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Ursus marijanus
The sadistic narcissist perceives himself as Godlike, ruthless and devoid of scruples, capricious and unfathomable, emotion-less and non-sexual, omniscient, omnipotent and omni-present, a plague, a devastation, an inescapable verdict.
Hey Buck…take this test for me and please post your results.


I think I know what it’s going to be though. I’m psycho…

Oh…shit…I mean psychic!

Take that Dark Triad away from my lovely new friend please.

  1. The dark triad is a group of three personality traits: narcissism, Machiavellianism and psychopathy. Use of the term "dark" implies that these traits have malevolent qualities: Narcissism is characterized by grandiosity, pride, egotism, and a lack of empathy.

Leave @ZaraBeth420 alone. That’s all I’m saying.


Well-Known Member
I look around and see so much fear, people getting more and more comfortable with their hate, more at ease being mean, more united in their separation. And I think, NO. Not me. I will not get lost in this fearful world. I will not play with bullies. I will continue to be brave and kind. I will speak for real unity. And no matter what, I will never stop loving.


Well-Known Member
I look around and see so much fear, people getting more and more comfortable with their hate, more at ease being mean, more united in their separation. And I think, NO. Not me. I will not get lost in this fearful world. I will not play with bullies. I will continue to be brave and kind. I will speak for real unity. And no matter what, I will never stop loving.
"Showing your (.)(.)'s doesn't make you brave."

-Hugh Hefner


Ursus marijanus
I look around and see so much fear, people getting more and more comfortable with their hate, more at ease being mean, more united in their separation. And I think, NO. Not me. I will not get lost in this fearful world. I will not play with bullies. I will continue to be brave and kind. I will speak for real unity. And no matter what, I will never stop loving.
You are a bully ... the sneaky dishonest kind who won't even admit when and whom she is bullying.
So of course you don't play with bullies. Nothing runs more scared than an aging bully who has become aware of her strength starting to fail. The predator becomes prey. Bravery has nothing to do with it and is one of your reflexive lies.


Well-Known Member
You are a bully ... the sneaky dishonest kind who won't even admit when and whom she is bullying.
So of course you don't play with bullies. Nothing runs more scared than an aging bully who has become aware of her strength starting to fail. The predator becomes prey. Bravery has nothing to do with it and is one of your reflexive lies.
Sweetheart we are ALL ageing are we not? I’m 35yo and still in my prime! Lol. (U ever think for a min it was simply an excuse for the exhibition?) Lol.
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