Mrs G wants chicken quesadillas for dinner. I said we should add bacon! Then I'm gonna top them with home made salsa and avocado and maybe even sour cream. Do them bitches up! She's gonna make mexican rice too.
And yes
@Singlemalt I did my broiled salsa again. I like the char and color that gives it. What I do is chop all the peppers, tomatillos, onions, and garlic. Then I put them in a mixing bowl and add salt& pepper, ground cumin, garlic powder, onion powder, and olive oil. Mix that shit up and spread it all out on a cookie sheet. Slap it on the top rack under the broiler and let it get all toasty. Then blend it up with a handful of cilantro. Sometimes I add water if its too thick.
I know, why add garlic and onion powder if I use fresh? Fresh vs powder taste different to me. So I like to do both and get the full spectrum of flavor. Probably over kill, but my shit goes hard as fuck though. soooooooooo
