay.. What are these fucking crabs!?
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ewww I can't like that but it's scale. I thought I was the only terrible grower to get scale. I brought my kaffir lime tree in to over winter. Put her on my table and she gave everyone scale ugh.