There's this certain FISA memo......

Heil Tweetler

Well-Known Member
All the more reason for powerful organizations like IRS, DOJ, and FBI having adequate controls to prevent political bias against citizens, especially if directed from office of president.
The controls have been adequate or evolving adequately until suddenly the press, the deep state, the intellectuals, the judiciary, intelligence and law enforcement services are all against trump. Doesn't add up except if your not interested in honesty. Isnt it more likely that trunp and co are ridiculous grifters?

How do you explain trump sharing practices and rhetoric with despotic adversaries rather than traditional allies? How does this circus of ridiculous blaming everyone to perpetuate a plainly inept administration not get a second look from so many of his followers? It's why deplorables are thought of by many as "poorly educated", racist, bigoted or straight up clueless.
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Well-Known Member
It isn't. Failure to investigate fairly is their fault and should not be tolerated.
But the "evidence" was destroyed. How's this the fault of investigators?

FBI agent Strzok co-wrote initial draft of Comey letter reopening Clinton email probe, report says | Fox News
Fox News › politics › 2018/01/31 › fbi-a...


Well-Known Member
The controls have been adequate or evolving adequately until suddenly the press, the deep state, the intellectuals, the judiciary, intelligence and law enforcement services are all against trump. Doesn't add up except if your not interested in honesty. Isnt it more likely that trunp and co are ridiculous grifters?

How do you explain trump sharing practices and rhetoric with despotic adversaries rather than traditional allies? How does this circus of ridiculous blaming everyone to perpetuate a plainly inept administration not get a second look from his so many? It's why deplorables are thought of by many as "poorly educated". racist, bigoted or straight up clueless.
I don't hold Trump in high regard and suspect he will get his after dems retake congress and presidency. Anyone that played dirty under Obama are going to get theirs now. Just the way it works.


Well-Known Member
But the "evidence" was destroyed. How's this the fault of investigators?

FBI agent Strzok co-wrote initial draft of Comey letter reopening Clinton email probe, report says | Fox News
Fox News › politics › 2018/01/31 › fbi-a...
I don't recall ever making the claim that investigators are responsible for laws broken by those they investigate. No logic in that thought.


Well-Known Member
It was Bill's server from when he was in office is what I understand. No criminal intent, I believe was the term used to describe the events.

Why do you sound like a Trumptard?
There is no criteria for intent in the federal statute Hillary violated, which made the Comey memo bizarre, to say the least.


Well-Known Member
She didn't. She also didn't send classified information. But the hypocrisy over those who claim it is what is astounding. There was simply no evidence she violated any laws, and it wasn't because the fbi wasn't looking or somehow overlooked it. The evidence didn't exist.

But the benghazi-nazi's were still apoplectic over a couple of confidential tags that were accidentally included. None of the material itself was classified.

And then we have clearly TS level info, with peoples lives on the line, being handed out like candy just to obstruct justice and its ok. Not.
Oh, the hypocrisy runs deep, my friend.

I was just thinking this morning why the religious right is so eager to forgive Trump's lack of morality, but can't find it in their hearts to forgive illegal immigration ?

Heil Tweetler

Well-Known Member
I don't hold Trump in high regard and suspect he will get his after dems retake congress and presidency. Anyone that played dirty under Obama are going to get theirs now. Just the way it works.
If Obama was riding dirty I support digging that shit up. But a pathetic stab at preposterously phony equivalencies is more to be expected. It's been the mode all along and to keep it real, it is what any discerning, unbiased observer is intuiting.


Well-Known Member
If Obama was riding dirty I support digging that shit up. But a pathetic stab at preposterously phony equivalencies is more to be expected. It's been the mode all along and to keep it real, it is what any discerning, unbiased observer is intuiting.
I would not conclude Obama was riding dirty, no evidence of that. People in the FBI may have been. Not okay for either party, we agree?

Heil Tweetler

Well-Known Member
I would not conclude Obama was riding dirty, no evidence of that. People in the FBI may have been. Not okay for either party, we agree?
Ya agree.

It looks like trump and Co are riding dirty and using any means necessary to cause a distraction or undermine a damning discovery.



Well-Known Member
I think the question will become, can you find someone guilty (Flynn) of obstructing justice in a case where surveillance was illegally obtained to initiate the investigation?


Well-Known Member
I think the question will become, can you find someone guilty (Flynn) of obstructing justice in a case where surveillance was illegally obtained to initiate the investigation?
The obstruction charge isn't even from this same time period. It's from an incident dating way back during the Obama years and unrelated to anything lol

Heil Tweetler

Well-Known Member
The obstruction charge isn't even from this same time period. It's from an incident dating way back during the Obama years and unrelated to anything lol
trump firing comey, lying about the meeting in tacky tower, fabricating a response about adoptions is obstruction. Stop letting Obama shit all over your lobotomized cranium


Well-Known Member
trump firing comey, lying about the meeting in tacky tower, fabricating a response about adoptions is obstruction. Stop letting Obama shit all over your lobotomized cranium
deflect and dodge the truth. stop trying to hold onto some glamor of hope and change that Obama was your knight in shining amour while you still live in the same shithole you did 8 years later living the same shitty life as nothing changed

Heil Tweetler

Well-Known Member
deflect and dodge the truth
. stop trying to hold onto some glamor of hope and change that Obama was your knight in shining amour while you still live in the same shithole you did 8 years later living the same shitty life as nothing changed
.12 months later, compulsive racist gulps as he fantasizes Obama pissing down his throat
Trump and the GOP attack the heads of the FBI, the DOJ and the special Prosecutor Robert Mueller all who are Republicans appointed by Trump. Release the memo hashtag Russian bot. You can’t fix stupid.


Well-Known Member
The obstruction charge isn't even from this same time period. It's from an incident dating way back during the Obama years and unrelated to anything lol
I thought it was about lying to FBI about a meeting with Russians in Decemer 2016? In any event, I was likely wrong about this relating to the memo released today and appreciate the correction.

Heil Tweetler

Well-Known Member
Putin attacked our cyber system, the GOP attacked back by attacking OUR intelligence system. The very entity that discovered the Putin attack is now being dismissed and Putin is being hailed. Really? Ass-backwards come to mind and also obtuse lunacy, Jim Jones, herd mentality, and that crown jewel, obstruction of justice. Hillary took it like a trooper when she was under investigation year after mind numbing year, testified 11 hrs one day, 8 hrs another, NEVER tried to undermine any investigations, never cried foul and looked for any willing fool (Nunes) to get her off the hook. I guess we didn't get the strong man after all, depending on a weak-link like Nunes seems pretty sad!

If there are so many abuses to obtaining a FISA warrant why didn't they change the FISA bill when they voted on it last month
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