Greenpoint seeds!!


Well-Known Member
That $22 pack of chinook haze was tempting. I was going to pull the trigger @ $17, even though I got 8 males out my last pack.
The remaining three are beasts! HUGE fan leaves. :shock:
hopefully I don't get as many males. Either way im good with a couple of keepers. Ima have to check yours out so I can see what to expect


Well-Known Member
Hope thos helps ease a few minds. I live in SOCO and can drive my payment to GU in about 2 hours. Of course I mailed my payment though. I did this on Tuesday. I tracked my payment yesterday and it says expected delivery Saturday?

My point is for a the last 15 orders it took 1 day, sometimes 3/4 of a day to arrive. Their are obviously issue with the mail right now. Just an FYI.
In pueblo? We should session sometime.


Well-Known Member
Damn gona have to get someone in a different time zone to proxy me a pack of jelly pie and cackelberry !

Those are the only 2 i think im going to buy without trying any of green point stuff yet lol

Hopefully my texas Butterand evergreen arrive today


Well-Known Member
I got some deputy maverick and bodega coming too. Can't decide which one gets wet next. I figure 2 greenpoint strains 2 bodhi strains for my 2, 3x3 rooms.
I could show you a pic of what happens when you let about 20-24 strains loose at oncein an 8x8
But ill save myself the embarrassment :)


Well-Known Member
What are some of you all's thoughts on proper seed storage. I am going to need to store some for up to 2 years. I'm turning the auction off for a while.


Well-Known Member
Sorry for the late reply to all of you. I am really sorry. I have been taking down ALL of your notes. If you haven't been by the site lately, you really should. The Gold Nuggets are working great! So is everything else!

I have been working really hard on the site ever since I joined the GPS Team.

Please shoot me an email directly (if you have the time). I understand it's kind of a pain and it's easier to post here, but it's a lot easier for me to organize the emails and get back to you.

Thank you guys so much for being on top of everything and helping me get used to things around here. The Greenpoint Seeds customers and team form a community. And this community you and GPS creates is more like a family (or group of friends @Amos Otis).

I am really happy to be a part of it all.
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